Inspirada en hechos reales, "El 86" destaca las actividades de una banda de matones callejeros del 86 que se hicieron famosos por su fuerte presencia en la escena caraqueña durante la década de 1980.
Beginning with his childhood and covering the many facets that characterized his intellectual universe, this documentary details the different aspects of the most important venezuelan writer of the 60s, 70s and 80s: José Ignacio Cabrujas.
Detective Pedro Ramirez has been released from prison to solve the kidnapping of three children, sons of a former Minister of Justice. Over the days this asingment will become a personal challenge. Ramírez will become suspicious of the entire police force... even his best friend.
Andrés (Jean Pierre Agostini) es fanático de Los Leones del Caracas, uno de los principales equipos de béisbol de Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) es fanática de Los Navegantes del Magallanes, el equipo rival. Un día Andrés recibe boletos para ver el juego en la Zona VIP de Magallanes. Conoce a Julissa y a su padre, que no solo es admirador sino también uno de los gerentes del equipo. Andrés y Julissa se enamorarán y tendrán que fingir ser fanáticos del equipo del otro. Pero pronto surgirán problemas.
Diego, un muchacho citadino de unos 11 años, marcado por serias carencias afectivas, se ve obligado a pasar unas vacaciones con su abuelo Francisco, a quien apenas conoce, en una pequeña finca ubicada en las montañas de los Andes Venezolanos. En medio de un ambiente que le resulta hostil, sin televisión, sin celular, incluso sin luz eléctrica y con un frio que cala hasta los huesos, Diego vive una experiencia que lo marca para toda la vida. En ésta aventura tienen que ver el abuelo y un manzano que extrañamente decidió ser azul y guarda, cerca de sus raíces, un gran secreto…
Una pareja joven, de clase alta, es secuestrada en Caracas, una ciudad donde el secuestro se ha convertido en un lucrativo negocio. Sin embargo, en este caso, nada sale según lo previsto.
A living room, two video cameras, an armchair, two televisions and a mirror: domestic daily life in which colleagues, family and friends come together to decipher the life, personality and artistic trajectory of one of the most important actresses of Venezuelan Cinema: Hilda Vera
Adonai is an lunatic poet. He lives in an abandoned neighborhood of Caracas where he runs an underground radio called "Radio Pandemonium", he lives with his mom, his grandmother and a young lady who she calls very endearly, 'whore'. They survive among the corrupt, the death and the rising upheaval of the oppressed.
Executive Producer
Versión de la obra teatral Todo bicho de uña. Narra la historia de una venganza. El recorrido por los pueblos Andinos, durante diez años, de un joven en busca del violador y asesino de su madre, nos sumerge en los estratos del submundo de las ferias y los circos pueblerinos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Versión de la obra teatral Todo bicho de uña. Narra la historia de una venganza. El recorrido por los pueblos Andinos, durante diez años, de un joven en busca del violador y asesino de su madre, nos sumerge en los estratos del submundo de las ferias y los circos pueblerinos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Esta es una historia tomada de la vida real. Día a día, nuestra prensa, en la página de sucesos, reseña la violencia que aqueja a nuestro país. Es una violencia que proviene de la descomposición general de la sociedad venezolana. Esta es una historia de amor de una madre por su hijo muerto por la policía sin justificación alguna. El empeño de esta mujer por limpiar la memoria de su hijo, por la justicia y por un mundo mejor.
The political leader Alberto Carnevali, secretly returns to his country to plot against the dictatorship of Marcos Perez Jimenez. The Intense subversive struggle brings the torture of many of his comrades.
The political leader Alberto Carnevali, secretly returns to his country to plot against the dictatorship of Marcos Perez Jimenez. The Intense subversive struggle brings the torture of many of his comrades.
Pedro Estrada
The political leader Alberto Carnevali, secretly returns to his country to plot against the dictatorship of Marcos Perez Jimenez. The Intense subversive struggle brings the torture of many of his comrades.
During a bus ride through the Andes, two seminarians encounter with a woman named Manon. Immediately, one of them falls in love and the attraction is mutual, so they decide to flee to capital city to start a new life. But the love of Manon ambitious drags this man to leave his vocation and commit criminal acts to maintain a life of luxury and extravagance.
During a bus ride through the Andes, two seminarians encounter with a woman named Manon. Immediately, one of them falls in love and the attraction is mutual, so they decide to flee to capital city to start a new life. But the love of Manon ambitious drags this man to leave his vocation and commit criminal acts to maintain a life of luxury and extravagance.
Adonai Flores
Adonai Flores, an experienced writer of telenovelas, falls in love with Belén Helena, a girl of low class. Adonay, desperate to keep her with him, abandons his responsibilities and even his dog. After discovering that she is a drug dealer he decides to leave her and recovers his dog
In Secretaries Day, either you get laid or you get paid.
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the case is complicated when his brother becomes the prime suspect, since it is a priest (Eduardo Serrano). Because of the implications that inquiries might have, Leon is pressured to keep the event as a "crab" (Cangrejo, or a unsolvable case), but he decides to comply with the law.
Victor, a family man, becomes romantically involved with Rosario, a young newly arrived prostitute from the city of Maracaibo. His obsessive love and the desire to share his life with this woman, will lead him to despair.
Executive Producer
Victor, a family man, becomes romantically involved with Rosario, a young newly arrived prostitute from the city of Maracaibo. His obsessive love and the desire to share his life with this woman, will lead him to despair.
Two young men decide to rob a residence believing it uninhabited, once inside the homeowners and another couple maintain a perverse game as fun for Sunday. One of the young enters the house but is cornered and subjected to all sorts of harassment and abuse.
Comisario León
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) of the Technical Judicial Police is assigned to the kidnapping of a child of the upper class of Caracas. The details of the kidnapping the attention of Leon, as there is no evidence of violence in the child's home, or witnesses to the abduction. Based on that Leon believes that the hijackers knew the boy and soon begins to suspect several young people from wealthy families of Caracas.
Ingrid is a young high school student who due to the impact suffered by the death of his mother, is acting strangely causing concern to her teachers. After a landslide caused by heavy rains, police surrounded the premises of the high school to expel the refugees resulting in the classes suspended. When they resume, Ingrid throws herself into space from the top floor of the campus
Carmen is a beautiful woman working in a business that is dedicated to smuggling. One day, Carmen fights and hurts to a smuggler woman, so a sergeant in the National Guard, José Navarro, stops detain her. In doing so he also falls in love with her, but jealousy will destroy his passion.
"El pez que fuma" es el nombre de un prostíbulo nada selecto regentado por la Garza, una especie de madame que administra a su antojo el derecho de admisión. El amante de la propietaria no ve con buenos ojos al adolescente que se encarga de los baños; pero progresivamente éste se gana su confianza hasta desplazarlo.
Pedro Zamora
Pedro Zamora (Miguelangel Landa) is a former guerrilla who returns to Caracas and moves to a pension as a tenant. Despite appearances, he has come to fulfill a secret mission to its ultimate consequences.
Jesús Carmona
Jesús María Carmona es un delincuente de poca monta que se hace pasar por un policía para poder robar un banco. Unos días antes del día en que planeaba hacerlo, un grupo guerrillero roba el mismo banco y Carmona es asesinada a tiros cuando no tiene más remedio que actuar como policía. Poco después, su imagen se convierte en un símbolo para la policía y se siente honrado, pero se descubre su identidad. Mientras tanto, en el vecindario donde creció se quema su efigie ya que ahora se lo considera un traidor.
Juan Carlos
1964, in a Latin American country, a journalist is head of an armed liberation movement that decides to initiate radical actions. His second in command, a farmer, and the other members of the group will kidnap a north american colonel stationed in Venezuela to force his government to suspend the execution of the vietnamese Nguyen Van Troi, accused of trying to assassinate the American Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara.
In Venezuela, one day in 1948 there were born three children all named Victorino: Pérez, mulatto and son of the poor Lucía; Perdomo, son of a middle-class communist who gets arrested; and bourgeois Peralta. On the day of his eighteenth birthday Pérez escapes from prison using lather pretending it to be a rage attack. Peralta shows a friend of his a car he got from his parents. A young lady gives herself to Perdomo as a birthday present. Pérez finds his mistress with another man and wounds her. Pérez and a few others rob an old man while riding on their motorcycles. Perdomo and a bunch of bushwhackers plan to rob a bank. Pérez sees a friend of his smoking pot while Peralta visits a cousin of his and has sex with her. Perdomo’s father, recently elected a communist representative wants to talk him out of his violent ways. Pérez sleeps with three girls and remembers how he once killed a man in the middle of a robbery. Peralta and his friends shoot dogs just for fun. Perdomo and his pals…
This anthology film consists of three parts: "Story One: The story of the brave man", "Story Two: Angels Rhythm" and "Story Three: The false office of supernumerary". The first story tells of a man desperate to get money to cure the illness of his daughter. The second story tells the adventures of a gang of youths; and finally, the third story tells of corruption in Congress.