After finally achieving his childhood dream, being one of the top professional wrestlers in the world, Nigel McGuinness painfully travels the world for one last tour, battling to understand his place in the business he spent his life pursuing, after his career was cut mysteriously short.
Greg was in love with Anna all through college, but she never saw him that way. Now she has come back into his life twelve years later and he will now stop at nothing to win her heart...just so he can break it.
Knights Fan (uncredited)
Calvin es un niño huérfano de 14 años que encuentra unas zapatillas que pertenecieron a Michael Jordan. No son unas zapatillas cualquiera ya que poseen poderes mágicos que le convertirán en una estrella de la NBA. Una comedia fantástica dirigida al publico infantil y juvenil. A pesar de la ausencia de nombres conocidos en sus títulos de crédito, un filme patrocinado por la NBA que consiguió alcanzar los primeros puestos de la taquilla americana