A fantasy/drama, "Vincent" tells the story of young troubled teenager who meets a stranger who has the power to change his life forever...
Bror som ældre
A LUCKY MAN is a tribute to the popular Danish musician, who has provided us with classics like “Vimmer Street”, “Why Does Louise Go Dancing” and “In A Boat That’s Itty-Bitty”. Behind the warm smile and the overalls is a powerful and moving story about a man’s lifelong pursuit of recognition and love. Flemming “Teddy” Jørgensen is the only child of 12 siblings to be given up for adoption. Flemming’s adoptive father wishes for Flemming to take over the family’s factory, but to the father’s dismay, Flemming chooses music and becomes the frontman of Teddy’s Friends. A fractured background that leaves deep marks in Flemming’s life. A LUCKY MAN is a warm and compassionate film that tells Teddy’s life story with his biggest hits as the soundscape.
Two brothers Timo and Ralf are petty criminals. When Timo hears that his girlfriend does not see a future with him, he with Ralf and his friend Martin try to carry out a dangerous coup that may eventually win her eternal affections.
Jens (Bakerman)
The award-winning Nordic Noir from writer/director David Noel Bourke. Jens has accepted far too much for too long. Being the shy night-owl he is, he keeps to himself, but the world will not let him be. The new master baker's quality starts slackening, and when a bunch of yobs one day smash the window of Jens's car, he takes one of them out. Intoxicated by his own new unexpressed vigour, Jens comes out of his shell, but the destructive driving force leads him towards a free fall. + WINNER! BEST MALE ACTOR (Mikkel Vadsholt) at NIFF + WINNER! BEST OF YEAR at Oniros + WINNER! BEST FOREIGN FEATURE FILM - MARYLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL + Nominated for Méliès d’Argent AWARD "BAKERMAN is a Nordic "Falling Down". A film that is as shocking with its vigilante story as it is captivating with its determination...." - CPH:PIX Film Festival
After a lifetime of caregiving, 81-year-old Birthe is separated from her daughter Karen, who has Downs Syndrome. Birthe is struggling with dementia and the municipality believes that she is no longer capable of taking care of Karen, who has the mental age of an 8-year-old. On the day of Karen’s departure, Birthe is in denial about her own abilities. Why shouldn’t she be able to take proper care of her daughter?
Orla Høst
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. Unos días más tarde, responsables del gobierno calificarán el accidente como un «Broken Arrow» —es decir, un incidente donde intervienen armas nucleares pero no reviste peligro—, no habiendo motivo para preocuparse en torno a contaminación radiactiva o violación de la política nuclear por parte de una potencia extranjera. Centenares de trabajadores de Thule están trabajando en una inmensa operación de limpieza. Después de 8 meses, todos los restos de la aeronave y la nieve contaminada con plutonio han desaparecido. El caso está cerrado. No obstante, y 18 años más tarde, mientras cubría una historia sobre trabajadores locales, el reportero Paul Brink se verá inmerso en sospechosas circunstancias que le llevarán al oculto accidente nuclear del 68.
Kesse, pescador como lo fueron su padre y su abuelo, vive en un pequeño pueblo pesquero en el norte de Jutlandia (Dinamarca). Como resultado de las nuevas políticas pesqueras y la crisis económica mundial, los pequeños marineros sucumben poco a poco ante la presión de competir contra grandes empresas pesqueras. Kesse lucha por sobrevivir, aferrándose a lo único que sabe en la vida, la pesca. Pero en tiempos desesperados se necesitan medidas desesperadas, así que debido a la creciente presión enconómica, Kesse se ve obligado a encontrar otras formas de vida para llegar a fin de mes. Esto le lleva a conocer a su polo apuesto, una bióloga marina llamada Gerd. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kesse, pescador como lo fueron su padre y su abuelo, vive en un pequeño pueblo pesquero en el norte de Jutlandia (Dinamarca). Como resultado de las nuevas políticas pesqueras y la crisis económica mundial, los pequeños marineros sucumben poco a poco ante la presión de competir contra grandes empresas pesqueras. Kesse lucha por sobrevivir, aferrándose a lo único que sabe en la vida, la pesca. Pero en tiempos desesperados se necesitan medidas desesperadas, así que debido a la creciente presión enconómica, Kesse se ve obligado a encontrar otras formas de vida para llegar a fin de mes. Esto le lleva a conocer a su polo apuesto, una bióloga marina llamada Gerd. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dinamarca acaba de recibir un nuevo gobierno que ganó las elecciones con un perfil de color verde. Pero el gobierno está haciendo un giro y ahora está entrando a apoyar un controvertido acuerdo con los EE.UU. en pozos de petróleo con impacto en los grupos vulnerables del nordeste de Groenlandia. El periodista Mia Moesgard (Trine Dyrholm) está en medio de este escándalo político que implica al Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) y el inminente acuerdo con el gobierno de EE.UU... (FILMAFFINITY)
Circumstances force the unstructured yet charming Danish Bohemian novelist, Simon, to share his flat in Copenhagen with the very organized and beautiful Swedish lawyer, Malou. Simon dreams of children and a family. Malou is solely focused on her career. Despite being in opposition they warm up to each other. But even though opposites do attract - can they also manage to live together? Against all odds their meeting sets of a chain of events, which will ultimately change their lives forever.
Jonas' plejefar
Karla invites Katrine to spend the holidays with her, hoping they might become best friends. As it turns out, nothing goes as planned. Karla meets Jonas and falls in love for the first time, and she nearly forgets all about Katrine. However, the two girls are forced to put their difficulties aside for a while, as they join Jonas in exposing a local gang of thieves.
Tony (Ulrich Thomsen) acaba de salir de prisión por conducta violenta y está enojado, quiere su dinero de vuelta después de ver la nueva película de Claus Volter (Nikolaj Lie Kaas), un director de fama mundial. (FILMAFFINITY)
Christina is living in a suburb to Copenhagen. With her class mates Cecilie, Trine and Pernille she slacks her school work, living mostly for the weekends of gate crashing, getting drunk, experimenting with drugs and scoring guys. But her world is turned upside down when Cecilie's boyfriend Shaid starts hitting on her, and Cecilie mistakenly believes the two of them are making out.
Based on a true story the film tells the story of Svend who fights to save his elderly parents' marriage even though it has made his life almost unbearable. When he meets Lizzie he discovers how big a part of his family's hatred and jealousy he himself is. The only thing left is the ultimate break off, or the ultimate forgiveness.
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Bjarne y Svend son compañeros. Svend es ambicioso pero tiene un gran complejo de inferioridad, al tiempo que Bjarne apenas le importa nada que no sea Astrid, su novia. Los dos juntos consiguen abrir una carnicería propia, y así escapar de la tiranía de su antiguo jefe, carnicero también. Pero el negocio no va bien... hasta que suceden una serie de extrañas coincidencias.
Civil betjent
En la noche de las elecciones, Peter, un joven idealista, descubre, de repente, que se ha olvidado de ir a votar y que dispone de poco tiempo. Camino de las urnas se encuentra con varios taxistas, todos racistas, pero cada uno a su manera. Tendrá entonces que decidir si es más importante entablar con ellos una batalla ideológica para defender sus principios y convicciones o llegar a tiempo a su colegio electoral.
Three friends are hanging out at the marina with the adrenalin still rushing after they have stolen energy drinks from the supermarket. When they notice an autistic man, the “alpha girl” in the group, Agnes, starts to exploit the man’s good-natured way of being.