Father Conlon
In a gritty underworld, a young man with a broken brain is lured into an underground fight tournament, where he must win to save his brother.
An insane homeless guy turns the world upside down for a blowhard. Tapioca is a funny, raunchy romp, a quirky, comic tale of redemption starring Broadway legend Ben Vereen (Roots), Tim Kazurinsky (Saturday Night Live), Greg Hollimon (Strangers With Candy) and a crazy cast of Second City veterans.
An insane homeless guy turns the world upside down for a blowhard. Tapioca is a funny, raunchy romp, a quirky, comic tale of redemption starring Broadway legend Ben Vereen (Roots), Tim Kazurinsky (Saturday Night Live), Greg Hollimon (Strangers With Candy) and a crazy cast of Second City veterans.
Secuela de "Henry, retrato de un asesino". En su trabajo Henry conoce a Kai, una chica que lo invita a alojarse en su casa. Mientras Kai le enseña a Henry todo lo que hay que saber para ser un pirómano, Henry, a cambio, la instruye en todas sus técnicas de asesinato a sangre fría.
Liquor Store Cop #1
Una mujer (Jessica Lange) adopta a un niño abandonado. Pero, cuando la madre biológica (Halle Berry) consigue rehacer su vida, reclama al niño con la ayuda de un combativo abogado (Samuel L. Jackson).
Newsreel Reporter
Cuando el director de una importante empresa se suicida, todos los accionistas se ponen de acuerdo y elaboran un plan para obtener los mayores beneficios posibles: se trata de poner al frente del consejo de dirección a alguien fácilmente manipulable. Todo parece sencillo hasta que entra en escena Amy Archer.
On a Connecticut farm, James Mayo's two sons both love Ruth Atkins. Robert, the younger son, is sickly and dreams of escaping to a romantic life somewhere "beyond the horizon." Andy is hard-working and steadfast and loves his brother deeply. When Ruth reveals that she loves Robert and not, as everyone believed, Andy, Robert's plans to go to sea with his uncle are disrupted. He decides to stay at home and marry Ruth, while Andy, unwilling to remain close at hand as his brother marries the girl he loves, takes Robert's place on the voyage. This turn of events leads to heartache and tragedy for everyone involved.