Mitchell Lewis

Mitchell Lewis

Nacimiento : 1880-06-26, Syracuse, New York, USA

Muerte : 1956-08-24


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mitchell Lewis (June 26, 1880 – August 24, 1956) was an American film actor whose career as a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer contract player encompassed both silent and sound films. He appeared in more than 175 films between 1914 and 1956. During the silent era he played supporting roles, such as Sheihk Idrim in 1925's Ben Hur, then Ernest De Farge in A Tale of Two Cities (1935) in the sound era, but his career would diminish to small uncredited roles like the Captain of the Winkie Guards in The Wizard of Oz (1939). Mitchell served as one of the original board members of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, now known as the Motion Picture & Television Fund.


Mitchell Lewis


Nostradamus and the Queen
Messenger (uncredited)
An elderly Catherine de Medici reflects back on how the prophecies of Nostradamus accurately predicted the fates of her husband, her three sons and herself.
El sol siempre brilla en Kentucky
Andy Redcliffe
Ambientada en 1905, narra la sentimental historia de un afable y popular juez de Kentucky que se presenta a la reelección contra un fiscal yanqui.
Talk About a Stranger
Orchard Owner
Small-town gossips rage over the arrival of a mysterious stranger.
The Man with a Cloak
Zack, the waiter
En 1848, la joven francesa Madeline Minot viaja a Nueva York para ver al abuelo de su prometido. Le encuentra en una situación poco menos que desesperada, viviendo en una gran mansión y siendo controlado por una cruel ama de llaves que pretende asesinarle para quedarse con su fortuna. Desamparada, la joven Madeline recibe la ayuda de un misterioso individuo llamado Dupin.
The Tall Target
Sleeping Train Passenger (uncredited)
Abraham Lincoln viajará en tren a Washington con motivo de su investidura y, aprovechando la ocasión, se está tramando un complot para asesinarlo a su paso por Baltimore. El detective de Nueva York John Kennedy (Dick Powell) intenta alertar a sus superiores sobre el plan, pero sus sospechas se desestiman. Entonces decide subir al tren para intentar frustrar el asesinato él mismo. No está seguro en quién confiar, pero encuentra un aliado potencial en Ginny Beaufort (Paula Raymond), la hermana de uno de los conspiradores.
Lassie: Las colinas pintadas
Mark Miller (uncredited)
Jonathan y su lista perra Shep viven en las montañas dedicados a la búsqueda de oro. Cuando Jonathan descubre un filón importante se lo comunica a su socio y deciden comenzar la explotación. Pero la codicia de éste le lleva a matar a Jonathan. La perra Shep descubre la tumba de su amo y se dedica desde entonces a buscar al socio por el asesinato de su amo.
Mr. Whitney Had a Notion
Eli Whitney's Workman
Historical short showing how Eli Whitney (best known for the invention of the cotton gin) played a significant role in the introduction of mass production techniques to the USA in the late 18th century.
Souvenirs of Death
Gun Shop Proprietor (uncredited)
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short tells the story of how a Mauser pistol used on the battlefield by Germans during WWII makes its way into the hands of an American gangster.
Merton of the Movies
Set Guard (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
El coraje de Lassie
Gil Elson
Lassie es llamada a filas cuando estalla la II Guerra Mundial, y tras un duro entrenamiento realiza acciones heroicas en el frente. Pero su carácter ahora es diferente...
The Great American Mug
Tobacco Chewer (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
Perdidos en un Harem
Slave (uncredited)
Dos torpes magos ayudan a un príncipe del Medio Oriente a recuperar su legítimo trono de su tío despótico.
La Dubarry era una dama
Rebel Opening Door
Un tipo adinerado se enamora de la artista de un club nocturno, que a su vez ama a un bailarín. Ante el dilema de casarse por dinero o por amor, ella opta por lo primero. Pero el millonario sufre un accidente, y sueña que se encuentra en la época de Luis XV, y que él es monarca que persigue a madame Du Barry, que, claro está, tiene el rostro de su amada. Simpática comedia musical rodada en technicolor, que combina la época actual con de la Francia cortesana. Cuenta con buenos trabajos de Lucille Ball y Gene Kelly, éste cantando los temas musicales "Do I Love You" y "Song of the Rebellion".
Apache Trail
Bolt Saunders (uncredited)
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
El reportero Homer Smith accidentalmente implica a Marcia Warren en su misión para evitar que los nazis bombardeen convoyes aliados con aviones-robot.
La última prueba
Restaurant Proprietor (uncredited)
Un químico de la policía (Van Heflin) utiliza técnicas forenses para resolver asesinatos en una ciudad plagada de corrupción política y bandas criminales.
The Lady or the Tiger?
Author Frank R. Stockton, often asked the question, finally decides to divulge the untold ending of his story, The Lady or the Tiger?
Rio Rita
Doc and Wishey run into some Nazi-agents, who want to smuggle bombs into the USA from a Mexican border hotel.
Paymaster (uncredited)
The Devil works with Adolf Hitler to cause inflation in the United States.
Quiero a este hombre
Man #1 Agreeing with Candy
Candy Johnson es un estafador y timador de lengua viperina. Candy Johnson prospera hasta ser el jefe mafioso de Yellow Creek, pero el padre alcohólico de su esposa tratará de poner las cosas en su sitio.
Sucker List
Jake (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a man and his racketeer buddies devise a scheme to bilk those already seemingly desperate for money of what little they have.
Billy el niño
Bart Hodges
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
I'll Wait for You
Alfred 'Al'
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
Juan Nadie
Cuando un magnate compra un periódico y despide a casi todo el personal, una intrépida periodista decide publicar en su último artículo una falsa e incendiaria carta que lleva la firma de Juan Nadie. En ella se anuncia el suicidio de uno de los empleados despedidos. El éxito del artículo es tal que el periódico decide crear un Juan Nadie y, con este fin, contrata a un vagabundo que acaba convirtiéndose en un personaje extraordinariamente popular.
Los hermanos Marx en el oeste
Indian Pete - Halfbreed
Los hermanos Marx se dirigen al Oeste a hacer fortuna. Allí adquieren una propiedad de una mina sin valor pero cuyo terreno es muy codiciado por una compañía de ferrocarriles... Otra divertidísima comedia de los hermanos Marx con inolvidables gags entre los que destaca la delirante escena inicial del timo mutuo en la estación.
Gallant Sons
Newspaper Buyer (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Fruto dorado
Venezuelan Foreman (uncredited)
Dos amigos que pretenden hacerse ricos con el negocio del petróleo en los campos de Oklahoma, comienzan a tener problemas cuando se enamoran de la misma mujer.
Te quiero otra vez
Sailor Yelling 'Man Overboard' (uncredited)
Larry Wilson, un hombre de negocios, se recupera de un episodio de amnesia y descubre que en realidad es un estafador; pero, además, vuelve a enamorarse de su esposa de la que estaba a punto de divorciarse.
Gold Rush Maisie
William Howard Taft Miggs (Uncredited)
Maisie becomes attached to a dirt-poor farmer and his family as they try to make ends meet joining hundreds of others digging for gold in a previously panned-out ghost town.
Horse Dealer
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
20 Mule Team
Barfly at Bar
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
El joven Edison
McGuire - Train Engineer
Desde que era un niño, Thomas Alba Edison (Mickey Rooney) empezó a realizar sus primeros experimentos químicos en el sótano de su casa. Además, tuvo que ejercer múltiples oficios antes de poder registrar su primera patente. Queda para el recuerdo la escena de la operación de la madre, en que el joven Edison idea un sistema de juego de luces con espejos para iluminar el improvisado quirófano.
Extraño cargamento
Guard (uncredited)
Verne, un hombre encarcelado en la Isla del Diablo, intenta fugarse e involucra en la fuga a Julie, una chica de saloon, que lo delata a las autoridades. Pero Verne vuelve a intentarlo junto con otros presos, y en su huida se encuentra a Julie.
Henry Goes Arizona
Rancher Bull Carson (uncredited)
A New Yorker moves West when he inherits an Arizona ranch.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Adam - Nora's Gardener (uncredited)
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Bad Little Angel
Fireman Telling Wilks Tommy Went Into Fire
A bible-guided Victorian orphan befriends a bootblack in a strange town.
El mago de Oz
Captain of the Winkie Guard (uncredited)
La huérfana Dorothy Gale vive una vida sencilla en Kansas con su tía Emma Clara Blandick, su tío Henry y tres pintorescos peones: Hunk, Zeke y Hickory. Un día la severa vecina Miss Gulch es mordida por el perro de Dorothy, Toto. Miss Gulch se lo lleva, por orden del sheriff, a pesar de las apasionadas protestas de tía Emma y el tío Henry. Toto escapa y regresa junto a Dorothy, la cual se alegra momentáneamente, pero pronto se da cuenta de que Miss Gulch regresará. Decide llevarse a Toto y fugarse en busca de una vida mejor 'en algún lugar sobre el arco iris'.
Bridal Suite
Hotel Runner at Train Station
A carefree playboy with an aversion to marriage falls for a lass he meets in the French Alps.
Sergeant Madden
Officer Minetti
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Let Freedom Ring
Joe (uncredited)
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
La delicia de los idiotas
Chief Wahoo
En los Alpes, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos estafadores profesionales se conocen durante un espectáculo burlesco. Tras el estallido de la guerra, vuelven a encontrarse en Francia, pero ella va acompañada por un odioso barón, que se dedica al tráfico de armas y que cree que ella es una exiliada rusa.
Stand Up and Fight
Sport, Cheating Gambler
En 1840, un rico empresario del ferrocarril contrata a un hombre para investigar una ruta por la que cree se están transportando esclavos.
Rich Man, Poor Girl
Man Who Yells (voice)
Un rico hombre de negocios quiere casarse con su secretaria, pero antes ha de pasar la inspección de la familia de ella.
Minor Role (uncredited)
An examination of the history of anesthesia, from ancient Egyptian times to contemporary times.
Tres camaradas
Boris (uncredited)
Terminada la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), tres soldados alemanes regresan a casa y se encuentran con un país destruido y sumido en el caos. A pesar de su precaria situación economica, deciden unir sus escasos recursos para construir su propio coche. La relación entre ellos se complica cuando conocen a una hermosa mujer.
Arsène Lupin Returns
Detective (uncredited)
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?
Song of Revolt
Jailer (uncredited)
This MGM Tabloid Musical short tells the story of how France's national anthem, "La Marseillaise", came to be written during the French Revolution.
Waikiki Wedding
Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will constitute a publicity coup for the company. Unfortunately, Georgia Smith, the winner, feels lonely and isolated in the Islands and wants to return to the States. With help from buddy Shad Buggle Tony tries to romantically divert Georgia without letting her know his true motivation.
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
Torture Money
False Accident Witness (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, police go after a fraud operation that stages automobile accidents to collect insurance money.
Mummy's Boys
Haroun Pasha
Wheeler & Woolsey comedy about two moronic ditch diggers, recruited for an archaeology expedition, getting mixed up with jewel thieves and an ancient Egyptian "curse."
Dancing Pirate
Pirate Chief
Jonathan Pride is a mild-mannered dance instructor in 1820 Boston. En route to visit relatives, Jonathan is shanghaied by a band of zany pirates and forced to work as a galley boy. When the pirate vessel arrives at the port of Las Palomas, Jonathan, clad in buccaneer's garb, makes his escape. Everyone in Las Palomas, including Governor Alcalde (Frank Morgan) and fetching senorita Serafina (Steffi Duna), assumes that Jonathan is the pirate chieftain, leading to a series of typical comic-opera complications.
Fatal Lady
Magistrate (uncredited)
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Sutter's Gold
King Kamehameha
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
Un par de gitanos
Una caravana de gitanos con la que viajan los ladronzuelos Stan y Ollie acampa junto a las murallas del palacio del conde de Arnheim. Un día, la infiel y vengativa esposa de Ollie, enfurecida por el arresto de su amante, secuestra a la hija del Conde, Arline, y huye dejándola con Stan y Ollie, quienes la criarán desconociendo su auténtica identidad. Tras pasar doce años, Arline es detenida en las tierras del palacio y llevada al calabozo, sus torpes amigos armarán un auténtico embrollo tratando de rescatarla.
Historia de dos ciudades
Ernest De Farge
Londres y París. Cuando Lucía viaja con su padre a Inglaterra, conoce a varios hombres que se enamoran de ella, entre ellos Sidney, un abogado inglés. Pero ella se casa con Carlos y ambos viven felices en Londres. Mientras tanto, en París, el caos y la agitación previos a la Revolución (1789) se adueñan de las calles. A pesar de ello, Carlos debe ir a París, pues van a condenar a alguien por su culpa y ha de impedirlo. Una vez allí, es encarcelado y condenado a morir en la guillotina.
Oil for the Lamps of China
Skipper of Ship
An American oil company representative almost sacrifices his marriage for his career.
The Best Man Wins
Joe Martini
A diver saves his best friend's life but loses his own arm in doing so. Later, unable to find work because of his missing arm, he is forced to go to work for a criminal searching for lost treasures. Meanwhile his friend, who has since become a policeman, finds himself assigned to break up the crook's operation and bring in his gang--including the man who saved his life.
Red Morning
Captain Perava
A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.
Ann Vickers
Captain Waldo
Una trabajadora social que lucha por las reformas se ve comprometida al enamorarse de un juez corrupto. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Secret of Madame Blanche
A murder trial reunites a former chorus girl and her son, a grandson of an English aristocrat.
The ruthless Flint, a disabled man, rules an isolated region of Kongo like an omnipotent god, through superstition and sadism, living only for the day when he can get revenge on the man who ruined his life.
McKenna of the Mounted
Henchman Pierre
Jones played Tom McKenna, a disgraced Royal Canadian Mountie who turns highway robber to pay off his gambling debt. He joins a gang of outlaws led by Morgan (Niles Welch) and to prove his loyalty is assigned to rob a safe belonging to the father (Ralph Lewis) of his former girlfriend, Shirley (Greta Grandstedt).
Errores de juventud
Proper parents who treat their adult children as teenagers have a son who wants to go to Paris to study art, and a daughter in love with a married man.
The World and the Flesh
During the 1917 Russian revolution, a group of artistocrats find themselves in the custody of a brutal Communist revolutionary. He lusts after one of them, a ballerina, and gives her an ultimatum: give in to him or her friends will face the firing squad.
El prófugo
Lord Henry Kerhill, el dueño de una lujosa mansión inglesa, descubre a su esposa Lady Diana, y a su primo Jim Wynn haciéndose confidencias en el jardín, junto al pozo de los deseos.
Son of India
An Indian jewel merchant goes from penniless to wealthy in this story about gratitude.
El romance de un joven abogado se resiente cuando es nombrado tutor de una belleza en los Mares del Sur.
The Russian Duke
Ex-Plumber is a 1931 Comedy short.
See America Thirst
Screwy O'Toole
Two men, one timid and one aggressive, make out as comical criminals.
The Cuckoos
Two phony fortune tellers get mixed up with gypsies.
The Bad One
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
¡Madre mía!
Hank Smith
Al Fuller (Jolson) es la estrella de un espectáculo ambulante de trovadores de gira por los Estados Unidos. El grupo se desplaza a una modesta ciudad del sur, donde el hombre se enamora de Nora Meadows (Lois Moran), estrella del espectáculo, pero el problema es que ella ama a Westy, un apuesto miembro de la misma troupé. Incidentalmente, Fuller se convertirá en acusado de intento de homicidio de su compañero y rival en el amor.
Beau Bandit
Mexican-bandit Montero and his deaf-mute sidekick Coloso are being pursued through the sand-dunes of southern Arizona by lawman Bob-Cat Manners and his posse. Montero has intentions of robbing the bank owned by skinflint Lucius Perkins, but is sidetracked by the attractions of singing-teacher Helen Wardell. He learns that Perkins has marital designs on Helen and holds the mortgage on her ranch. But Helen is in love with Bill Howard. Perkins offers Montero money to kill his rival.
Girl of the Port
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
Madame X
Colonel Hanby
A young, unfaithful wife and mother is thrown out by her cold, unforgiving husband, the Attorney General of France. She is barred from ever seeing her three year old son again despite her earnest attempts to make amends. For many years the mother seeks refuge overseas and in Absinthe. In the end, her son, a young and promising lawyer unknowingly defends her in court. Ruth Chatterton gives a marvelous performance in this early talkie in her portrayal of Madame X.
Shari, la hechicera
Mohammed Khan
El capitán Donald King, de la armada británica, parte hacia la India en el mismo momento en que estalla la primera guerra mundial, dejando convencidos a sus camaradas de que es un cobarde. En realidad, forma parte de una misión secreta que tiene como fin rescatar a soldados británicos que han sido tomados prisioneros en dicho lugar.
A young woman is forced by her abusive father to marry an older man even though she is in love with a kindly young doctor.
One Stolen Night
When his ne'er-do-well brother embezzles the commissary funds of their cavalry unit stationed in the Sudan, a British soldier takes the blame for him. He winds up deserting his post and joining up with a traveling vaudeville troupe. He falls in love with a pretty young woman in one of the show's acts but finds that a local Arab sheik has his own plans for the young girl.
The Devil Bear
Jack Crawford
An early Canadian horror/drama film.
Los muelles de Nueva York
Toda la historia transcurre en menos de un día, y en sólo tres escenarios: un bar del puerto, una pensión y los muelles de la ciudad de Nueva York. Bill Connolly es fogonero en un barco, y tiene una única noche libre en tierra. Mientras camina por los muelles, una muchacha se arroja al agua. Bill la rescata, y poco a poco ambos se sienten atraídos el uno hacia el otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Way of the Strong
Handsome Williams
Williams es un contrabandista que se enamora de una violinista ciega. Nora finalmente se encuentra en medio de una guerra de pandillas entre Williams y su principal rival, Tiger Louie.
The Death Ship
The Ship's Captain
On a stormy night at sea, a Captain and the First Mate talk about the girl that they are both in love with. Then they agree to play a game of cards where the loser agrees to kill himself so that the other can have her.
The Professor
Rose Shannon, una bailarina de Kelly's, en el distrito Tenderloin de la ciudad de Nueva York, adora de lejos a Chuck White, un joven miembro de la banda que utiliza el lugar como su lugar de reunión. A Chuck sólo le interesa como un juguete más en su colección. Rose se implica sin saberlo en un crimen del que ella no sabe nada. La policía la detiene y la pandilla envía Chuck a desembarazarse de ella por si sabe algo que pueda implicar a la banda.
Beau Sabreur
Suleman the Strong
Un miembro de la Legión extranjera francesa descubre a un traidor entre sus filas y luego es enviado a una misión entre los árabes para lograr la firma de un Tratado de paz crucial.
Back to God's Country
Jean DeBois
Two men fight for the love of a young woman in the far north.
Hard-Boiled Haggerty
Maj. Cotton
After bringing down yet another German pilot and escaping uninjured from his burning aircraft, Haggerty (Milton Sills) and his buddy, aircraft machinist Klaxon (Arthur Stone), head for Paris, albeit without an official leave of absence. In escaping from M.P.'s, Haggerty takes refuge in a room occupied by Germaine Benoit (Molly O'Day). Love soon springs up, and Haggerty decides to reform, returning to Major Cotton (Mitchell Lewis) with this resolution. He is unprepared, however, to be awarded a medal for his actions as a fighter pilot. - From Wikipedia
Forgotten Sweeties
Thurston's former sweetheart has married a big brute, and they move in down the hall from him.
Tell It to the Marines
U.S. Marine Sergeant O'Hara has his hands full training raw recruits, one of whom, 'Skeets' Burns, is a particular thorn in his side. If Burns's lackadaisical approach to the military were not bad enough, he also makes advances on nurse Nora Dale, whom Sergeant O'Hara secretly loves. Nora is oblivious to O'Hara's feelings and is attracted to the handsome 'Skeet.' But an indiscretion turns her against him, and it takes an expedition to China and a battle with a warlord's bandit brigade to sort things out among the nurse and her two Marines.
Pirate Chief (uncredited)
En 1797 se produjo la botadura del "Constitución", una de las primeras fragatas estadounidenses diseñada, en principio, para acabar con la tiranía de los piratas berberiscos, que asolaban los mares y exigían tributo a las naciones. A partir de este dato histórico, se mezcla la ficción: un joven de Salem trata de embarcar en el "Constitución", pero por el camino encontrará a un par de lobos de mar embaucadores. Los tres, por distintas vías, se reunirán en una nave que, sin proponérselo, seguirá la estela del "Constitución".
The Eagle of the Sea
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
The Sea Wolf
Johansen, the Mate
Captain "Wolf" Larsen, the absolute master of a seal schooner, is a mystic and philosopher, though he rules his men with an iron hand. On a ferry going from San Francisco to Oakland, Van Weyden, a critic, and Maud Brewster, a novelist, meet in masquerade costumes and are forced overboard when their boat collides with a steamer. Humphrey, then Maud, are picked up by Larsen's crew. Because of her costume, Maud is taken for a boy and placed in the custody of Mugridge, the cook, who attempts to attack her upon discovering her identity. Larsen takes her under his protection and decides to marry her; but as the ceremony begins, the crew mutinies, and Larsen is stricken with blindness as he faces the rebels. The ship is set afire, and though Humphrey and Maud are rescued by another steamer, Larsen, deserted by his crew, refuses to quit his ship and is enveloped in flames.
Miss Nobody
The father of an heiress dies broke leaving her destitute without inheritance. She falls in with a group of hobos traveling incognito cross country dressed as a man.
Sheik Ilderim
En los años del Imperio Romano del reinado de Augusto y su sucesor Tiberio, Judá Ben-Hur, hijo de una familia noble de Jerusalén, y Mesala, tribuno romano que dirige los ejércitos de ocupación, se han convertido en enemigos irreconciliables. Acusado de atentar contra la vida del nuevo gobernador romano, Mesala le encarcela junto a su familia. Cuando se llevan a Ben-Hur a galeras, un joven llamado Jesús de Nazaret se apiada de él y le da de beber.
The Mystic
A good Tod browning movie but without Lon Chaney. Anyway, the story sounds here quite strange and dark. Mystery and drama fans will be delighted by this story of a young eastern european woman hired to the new world. This one is quite rare on TV, so if you can don't miss it !
Tracked in the Snow Country
Jules Renault
When Rin-Tin-Tin's master is found murdered, Rinty is accused of the crime.
The Mine with the Iron Door
Sonora Jack
This epic Western-melodrama was based on the popular novel by Harold Bell Wright. Two old prospectors, Thad Grove and Bob Hill find an infant in the cabin belonging to Sonora Jack, a notorious bandit. The girl, Marta, grows to womanhood.
The Red Lily
Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.
Three Weeks
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
Gold Madness
The Spoilers
Marshal Voorhees
Based on the novel The Spoilers by Rex Beach.
The Little Girl Next Door
Tug Wilson
The Little Girl Next Door is a 1912 silent drama
Her Accidental Husband
Herod, Tetrarch of Judea
Salome, hija de Herodias, seduce a su padrastro-tía Herod, gobernador de Judea, con una sensual danza. En recompensa, él le concede cualquier deseo que solicite, y ella le pide la cabeza del profeta Juan el Bautista. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Woman Conquers
Tired of her friends and life as a society leader, Ninon Le Compte goes north to the Hudson Bay area to inspect trapping holdings inherited from her uncle.
The Siren Call
Love complicates the hunt for gold in 1890's Alaska.
On the High Seas
Joe Polack
Three castaways all from differing levels of society reach and board a deserted schooner in mid-ocean.
At the End of the World
Donald MacGregor
This dramatic adventure finds the flirtatious Cherry O'Day as the daughter of the Shanghai saloon keeper Terrence. She works in the dive and entertains the patrons, sending them away after they cease to amuse her. Cherry falls for Gordon Deane, the American writer and adventurer who barely notices her.
Jacques of the Silver North
Jacques La Rouge
"Half-breed" trapper Jacques LaRouge is infatuated with Memory Baird (Fritzi Brunette), the daughter of the owner of the trading post. When fugitive Joseph Treffery (Captain C.A. Van Auker) happens into town, Memory hides him from the police.
Calibre 38
Austin Brandt
Montana cattleman Austin Brandt is jilted by Rosemary, who elopes with stranger Royce Greer, but he is consoled by his twenty-year-old niece Joan. Rosemary later returns to Custer City to run a dance hall with her husband, who mistreats her.
Life's Greatest Problem
Big Steve Reardon
Big Steve and Little Lefty, a pair of hobos, are happily drifting through life until the First World War comes and enter it and find their lives forever changed.
Zudora, not knowing she's an heiress to a $20 million fortune, lives with her uncle, a mystic and detective, who covets her inheritance. She wants to marry John Storm but her uncle is against it. However, the uncle makes a bargain; if Zudora can solve the next twenty mysteries brought to him, she can marry as she chooses. Episodes 1,2 and 8, plus another unidentified chapter, survive. The rest is believed to be lost.
The Million Dollar Mystery
Gang Leader
This twenty-three episode serial told the story of a secret society called The Black Hundred and its attempts to gain control of a lost million dollars.