Lorenzo Gangarossa


Finally Dawn
A young Roman woman during the 1950s is on the verge of becoming engaged to a man. She goes to Cinecittà to do an audition as an extra and is thrust into this almost infinite night during which she discovers herself.
C'è ancora domani
Delia is a wife and a mother. These are the roles that define her and that is enough for her. It's the second half of the 1940s in a Rome torn between the positive push of liberation and the miseries of the war just behind them. It is springtime and the whole family is in turmoil over the impending engagement of the beloved first-born Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to overturn her plans and imagine a better future, not only for her.
Eravamo bambini
In a police station in a small village, a sergeant interrogates a young and frightened postman, known as "Cacasotto". He, normally known for being calm and good-hearted, was arrested for having threatened a policeman on patrol with a knife. Eventually, Cacasotto begins to speak with the cop. And he tells what happened twenty years earlier to him and to his five best friends: Gianluca, Walter, Peppino, Margherita and his little brother, Andrea.
La primavera della mia vita
Las ocho montañas
Pietro es un chico de ciudad, Bruno es el último niño de una localidad de montaña olvidada. Con el paso de los años, Bruno se mantiene fiel a su montaña, mientras que Pietro viene y va. Sus experiencias le harán enfrentarse al amor y a la pérdida, recordándoles sus orígenes y abriendo paso al destino.
Ghost Night
It is evening. Tarek is seventeen years old and is on his way to see his friends, who have asked him on the telephone to pass by the park first and buy a few grams of dope: nothing much, just enough for some fun. The boy buys the stuff in the dark park, but when he emerges finds that someone has seen him: a policeman in plain clothes, sitting in his own car. The man could simply confiscate the hash, intimidate him a little and then let him go, or he could decide to take him to the station and call his parents. But he opts for neither of these things. He tells the young man to get in the car and starts the engine. Where does he want to take him? The policeman is ambiguous, mysterious. What does he want from the teenager? Tarek is in check, he can’t just leave. The policeman makes him stay with him the whole night, driving around in apparently aimless fashion, stopping first in one place, then in another.
In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
Roma, años 70. Clara y Felice acaban de mudarse a un piso nuevo. Su matrimonio está acabado: ya no se aman, pero son incapaces de separarse. Lo único que los mantiene unidos son sus hijos, en los que Clara vuelca su deseo de libertad. Adriana, la mayor, acaba de cumplir 12 años y presencia muy de cerca los estados de ánimo de Clara y las tensiones cada vez mayores entre sus padres. Adriana rechaza su nombre y su identidad, quiere convencer a todo el mundo de que es un chico, y su obstinación hace que el ya frágil equilibrio familiar alcance un punto de ruptura. Mientras los niños esperan una señal que los guíe, todo cambia a su alrededor y en su interior.
7 mujeres y un misterio
Es Nochebuena. y las mujeres de una familia numerosa se reúnen para celebrar pero descubren que el hombre de la casa, Marcello, ha sido asesinado. No solo eso: afuera hay un temporal de nieve, los cables telefónicos han sido cortados y la puerta cerrada. Entre ellas está la asesina y tendrán que descubrirla. Remake italiano de la película "8 mujeres" de François Ozon.
Arturo y el algoritmo
Arturo es despedido de su empresa al aplicar un algoritmo que él mismo ha ayudado a crear y que hace innecesario su trabajo. Tras perder empleo, casa y pareja, su salida a la desesperada es convertirse en repartidor en bicicleta de una 'app' de envíos. Su único solaz será una inteligencia artificial femenina desarrollada por la propia empresa de 'riders' con la que podrá desahogarse tras los duros días de trabajo.
Rifkin's Festival
Executive Producer
La historia de un matrimonio estadounidense que acude al Festival de Cine de San Sebastián. Se dejan atrapar por la magia del festival, la belleza y el encanto de España y la fantasía del cine. Ella tiene un romance con un brillante director de cine francés, y él se enamora de una bella doctora española.
If Only
Alma, Jean and Sebastiano, the children of divorced parents, arrive in Rome from Paris on a visit to their father. During a holiday, the family’s tensions come to the surface.
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
Don't Stop Me Now
Paola, una mujer moderna acostumbrada a las dificultades de la vida moderna, aprovecha su oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien para ella.
Beware the Gorilla
Lorenzo is a lawyer who files a lawsuit against the zoo of his town but after winning it he has to take home a gorilla.
I Am The Revolution
The inspiring story of three women risking their lives to incite political, activist, and armed uprisings in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq.
Como pez fuera del agua
Giovanni trabajar para una empresa encargada de la reurbanización de suburbios italianos. Guarda una buena relación con su ex esposa Agnes, que cultiva lavanda en Provenza, y con quien tiene una hija en común, Agnes. La joven adolescente romperá los esquemas de su padre cuando le presente a su novio Alessio, un joven que vive en los suburbios a los que Giovanni nunca se había planteado ir. Los padres del joven son el polo opuesto a los de Agnes. La tensión entre ambas familias crecerá cuando Giovanni, su hija, su novio y la madre de él se vayan de vacaciones a Coccia di Morto.
Poveri ma ricchissimi
The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.
Mamá o papá
Una pareja en pleno proceso de divorcio discute por la custodia de sus hijos: mamá quiere que se los quede papá, y este quiere que se los quede ella.
Poor but Rich
The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.
El nombre del bambino
Associate Producer
Amigos y familiares se reúnen para cenar juntos. La noche comienza tranquila y divertida. Pero de repente Paolo y Simona deciden anunciarles a los allí presentes el nombre del futuro bebé que van a tener: Benito. El hecho de llevar el mismo nombre que Mussolini, va a provocar un debate donde todas las personas no van a dudar en ofenderse y herirse entre ellas. Viejos rencores y secretos van a salir a la luz.
Italy in a Day - Un giorno da italiani
A crowd-sourced documentary with clips filmed all on the same day.
Italy in a Day - Un giorno da italiani
A crowd-sourced documentary with clips filmed all on the same day.
El capital humano
Associate Producer
Inspirado en una novela del norteamericano Stephen Amidon, originalmente ambientada en Connecticut, el film habla de un mundo de una clase pudiente, con mansiones fastuosas y repletas de personal de servicio, dominado por un especulador creador de un fondo que promete un 40 por ciento de interés anual atrayendo y esquilmando a los crédulos inversores. El personaje es un digno "representante de esa criminalidad financiera que, como ocurrió en la crisis de 2008, puede llegar a destruir la economía de naciones enteras o por lo menos a despojar a los ingenuos de todos sus bienes", declaró Virzì.
I più grandi di tutti
Our Country
Set in Milan, where people's lives are invisibly lead by money in its different shapes: too much, too little, stolen, earned, visible and even impalpable. The money flows from one story to the next, from one person to the other, becoming the engine of the film.Everything moves around two antagonist characters: Ugo and Rita. Ugo is a banker involved in a not really clean business. Rita, the Finance Police officer, is a strong and obstinate woman in charge of capturing Ugo. Other characters wander around them, with their weaknesses and fragility, their goodness, their evil and their contradictions. Characters meet, clash, love and hate each other, their lust for money becomes intense feelings.
The Island
A couple decides to turn their backs on civilization to build their private paradise on a desert island. However, a millionaire passing through the island makes them a sensation, making a European countess want to take over their island.
Limonov: The Ballad of Eddie
The outrageous story of Eduard Limonov, the radical Soviet poet who became a bum in New York, a sensation in France, and a political antihero in Russia.