Steadicam Operator
Camera Operator
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.
Steadicam Operator
Director of Photography
Tras la caída del Imperio Romano , una mujer romana parcelas para hacer que su hijo el nuevo emperador y para cumplir con el antiguo esplendor de la ciudad .
Camera Operator
Tras la caída del Imperio Romano , una mujer romana parcelas para hacer que su hijo el nuevo emperador y para cumplir con el antiguo esplendor de la ciudad .
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A group of women while visiting a castle studying the history of a mad noblewoman from medieval times finds themselves drawn back into time and into her evil lair where they are expected to become her new handmaidens and endure her debauchery.
Steadicam Operator
Alemania, siglo XIX. Jake y Will Grimm son dos hermanos que se dedican a recorrer los pueblos embaucando a los pobres lugareños: primero les cuentan historias de maldiciones, espíritus y fantasmas que los acechan y después fingen salvarlos por medio de exorcismos y rituales varios. Pero, un día, llegan a un pueblo sobre el que pesa una maldición real, un pueblo situado cerca de un bosque encantado en el que recientemente han desaparecido varias niñas. Los Grimm tendrán entonces que demostrar su valentía y coraje para salvar al pueblo de una amenaza terrorífica.
Camera Operator
Molly Keller sufre horribles pesadillas y ha sido recluida en una institución mental. Nadie sabe nada sobre su pasado ni quién es en realidad. Pero sus sueños son cada vez más reales y lucha desesperadamente por liberarse del asesino que se encuentra en ellos...
Steadicam Operator
Molly Keller sufre horribles pesadillas y ha sido recluida en una institución mental. Nadie sabe nada sobre su pasado ni quién es en realidad. Pero sus sueños son cada vez más reales y lucha desesperadamente por liberarse del asesino que se encuentra en ellos...
Camera Operator
Two students from the Czech Film Academy commission a leading advertising agency to organize a huge campaign for the opening of a new supermarket named Czech Dream. The supermarket however does not exist and is not meant to. The advertising campaign includes radio and television ads, posters, flyers with photos of fake Czech Dream products, a promotional song, an internet site, and ads in newspapers and magazines. Will people believe in it and show up for the grand opening?
Jaromír Kalina
Two students from the Czech Film Academy commission a leading advertising agency to organize a huge campaign for the opening of a new supermarket named Czech Dream. The supermarket however does not exist and is not meant to. The advertising campaign includes radio and television ads, posters, flyers with photos of fake Czech Dream products, a promotional song, an internet site, and ads in newspapers and magazines. Will people believe in it and show up for the grand opening?
Camera Operator
Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.