Oscar Pérez


Tomás, Un militar padre de familia busca cumplir con rectitud sus deberes profesionales y hogareños hasta que su vida se trastoca. Trabaja en un puerto donde el narcotráfico se convierte en la única salida para acabar con los problemas que se le presentan cuando reaparece una vieja amante mientras maneja el conflicto familiar con su esposa e hijo, un niño invidente que parece tener premoniciones.
"Des-authorized" is the combination of three stories, three realities that coexist and feed. The journey begins in the imagination of Elia K, the principal, who imagines Elijah, a character who is a poor playwright facing the crossroads to be true to his art, or succumb to the pressures of the producers must decide his work between surrender or pay the price of his freedom. On another level, we have Nina and Frederick, the protagonists of the work that Elijah is writing. They only seek to love, they are forced to leave the paper and press the Elijah to them the end that his story deserves, this is the starting point of "Des-authorized" a film set in an imaginary city , colorful and delusional. In the line of "Amelie" and "Stranger Than Fiction", brings a reflection on art, creativity, love and heartbreak.
Oro Diablo
Devil Gold is director José Novoa's third collaboration with producer Elia Schneider, and like the previous two films, Huelepega (or Glue Sniffer, which Schneider directed in 2000) and Sicario (1994), the film is a thriller-melodrama that focuses on a real-life problem plaguing Venezuela, with an emphasis on how the conditions affect children. Thus, after a few titles explaining the impact that gold mining has had on the country's Amazon region, along with helicopter footage (later to be blended into the narrative) of the ecologically devastated area, the film settles in on the lawless shanty town of Payapal for its narrative. Gallego (Armando Gota) runs the mine, exploiting his cheap labor force. Aroldo (Pedro Lander) breaks into Gallego's safe and steals his gold, along with a good deal of gold that Gallego was holding for his workers. Aroldo involves the unwitting Carmen (Jenny Noguera) in the robbery, and, when they are discovered, he shoots and kills Gallego's young son.
Camera Operator
Oliver, un niño de 11 años expulsado de su casa por su padrastro abusivo, se une a una pandilla de niños de la calle y se expone a los narcóticos, la violencia y los depredadores sexuales, y el mundo del crimen parece ser el único camino disponible.
Director of Photography
Oliver, un niño de 11 años expulsado de su casa por su padrastro abusivo, se une a una pandilla de niños de la calle y se expone a los narcóticos, la violencia y los depredadores sexuales, y el mundo del crimen parece ser el único camino disponible.
Camera Operator
Jairo es un adolescente que vive en un mundo marginal, en un barrio repleto de drogas y asaltos. Hastiado de la pobreza y de su infierno familiar, se ve obligado a recurrir a la violencia. Cree que su única salida a tanta miseria pasa por el mundo del crimen, así que decide participar en un asalto para conseguir dinero con el que pueda recuperar su dignidad.
Director of Photography
Jairo es un adolescente que vive en un mundo marginal, en un barrio repleto de drogas y asaltos. Hastiado de la pobreza y de su infierno familiar, se ve obligado a recurrir a la violencia. Cree que su única salida a tanta miseria pasa por el mundo del crimen, así que decide participar en un asalto para conseguir dinero con el que pueda recuperar su dignidad.