James Bolam portrays serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman in this made-for-TV drama. The film follows the story of Shipman, a general practitioner who throughout his career is believed to have killed as many as 250 of his patients. When the high death rate of his practice was investigated, it was discovered that he had given lethal doses of diamorphine to a vast number of his patients. He was put on trial where he was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Social Worker
El cierre de la fábrica de acero de Yorkshire deja sin trabajo a casi toda la población masculina. Gaz, uno de los obreros afectados, perderá el derecho de ver a su hijo si no consigue dinero para pagar la pensión de manutención familiar a su mujer. En medio de la desesperación, se le ocurre una idea, a primera vista disparatada, y se la plantea a los amigos que están en la misma situación: organizar un espectáculo de strip-tease.
In 1968 a woman with two young boys leaves her husband and moves to the north west of England. Her oldest sneaks out to travel to Liverpool to see George Best play, his younger brother tags along.
Cafe Waitress
The 20 January 1931 slaying of Julia Wallace remains unsolved, despite an ongoing stream of investigative writers giving an impression that a solution to the crime has been found through a surfeit of working hypotheses.