A 1925 Soviet comedy sponsored by the Soviet Finance Ministry, with a plot promoting the new economy. A small-town tailor, Petya Petelkin (Ilyinsky), bought a lottery ticket and handed it to his landlord, widow Shirinkina (Deykun) who wants to marry him. Petya is a hard-working tailor trying to start his own business. He is also in love with Katya (Maretskaya), whom he wants to marry. He has to survive a cascade of funny situations in the unstable Soviet reality, before his romance with Katya comes to a happy ending.
Adaptación de una novela del conde Alexei Tolstoi, pariente lejano de León Tolstoi. Aelita, la reina de Marte, harta de vivir sometida a su despótico padre, lanza una llamada de socorro a la Tierra. Tras descifrar el mensaje, el ingeniero de la Estación de Radio de Moscú, al que se une el revolucionario Gusev, emprende un viaje a Marte en la nave que ha construido. Los dos ayudan a Aelita a derrocar al tirano, pero, a continuación, también ella implanta un régimen totalitario.