Mausi Martínez


El almuerzo
El 5 de mayo de 1976 se produce el secuestro del escritor Haroldo Conti por parte de la dictadura militar, que ese mismo año había tomado el gobierno en Argentina. Dos semanas después el reciente presidente de facto Jorge Rafael Videla, invita a un particular almuerzo en la Casa de Gobierno a determinadas personalidades de la cultura nacional: Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Sábato, Horacio Ratti, el Padre Castellani; y el General de la Presidencia, Gral. Villarreal. El film narra el evento histórico compartido por estos personajes en uno de los momentos más nefastos de nuestra historia
En la Trinchera
Atrincherados en un estero, dos desertores, uno porteño y otro provinciano, intentan huir de la sangrienta Batalla de Estero Bellaco, durante la Guerra de la Triple Alianza (1864-1870). En esa angustiosa espera, sin poder avanzar ni retroceder, la naturaleza decide sobre ellos.
En la Trinchera
Atrincherados en un estero, dos desertores, uno porteño y otro provinciano, intentan huir de la sangrienta Batalla de Estero Bellaco, durante la Guerra de la Triple Alianza (1864-1870). En esa angustiosa espera, sin poder avanzar ni retroceder, la naturaleza decide sobre ellos.
Kluge a psychological thriller, a suspense story, about a French journalist, Anne, who is preparing a research paper on Argentina by interviewing female professionals. Travel to Buenos Aires for a series of interviews and begins with Marisa Losada, an illustrator of children's books. In the first encounter, an accidental exchange of identical cell phones takes place, and Anne receives shortly after a call from a certain Kluge who takes her for Marisa - whom she does not know personally - and makes a strange proposal to her.
Nunca estuviste tan adorable
Blanca, a capricious, adorable and excessive woman, has made two decisions in her life. The first, 20 years ago: marrying Salvador, owner of a prosperous mechanical workshop, to abandon the poverty of Barracas, going to live "near the President's house," as she always dreamed of. The second, 20 years later: changing the old furniture of her wedding to be in tune with the times: 1955. In the midst of the bustle, an anonymous gift surprises the whole family: a brand new TV, carefully wrapped and a card: "For Blanca… .You already know who." Blanca's narcissistic Hollywood fantasies, fueled by a mysterious admirer who sends expensive gifts, her children, her close friend and a husband who vanishes from loving gaze, complete the picture of this hilarious and hilarious comedy of a family drama.
Nunca estuviste tan adorable
Blanca, a capricious, adorable and excessive woman, has made two decisions in her life. The first, 20 years ago: marrying Salvador, owner of a prosperous mechanical workshop, to abandon the poverty of Barracas, going to live "near the President's house," as she always dreamed of. The second, 20 years later: changing the old furniture of her wedding to be in tune with the times: 1955. In the midst of the bustle, an anonymous gift surprises the whole family: a brand new TV, carefully wrapped and a card: "For Blanca… .You already know who." Blanca's narcissistic Hollywood fantasies, fueled by a mysterious admirer who sends expensive gifts, her children, her close friend and a husband who vanishes from loving gaze, complete the picture of this hilarious and hilarious comedy of a family drama.
Terapias alternativas
Carlos Ugarte es un psiquiatra de 50 años, muy inmaduro, irresponsable y cínico. Un carácter que lo protege de la mediocridad en la que está sumida su vida. Sin embargo, los acontecimientos han de dar un giro radical cuando Ugarte se entera de que Alicia -la madre de su hijo Tomás, nacido de una fugaz relación- decide viajar a Miami a buscar mejor suerte y le encarga la responsabilidad del niño. A su vez, Paco, uno de los pacientes que Ugarte detesta, intenta suicidarse, y éste tiene que responder. De un día para el otro, se ve obligado a vivir con su hijo y su paciente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sed, invasión gota a gota
Just a good documentary, trying to prove about the interference of the USA, the World Bank, IMF,etc, in the economy and business of other countries. Filmed in locations around The Guarani aquifer, a big repository of water, able for supplying all the population of the planet for four hundred years, a resource under the see of foreign economies, and in ecologic danger. The Guarani aquifer is owned by Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay and Uruguay, witch's governments seems no to be interested. The movie reveals why the rumors of terrorism in in the south, in special the triple border is a fraud, and the only intention is to control the natural resources-water and biological-,installing military bases in the zone. It was made with interviews to scientist, politics and journalist, including Nobel Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, some interviews in natural landscapes, near animals like the cayman, a kind of crocodile, and there is a comparison, in how the World Bank is a predator.
El Tigre escondido
Bernardo is fifty years old and feels overwhelmed, confused, almost devastated; surrounded by the violence typical of a society that is slowly collapsing. With relationship problems, difficulties in conceiving a child and a woman who cannot - and does not care - dive into his deepest conflicts. Bernardo finds no rest anywhere. His head is about to explode when he decides to take a little vacation with Diana at their house in Tigre. They will not go alone: ​​Nancy, an islander and house cleaner, will be part of a key night for Bernardo.
Buenos Aires plateada
A television director seeks the support of two old guerrilla comrades, now incorporated, like him, into the squad to broadcast the pilot program of a television series based on his own story, but they, who occupy important positions in the media of communication and the government now has other commitments.
Vendado y frío
Celina Núñez
Dos jóvenes roban una momia egipcia y serán perseguidos por un egipcio asesino que quiere devolver la reliquia a su país, por una paleontóloga, por dos policías y por el fantasma de una milenaria maldición.
24 horas (Algo está por explotar)
Una deficiencia técnica puede hacer estallar una estación de servicio por la cual durante todo el día circulan los personajes del filme.
Semi documentary film that mixes the recital given by Serú Giran at the River Plate stadium at the end of 1992 with the story of a fan of the group in which Charly García was inspired to write the song Peperina.