Thanawutthi Busamsai


Dead Bite
Makeup Department Head
A hip-hop group becomes stranded on an island that is inhabited by zombies and flesh eating monsters.
Makeup Artist
Los sucesos narrados en el film, están basados en una famosa historia real sobre una urbanización cerrada y abandonada en Chiang Mai, que se convirtió en un páramo desierto debido a una serie de muertes y terribles sucesos paranormales. Allí llegara engañada la familia del Sr. Thee, un tipo corriente que lleva tiempo viviendo con un sueldo de oficinista, que no le ha permitido nunca lograr la casa de ensueño para vivir con su familia. Un día, tiene la oportunidad de ascender como jefe adjunto de Marketing en Chiang Mai, un lugar donde los salarios son mas altos y las viviendas mas asequibles. Thee, no dudara en aceptar el trabajo y comprarse una casa en una urbanización del lugar, para poder cumplir finalmente su sueno junto a su familia. Lo que no esperaba es que su sueno se convertiría en una pesadilla
The Monk and the Mafia
Makeup Artist
A businessman charters a flight to Tibet to pick up a monk. On the way back, the plane is hijacked, and the monk ends up in a war zone where he has to convince the bandits to change their evil ways.
October Sonata
Makeup Department Head
Sangchan is a girl working in a factory who falls in love with an attractive guy named Rawee. As Rawee has to go study abroad, he keeps a promise of coming back to see Sangchan on October, 8th of each year. While Rawee is away, Sangchan has a chance to be friend with Lim, another guy who admires her. Now it is the test of love and faith that Sangchan has to work out.
Kill Tim
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A funny story of life, love, and dream of Tueng aka Fah Satarn Sor Sapanpla, a hired boxer at beer bar in Pattaya. He is deeply scarred and afraid to open his heart to love.
Ghost Station
Makeup Artist
Aud and Yai are gay couple who leave Bangkok and move to a remote town where the backdrop is a mountain just like a movie they love to watch. There, they buy an abandoned gas station as their place for settling down. Sadly, Udd later finds out that Yai secretly, and passionately has a relationship with a local girl. When his pure love turns into a grudge, Udd plans to use the gas station for murdering Yai. But, no one really knows that the gas station is haunted.
Costume Designer
A police officer, a local guide and his daughter follow the trail of a prison escapee, Nasor, into a forest with many secrets, one of which relates to the death of Nasor's father by the father of the officer. As the group ventures deeper into the forest, the eerie realm unleashes its spiriits.