Fernando Sáyago


Abrir puertas y ventanas
Violeta's Boyfriend
Marina, Sofía y Violeta son tres hermanas adolescentes que acaban de sufrir la pérdida de la abuela que las crió. Cada una vivirá el luto a su manera, en una casa habitada por un sinfín de recuerdos, responsabilidades y tensiones.
A man (Arroyo Carrillo) is sent to Europe on a diplomatic mission. The ship in which he travels is sunk by a German submarine. In Mexico, his girlfriend Lupita (Cota) receives a telegram with the news and looks for relief in La Virgen de Guadalupe, saint patron of catholic mexicans. After reading a book about the Virgin legend, Lupita falls asleep. Next morning, she receives good news, her boyfriend is alive. Together they go to La Villa del Tepeyac (a church devoted to La Virgen de Guadalupe) and thank for the miracle.