Chris Brailsford

Chris Brailsford


Chris Brailsford


DI Rod Romney
DI Walter Gambon is a self-styled “Yoda of the force”, whose workload suddenly increases when he’s handed the cases of an officer who committed suicide by throwing himself under a Tube train. Or was he pushed? Gambon must work out whether his former colleague was murdered, while tracking down another officer who has gone so far undercover that nobody knows where he (or she) is.
Jack, el cazagigantes
Cuenta la historia de una antigua guerra que se reactiva cuando un joven granjero, sin ser consciente de ello, abre una puerta entre nuestro mundo y una aterradora raza de gigantes. Sueltos por la Tierra por primera vez en siglos, los gigantes se esfuerzan por reclamar la tierra que una vez perdieron, obligando al joven, Jack, a entablar la batalla de su vida para detenerlos. Luchando por un reino, por su pueblo y por el amor de una valiente princesa, se enfrenta cara a cara con unos incontenibles guerreros que pensaba que solo existían en la leyenda – y consigue la oportunidad de convertirse, él mismo, en una leyenda.
Elizabeth: La edad de oro
Dean of Peterborough
Cuenta la historia de una época, la historia de la lucha de una mujer para controlar el amor, aplastar a sus enemigos y consolidarse en el trono de Inglaterra. La reina Isabel I Tudor debe enfrentarse a la traición en el seno de su familia y a sangrientas conspiraciones para arrebatarle el trono. Isabel es consciente de cómo beneficia a la monarquía inglesa el hecho de que el Rey de Inglaterra sea, al mismo tiempo, el jefe supremo de la Iglesia Anglicana, después de haber roto Enrique VIII toda relación con Roma (Acta de Supremacía de 1534). Sin embargo, el poderoso rey español Felipe II está decidido a restaurar el catolicismo en Inglaterra con la ayuda de su ejército y su invicta armada.
A gripping story of love, deceit, betrayal and survival set against the backdrop of the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. Michelle is married to Gary, a young miner who goes on strike as soon as the dispute between the Thatcher government and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) begins. Meanwhile, her sister Linda's husband Paul is a local policeman. Paul becomes more and more voluble in his opposition to the strike, while Linda looks around her and witnesses the women of her community suddenly find a voice and independence. The scene is set for political and personal conflicts which would change their lives forever.
In Denial of Murder
Chief Constable Wood
Dramatisation of the Stephen Downing case which involved the conviction and imprisonment in 1974 of a 17-year-old council worker, Stephen Downing, for the murder of a 32 year old legal secretary, Wendy Sewell, in the town of Bakewell in the Peak District in central England. Following a campaign by a local newspaper, his conviction was overturned in 2002, after Downing had served 27 years in prison. The case is thought to be the longest miscarriage of justice in British legal history, and attracted worldwide media attention.
Full Monty
Duty Sergeant
El cierre de la fábrica de acero de Yorkshire deja sin trabajo a casi toda la población masculina. Gaz, uno de los obreros afectados, perderá el derecho de ver a su hijo si no consigue dinero para pagar la pensión de manutención familiar a su mujer. En medio de la desesperación, se le ocurre una idea, a primera vista disparatada, y se la plantea a los amigos que están en la misma situación: organizar un espectáculo de strip-tease.
A Pinch of Snuff
Chief Constable
Receiving a tip from his dentist Jack Shorter, policeman Peter Pascoe takes a closer look at the Calliope Kinema Club, a film club notorious for showing adult entertainment movies. Shorter is convinced that one particular scene in a movie he recently saw was too realistic to have been staged with fake blood, but when Pascoe and his bluff superior Andy Dalziel starts investigating, they soon comes across the actress in question, Linda Abbott, who obviously didn't suffer from any harm and assures Pascoe that the concerns are unnecessary.
Resnick: Lonely Hearts
DCI Tom Parker
Shirley Peters is dead. Murdered. Her body is found twelve hours later in her own home. Just one of the many sordid domestic crimes hitting the city. Tony Macliesh, her rejected boyfriend, is the obvious prime suspect and he’s just been picked off the Aberdeen train and put straight into custody. But then another woman is sexually abused and throttled to death. And suddenly there appears to be one too many connections between these seemingly unrelated crimes. Detective Inspector Resnick is sure that the two murders are the work of one sadistic killer – two lonely hearts broken by one maniac. And it’s up to Resnick to put the record straight – and put the bastard where he belongs