Ernesto Ceballos


Los 86
Inspirada en hechos reales, "El 86" destaca las actividades de una banda de matones callejeros del 86 que se hicieron famosos por su fuerte presencia en la escena caraqueña durante la década de 1980.
Los 86
Inspirada en hechos reales, "El 86" destaca las actividades de una banda de matones callejeros del 86 que se hicieron famosos por su fuerte presencia en la escena caraqueña durante la década de 1980.
Visual Effects Supervisor
A very dangerous criminal, Cabeza de Mango and his henchmen plot a kidnapping; but there is a problem: someone is playing them all. The question is, who's the mole? Complot takes place in the dangerous but cosmopolitan streets of Caracas and mixes fun and beauty with danger and death showing the contrast between the rich and the poor while it highlights the latest criminal tendency in Venezuela: Kidnappings.
Azotes de barrio
Luego de cumplir una condena de siete años en prisión, Donay (Alexander Da Silva) busca redimirse de su vida criminal. Aún en la cárcel conoce a Alicia (Mariana Francisco), una mujer prohibida de la que se enamora. Al salir en libertad, buscará a su chica, que en realidad es la novia de “Garimperio” (Jackson Gutiérrez), uno de los pranes más temidos de la zona. Azotes de barrio es el remake hecho para exhibición en cines de Azotes de barrio en Petare (2006), la película que dio relevancia pública en Venezuela al cine amateur realizado en los barrios populares de Caracas para su distribución en DVD a través del comercio informal.
"Des-authorized" is the combination of three stories, three realities that coexist and feed. The journey begins in the imagination of Elia K, the principal, who imagines Elijah, a character who is a poor playwright facing the crossroads to be true to his art, or succumb to the pressures of the producers must decide his work between surrender or pay the price of his freedom. On another level, we have Nina and Frederick, the protagonists of the work that Elijah is writing. They only seek to love, they are forced to leave the paper and press the Elijah to them the end that his story deserves, this is the starting point of "Des-authorized" a film set in an imaginary city , colorful and delusional. In the line of "Amelie" and "Stranger Than Fiction", brings a reflection on art, creativity, love and heartbreak.