Carlo Valerio


La casa bruciata
1998 Made-for-TV Italian film.
An Eyewitness Account
Verso sud
In Pasquale Pozzessere's debut, a woman just out of prison falls in love with a man who saw steaing form a collection box in a church. Some critics saw a dry style next to Pasolini's as the director shows the two desperate individuals effort to build a sort of precarious family. In the end you could almost feel there's still a slender thread of hope for them to hang on
Un reietto delle isole
TV-adaptation of Joseph Conrad's "Outcast of the Islands".
L'altro enigma
En sueños y visiones lo atormentan recuerdos con un trasfondo simbólico. Es el triste estado de un hombre que no puede aceptar que está envejeciendo. Por eso también se esfuerza por destruir la virilidad de su hijo.