Camila Machado


Sin Tierra
Durante un período de cuatro años, Camila Freitas grabó las vidas de un grupo de trabajadores sin tierra en el estado brasileño de Goiás. Desde 2015, los trabajadores han ocupado una parte del sitio de una fábrica y han exigido una reforma agraria. Chão proporciona información sobre la rutina diaria del grupo, que se divide entre labrar la tierra, el activismo político y hablar de cómo podría ser un futuro mejor.
Do Corpo da Terra
Ressurgentes — Um Filme de Ação Direta
This film touches on political thought, worldview, as well as the direct actions of a group of militants from autonomous movements in the Federal District of Brazil, from 2005 to 2013.
White Out, Black In
Sound Effects Editor
Shots fired inside a club frequented by black Brazilians in the outskirts of Brasilia leave two men wounded. A third man arrives from the future in order to investigate the incident and prove that the fault lies in the repressive society.
Neurose Sexual
Suelen, aware that she is the victim of a serious and progressing mental imbalance, seeks her doctor so that, alongside treatment, she manages all of her companies. Her illness, which manifestations seem to overcome her own resistance forces, leads her to imagine herself in sexual relationships with people he meets or sees. Taking notice, through a newspaper, of the arrest of a sexual maniac, she is attracted to him. Despite the protests of those around her, she gets her lawyers to free him. She approaches the pervert leading an unknown end.