Toula Stathopoulou

Toula Stathopoulou


Toula Stathopoulou


Woman in the Coffee House
Tras la entrada del Ejército Rojo en Odessa (1921), los refugiados griegos vuelven a su país. Comienza entonces la historia de amor entre Alexis y Eleni, que se criaron juntos. Pero el padre de Alexis, que se siente muy solo tras la muerte de su mujer, desaprueba ese amor porque él querría casarse con Eleni. Por esta razón, los dos jóvenes abandonan el pueblo para ir a Salónica, aunque acabarán vagando por toda Grecia sin rumbo fijo. Primera parte de la trilogía que Angelopoulos dedicó a la historia de Grecia en el siglo XX.
This film is about life at a country health resort seen through the eyes of Christos, a young man from Athens who has just been discharged from the army. Christos is there because he is enthralled by the rebellious Manolis, a three-time army deserter his same age.
The Price of Love
The wife of an alcoholic and mother of four (Toula Stathopoulou) is a factory worker in Corfu at the beginning of the 20th century. A fallen noble man who has fallen on hard times (Stratis Tsopanellis) wants to marry her eldest daughter (Anny Loulou) and take advantage of the family's meager earnings. He kidnaps the not-unwilling girl, and argues with her mother about the dowry. But the girl refuses to marry him when she wakes up to the fact that he is only looking out for his own interests. She then decides to start working in order to earn money to raise the child she is expecting. The film is an adaptation of the novel 'For Honor and Money' by Konstantinos Theotokis.
Alejandro el Grande
Village woman
La historia de un famoso bandido macedonio del siglo XIX (Omero Antonutti), que cree ser la reencarnación de Alejandro Magno, le sirve al cineasta griego para reflexionar sobre la debilidad de los poderosos.
Days of '36
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
En un pueblo del norte de Grecia una mujer mata a su marido con la complicidad de su amante. Un pariente de la víctima sospecha de ellos y lo comunica a la policía. Tras ser arrestados, los asesinos confiesan su crimen. El juez ordena la reconstrucción de los hechos.