La turbulenta vida y carrera profesional del actor de vodevil y estrella de terror del cine mudo Lon Chaney (1883-1930), el hombre de las mil caras; portador de muchas desgracias personales que ni siquiera su gran éxito pudo mitigar.
A man tries to find a son he gave up for adoption years ago.
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
Con woman Ricki Woodner and detective Bob Simms follow a prison-bound swindler Ace Connors on his five-day gourmet binge.
Con woman Ricki Woodner and detective Bob Simms follow a prison-bound swindler Ace Connors on his five-day gourmet binge.
Tras la dolorosa pérdida de su hijo, Edna, una valiente mujer de Texas, decide crear un orfanato para ayudar a los niños más desvalidos y necesitados de ayuda; pero los ciudadanos más conservadores no verán con buenos ojos la creación de una institución de acogida para niños nacidos fuera del matrimonio. Edna luchará incansablemente para conseguir legalizar el orfanato.
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Gunner and Bucker are friends who work as riveters. Whenever Bucker gets the urge to marry, which is often, Gunner will hit on his girl to see if she is true or not. So far, Gunner hasn't failed. But one night, while Gunner is in jail, Bucker meets Mary, a tough dame with a line. He falls for her, and she falls for his money. But Mary is already a gal pal of Gunner, and no two know about the third one. The trouble starts when the triangle is revealed too late.