Marco Staines


El sentido de un final
6th Form Student
Tony Webster, un hombre jubilado y divorciado, mantiene una tranquila y solitaria vida. Un día descubre que la madre de Veronica, su novia de la universidad, le dejó en su testamento un diario que guardaba su mejor amigo, quien salió con Verónica después de Tony. Para recuperar el diario, ahora en manos de una Verónica anciana y muy misteriosa, Tony estará obligado a bucear en su pasado, recordar los momentos fallidos de sus antiguas amistades y relaciones y recrear sentimientos que creía olvidados.
'Fork' is a story about a man and his conflict with a dictatorial narrator who controls every aspect of his life. Every day while walking home from work, Albi passes a fork in the road. The left fork leads him to the safe life; the life that he knows. The right fork is unknown. The Narrator refuses to let Albi travel that road. Enter Effie: the new girl in the office, she catches Albi's eye and the Narrator begins to feel threatened by her presence. He crushes Albi's confidence at every turn. Rapidly losing faith in the voice that he has been beholden to his entire life, he begins to ponder the appeal of breaking free...and the temptation of the right fork.