Ariadna Fatjó-Vilas


Finite: The Climate of Change
Inside the core of the climate movement, concerned citizens in Germany put their bodies on the line to save an ancient forest from Europe’s largest coal mine. They form an unlikely alliance with a frustrated community in rural England who are forced into action to protect their homes from a new opencast coal mine.
Charlie Mackesy: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, the Horse and Me
Artist and illustrator Charlie Mackesy takes us on a journey through his life, revealing the events that inspired his bestselling book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.
Fadia’s Tree
While millions of birds migrate freely in the skies above, Fadia, a Palestinian refugee stranded in Lebanon, yearns for the ancestral homeland she is denied. When a chance meeting introduces her to the director, Sarah, she challenges her to find an ancient mulberry tree that once grew next to her grandfather’s house in historic Palestine, a tree that stands witness to her family’s existence.
Angry Dogs
When sleeping dogs awaken rationality quickly disappears.
Second Spring
After a series of unusual encounters, it is obvious to those that know her best, that Kathy Deane is not herself. Then comes a devastating diagnosis, and she leaves the safety of her marriage to Tim for a man she barely knows. The mental illness causes her to behave irrationally and affects her capacity for empathy. She becomes aware that she is unaware. Nick seems wild and free, and is the change that Kathy needs. He takes her to his childhood home, around the marshes in north Kent. It's here that she is able to reconnect with herself and find some hope for the future.
What Nobody Can See
Elsa falls in love with a quadriplegic genius, her patient Nicola, whose mansion hides a secret – Nicola is obsessed with the creation of an artificial intellect. His creation, named Anna, stops at nothing to keep her master just for herself.
A Doctor's Sword
An Irish doctor survived the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki and was given a Samurai sword for the lives he saved. 70 years later his family searches for the origin of their father's sword.
Estate, a Reverie
Examines the resilience of residents who are profoundly overlooked by media representations and wider social responses. Interweaving intimate portraits with the residents' own historical re-enactments, landscape and architectural studies and dramatised scenes, the film asks how we might resist being framed exclusively through class, gender, ability or disability, and even through geography.
A young married couple lost at sea is struggling between hope and despair.
The Act of Killing
En 1965 hubo un golpe de estado en Indonesia. Miles de comunistas, reales o presuntos, fueron asesinados por escuadrones de la muerte. Unas décadas después, el pasado pervive y un relato se perpetúa. Pero nada será igual después de este filme.
Second Assistant Director
La vida de Júlia Berkowitz, una prestigiosa directora teatral afincada en Barcelona, toma un giro inesperado cuando decide poner en escena una obra sobre Madame de Sévigné. Júlia deberá elegir entre su esposo —un respetado e influyente crítico teatral—, su amante— el atractivo programador del Teatro Público— y la imprevisible autora de la obra sobre Madame de Sévigné.