Miguel Ángel Fuster


El rey de los huevones
Main Title Theme Composer
Anselmo, un inocente taxista de Santiago de Chile conocido como el Rey de los Huevones, entrega a la policía un maletín con 25 millones de pesos. Pero el dinero pertenece a una banda de estafadores, lo que le traerá a Anselmo más de un problema... (FILMAFFINITY)
Antes de Morir
Andrés lives obsessed with the disappearance and possible murder of his family during a violent military coup in his country. The years have aggravated his obsession and he has become a police man as a way of accessing the truth. There is some madness in his life. He won’t rest until he finds the truth which is closer every day.
La nave de los sueños
Four men and two women illegaly board a cargo ship from Buenaventura, Colombia to New York. All their dreams and frustrations confronts them while they attempt not to be discovered by the ship crew. They all seek the "American Dream".
En Sabana Grande siempre es de día
Victor, a middle-class child, escapes from his home in search of his father; after multiple crossings find it where you least expect, with the help of two small living on the street.
Original Music Composer
An eccentric millionaire gives a party for his birthday. With his friends, gamblers and collectors , they play games in their own way. One of them, a woman, suggests this: since they're all gamblers they should play a fortune on the life of one of them.
Retén de Catia
Venezuelan movie
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) of the Technical Judicial Police is assigned to the kidnapping of a child of the upper class of Caracas. The details of the kidnapping the attention of Leon, as there is no evidence of violence in the child's home, or witnesses to the abduction. Based on that Leon believes that the hijackers knew the boy and soon begins to suspect several young people from wealthy families of Caracas.
Bodas de Papel
Esther and Gustavo are celebrating seven years of happy marriage. Two beautiful children and a comfortable home in a residential area backs the stability of the still young couple, a conventional model of marriage where nothing seems to disturb their harmonious coexistence.
Reincidente: Soy un Delincuente, parte 2
Ramon Antonio Brizuela is a criminal whose life passes between rounds, parties and showdowns. Recognized by a witness during an assault, he is taken to jail where he becomes aware of the unfair and corrupt judicial system.
Soy un delincuente
La película cuenta la historia de Ramón Antonio Brizuela, quien desde su infancia tiene que lidiar con la violencia desenfrenada y las drogas, el sexo y el robo de una barriada de Caracas. A partir de la delincuencia, Ramón pasa a serias actividades de pandillas y robos. Crece hasta convertirse en un joven duro y seguro de sí mismo que está endurecido por la violencia. Sus opiniones cambian cuando el hermano de su prometida es asesinado en un robo.
Sagrado y Obsceno
Pedro Zamora (Miguelangel Landa) is a former guerrilla who returns to Caracas and moves to a pension as a tenant. Despite appearances, he has come to fulfill a secret mission to its ultimate consequences.
La Quema de Judas
Jesús María Carmona es un delincuente de poca monta que se hace pasar por un policía para poder robar un banco. Unos días antes del día en que planeaba hacerlo, un grupo guerrillero roba el mismo banco y Carmona es asesinada a tiros cuando no tiene más remedio que actuar como policía. Poco después, su imagen se convierte en un símbolo para la policía y se siente honrado, pero se descubre su identidad. Mientras tanto, en el vecindario donde creció se quema su efigie ya que ahora se lo considera un traidor.
Crónica de un Subversivo Latinoamericano
1964, in a Latin American country, a journalist is head of an armed liberation movement that decides to initiate radical actions. His second in command, a farmer, and the other members of the group will kidnap a north american colonel stationed in Venezuela to force his government to suspend the execution of the vietnamese Nguyen Van Troi, accused of trying to assassinate the American Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara.
Cuando Quiero Llorar no Lloro
In Venezuela, one day in 1948 there were born three children all named Victorino: Pérez, mulatto and son of the poor Lucía; Perdomo, son of a middle-class communist who gets arrested; and bourgeois Peralta. On the day of his eighteenth birthday Pérez escapes from prison using lather pretending it to be a rage attack. Peralta shows a friend of his a car he got from his parents. A young lady gives herself to Perdomo as a birthday present. Pérez finds his mistress with another man and wounds her. Pérez and a few others rob an old man while riding on their motorcycles. Perdomo and a bunch of bushwhackers plan to rob a bank. Pérez sees a friend of his smoking pot while Peralta visits a cousin of his and has sex with her. Perdomo’s father, recently elected a communist representative wants to talk him out of his violent ways. Pérez sleeps with three girls and remembers how he once killed a man in the middle of a robbery. Peralta and his friends shoot dogs just for fun. Perdomo and his pals…