Un asegurador planifica la fuga de un ladrón para vender los diamantes que éste había robado. En el grupo enrola a su propia hija, pero sus planes no saldrán como había previsto...
An industrialist tries to find an advertising gimmick for his canned meat product "Eat it!". In the fields he finds a savage individual who has reduced himself to two functions only: eating huge amounts of food and making love. So he uses this savage man for his advertising purposes by making the public believe that his meat is an aphrodisiac. Some time later the strange being loses his "gifts". The industrialist tries to replace him, but the incredible amounts of meat he eats turns him into a cow! (Digitmovies)
An industrialist tries to find an advertising gimmick for his canned meat product "Eat it!". In the fields he finds a savage individual who has reduced himself to two functions only: eating huge amounts of food and making love. So he uses this savage man for his advertising purposes by making the public believe that his meat is an aphrodisiac. Some time later the strange being loses his "gifts". The industrialist tries to replace him, but the incredible amounts of meat he eats turns him into a cow! (Digitmovies)
Luciano Bonelli
Cuando el juez Andrea Morandi (José Suárez) llega a la ciudad italiana, a donde lo han destinado, lo informan de un delito cometido en el puerto. La víctima, Amílcar Creppi, resulta gravemente herida. Pronto descubre que el agresor es un muchacho (Maurizio Arena) al que Amílcar exigía un porcentaje a cambio de darle trabajo. Todos los obreros del muelle odian a Amílcar que los tiene sojuzgados, pero nadie se atreve a hablar. Andrea, presa de una fuerte crisis, presenta la dimisión. La noticia de la muerte de Amílcar significa para Orlando una grave condena. Morandi decide revisar el caso, cuando ve que los obreros del puerto están dispuestos a hablar para salvar al chico.