Anikó Sáfár

Anikó Sáfár


Anikó Sáfár


Cloud Above the River Ganges
András anyja
Zsaruvér és Csigavér I.: A királyné nyakéke
Helga Wagner
A group of young people draws straws to see who'll steal some cigarettes. With this theft, Sebastian starts a bizarre, symbolic odyssey through a sclerotic world, in search of himself and of truth and justice. When he tries withdrawing from one social paradigm, he finds himself caught in another.
The Last Summer
Imre Horváth and his friends gather to celebrate his wife's birthday. They are confused because of the changes in the country's politics and want Horváth to be much more active politically, but he is more concerned about his affair with his best friend's daughter.
Olle Henry
1945. Peace still bears the traces of war everywhere. There meet the animated girl Xenia and the former boxer Henry. Being together gives them a sense of opportunity. She wants to break away from the semi-world milieu, he try a comeback in the boxing ring.
The Tyrant's Heart, or Boccaccio in Hungary
Una confusa exposición sobre el Poder y su apariencia, el poder real y el poder imaginario, centrada en el siglo XV en Hungría, en una de las muchas épocas en que los húngaros estaban dominados por un rey extranjero. Un castillo es el lugar adonde regresa Gaspar, hijo de un noble húngaro, después de haber pasado desde su niñez a su adolescencia en Bolonia; Gaspar regresa acompañado de unos actores. Su padre -le dicen- ha muerto en las garras de un oso; su madre ha quedado muda y parece sorda, pero acaso para reponerse de la impresión y conservarse siempre joven sacrifica cada noche una doncella, y sus tíos, un arzobispo y otro enamorado y amante de su cuñada, están empeñados en que el joven Gaspar alcance a ser Rey de Hungría.
The Victim
The Investigator, busy with processing the clues to a number of rapes and murders committed in the same way, tries to catch the murderer, that is to find the would-be victim first and then to identify the murderer before he could strike again.
Örkény István: Tóték
Gizi Gézáné, egy rossz hírű nő
Vicios privados, públicas virtudes
Recreación libre de los últimos días de la vida de Rodolfo de Habsburgo, heredero del trono austro-húngaro, centrada en su vida sexual. En contra de la voluntad de su padre, el emperador Francisco José, sus días transcurren en el libertinaje, en una permanente fiesta donde abundan los escándalos y las orgías; además, mantiene un largo amorío con una mujer de la nobleza rural húngara, muy inferior en clase a la suya, María Vetsera, junto con quien muriera 1889. Existen dos teorías sobre este suceso, conocido como el "incidente de Mayerling": por un lado, que se trata de un pacto suicida entre amantes, por otro, que se trató de un asesinato de corte político.
141 Minutes from the Unfinished Sentence
Desiree, Lõrinc húga
This lavishly spectacular film focuses on the character of Lorinc Parcen Nagy from the 1200-page Tibor Déry novel interwoven with numerous autobiographical elements. Lorinc Parcen Nagy is the offspring of an upper middle class family, whose life is marked by two violent deaths: the suicide of his father and the slaughter of an innocent worker. He breaks with his family and his mother in disgust; she is of weak character, a person who abandoned her own husband. He is also unable to discover the right tone with his colleagues and his lover who is an illegal party worker.
Harlequin and Her Lover
Lint and his lover are sailing and making fun absent-mindedly at Lake Balaton when the anchor suddenly gets stuck in a bomb in the mud. Lint gets hurt while fussing about under the water. A strong storm breaks out when they reach the shore. In the local restaurant the man recalls his memories of war.