Kei Ho-Chiu

Kei Ho-Chiu


Kei Ho-Chiu


Drugs Fighters
Yukari Oshima plays a traffic cop who gets promoted to the drug task force and faces Yuen Wah's syndicate.
Underground Judgement
Hot shot cop Gold Eagle drops out after the evil Mr Chau disrupts his wedding by killing a number of the guests. Eagle hides in an isolated village disguised as a drunkard garbage collector. But neither old flame Senny nor Chau have given up finding him.
Vietnamese Lady
HK businessman Kiu doesn't have time to woo a girl. On a trip to Saigon, he offers financial help to poor girl Shun's (very troubled !) family if she'll come and live with him. With a sense of duty but no love, she agrees, too timid to even tell boyfriend Lik just after losing her virginity to him. Love fails to blossom between Shun and Kiu in HK, and Kiu starts to drink heavily. Sandy, Kiu's luscious secretary takes advantage and gets it off with him in the gym and digusts Shun in the process. Shun gets drunk and is picked up in a bar, nearly raped, and rescued then befriended by a fellow Vietnamese, a photographer, in what is clearly a setup. Turns out Sandy is behind this ruse as well, to get Shun out of the way and have Kiu all to herself. But things don't go according to anyone's plan. Will Shun give up Kiu and his money to go back to Lik ? Will Sandy hold her nerve and push ahead ? Will the guys Sandy paid to set up Shun have their way with Sandy instead ?
Beauty Investigator
A serial killer is loose in Hong Kong, murdering hostesses from high class night clubs. As punishment for their flaky style and lack of discipline, two young policewomen are assigned to work undercover as hostesses to catch the sadist. While solving that crime, they discover who's behind some of the city's drug trade. In trying to halt this enterprise, which they undertake without orders, they must face the crime lord's Japanese hit woman.
Ladies Killer
Lok is a famous photographer. He always has sexual relationships with his models. Lok's wife loved him so much, she did not say a word. One day, a model Chi was found died in the studio. Police believe the murderer is Lok. However, he was helped by the lawyer...
The Angels
As an inspector of the police station, Fang Ping has long admired the charm and courage of the Big Island. The Oshima repeatedly encountered turmoil in the operation and caused great anxiety. However, Oshima loved Xiao, and Fang Ping had no choice but to help her silently. Xiao has an unknown side, do not want to hurt the big island Fang Ping decided to come forward, this time the gang is close ...
Danger Has Two Faces
Martial art film standout Liang Chia-jen brings the same animalistic intensity from his early heroic bloodshed films to his Danger Has Two Faces tough, ex-cop character now relegated to becoming a pet store owner. The stern Police Superintendent Liu played by Chu Chiang sets the stage for his later role in John Woo's The Killer while new comer Fei Hsiang must do Serpico-like things to find out which cop is paid for by the mob.
El luchador invisible
El general Yang y sus siete hijos parten hacia el monte Yinsha para defender la frontera, pero sufren una emboscada y sólo sobreviven dos de sus hijos. Uno de los hermanos pierde la cabeza al presenciar como su padre y sus hermanos son masacrados, mientras el otro decide vengarse de los causantes de la muerte de su familia. Mientras trama su venganza, conoce a un antiguo general que le hace ver que no está preparado para enfrentarse al traidor y que debe esperar al momento adecuado para llevar a cabo sus planes.
Vencedores y vencidos
Chiu's Party Guest
Tras cumplir condena, cinco delincuentes de baja estofa, unidos por su afición común a perseguir mujeres atractivas y ponerse en situaciones embarazosas, hacen todo lo posible por reformarse. De esta manera, deciden que la mejor manera de limpiar su reputación es poner en marcha una empresa de limpieza completamente legal. Por desgracia para ellos, uno de sus primeros clientes es un señor del crimen organizado y al realizar un servicio en su edificio se llevan con ellos por equivocación unas valiosas planchas de impresión. Casi sin darse cuenta se verán atrapados en una guerra entre bandas mafiosas rivales por el control del negocio del dinero falsificado en Hong Kong. Para equilibrar un poco las cosas, contarán con la ayuda de un joven agente de policía.
Shaolin & Wu Tang
Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.
Duel Of The Tough
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Action Director
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Martial Arts Choreographer
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Stunt Coordinator
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
El hijo pródigo
Disciple of Angry Kungfu Master
El joven adinerado Leung Chan cree que es el luchador más fuerte de la ciudad pero lo que él no sabe es que su criado ha amañado todos los combates que ha tenido. Cuando se enfrenta por primera vez a un luchador real, un miembro de la Ópera de Pekín, la derrota es inevitable. Leung yee Tai acepta enseñarle sus técnicas, pero durante el entrenamiento los luchadores son amenazados por Lord Ngai. Leung Chan y Leung Yee Tai logran escapar con vida de las tropas de Lord Ngai y le piden ayuda a Wong Wah Bo, el hermano de Leung Yee Tai, que les mostrará una técnica que quizás les de una oportunidad para vencer a Lord Ngai, el estilo de lucha “Wing Chun”...
Shaolin Warrior
Un monje de Shaolin ha prometido no usar sus habilidades de lucha. Pero cuando se necesita para transportar un mapa secreto a los aliados en Dragon Town, ¡el Maestro debe liberar sus artes marciales mortales en sus despiadados enemigos.
Absolute Monarch
Ah Wei
Hong Kong Movie
The Kung Fu Cook
Ho el Sucio
Ho Ching es un pícaro que recibe las constantes burlas del adinerado Wang Chin Chen, quien en realidad es el Onceavo Príncipe bajo una identidad falsa. En su útlima jugarreta, el príncipe ha amañado un combate cotnra una prostituta para que Ching pierda y, además crea que le han envenenado. Wang chantajea a Ho Ching para que se convierta en su discípulo, pues sabe que el chico tiene la habilidad suficiente para defenderle. Aunque no está interesado en el trono, el príncipe teme por los constantes atentados contra su vida y revela su identidad a Ho Ching. El joven pícaro le pide a Wang que le ayude a mejorar sus técnicas de artes marciales porque desea convertirse en un buen luchador y protegerle con dignidad. ¿Logrará llegar a palacio con el heredero al trono sano y salvo?
Monkey Kung Fu
Kung Fu assistant instructor
A small-time crook goes in search of the other half of a wooden keepsake which will lead him to the legendary kung fu technique of the Gibbon Clan Fist.
La ira del Dragón ataca
El honesto Capitán Liu persigue a un presunto asesino, hasta que llega a un pequeño bar que vende tés. Antes de su arresto, el tipo intenta corromper al honesto capitán Liu pero todos sus intentos son en vano.
Tormenta de kung fu en el paraíso
El matrimonio que hace tiempo concertaron los padres de Yumiko Kuda y Ho-Tao dista mucho de ser un matrimonio feliz, no dejan de pelearse y siempre están discutiendo sobre que arte marcial, si la china o la japonesa, es mejor. Tras sentirse ofendida durante una pelea con su marido, Kuda regresa a su Japón natal mientras que Ho-Tao le escribe una carta retándola a un duelo para saldar definitivamente sus disputas. Sin embargo, la carta cae en manos de Takeno, antiguo novio de Kuda, el cual la toma como un duelo contra todo Japón, por lo que comienza a reclutar a los mejores luchadores de las distintas disciplinas japonesas para viajar a China a enfrentarse a Ho-Tao.
Mysterious Footworks of Kung Fu
Chan Wai Man plays the super-assassin with a penchant for overengineered weapons and causing grief and mayhem wherever he and his asssitants Crab & Shrimp find themsleves. A young kung fu fantaic is taught by a beggar and a grumpy old Shaolin monk so that he can beat the killers and restore peace to the region.
Iron Fisted Monk
Husker es llevado al templo Shaolin por el monje "Iron Fisted", luego de que éste le salvara la vida. Tras perfeccionarse en las artes marciales, huye del templo, sólo para enfrentarse a su maestro, quien lo obliga a pasar por cuatro pruebas. Mientras tanto, un agente manchú está violando a todas las mujeres de la zona, y acusan a Husker de ser el culpable. Husker vuelve a encontrarse con Iron Fisted, para convencerlo de la necesidad de enseñar las artes marciales a los lugareños, con el fin de que ellos puedan defenderse de los manchúes.
Karate from Shaolin Temple
The Japanese karate master Muhashi spent some time in Hong Kong studying various Shaolin martial arts styles. Soon the narcotics brigade calls in his help to combat a powerful drug and prostitution syndicate.
A Gathering of Heroes
It's the 1979 movie "A Gathering of Heroes" (Gan jin sha jue).
Lady with a Sword
Feng Fei Fei, an excellent swordswoman, seeks revenge with her nephew for the murder of her old sister, who got killed by some rogues on her way home. She soon finds out that the murderer is the son of her father's best friend and her future husband.
A Touch of Zen
Un clásico del cine de artes marciales. El protagonista vive alegre y humildemente en un pequeño pueblo junto a su madre, componiendo poemas, escribiendo cartas y haciendo retratos. Un día, una joven se traslada a vivir al edificio que está junto al suyo, abandonado y que tiene fama de estar encantado. Aunque se siente atraído por ella, su llegada también supone el inicio de sus problemas, al verse involucrado en intrigas políticas.