Jeanette Bethge

Nacimiento : 1875-04-24,

Muerte : 1943-02-19


The successful writer Erich Eckberg lives with his wife Sigrid and their three children -- the twins, Knut and Michael and the daughter Gabriel -- on their estate "Sophienlund". On their sons' 21st birthday, Eckberg tells them the great family secret: Knut and Michael aren't his children (happy birthday, kids ... oh! and did I mention Santa Claus doesn't exist either?). But thankfully, the news gets better: their real mother died giving birth to them (guilt trip ... guilt trip!) and the Eckbergs decided to adopt the boys and bring them up in a proper family (no doubt so they could shatter their lives with this tale on their 21st birthday). But hey: it made everyone forget about the War going on outside the theatre, right?
Wenn die Sonne wieder scheint
The Termoehlens belong to the old farming class in Flanders. Their estate does well and their flax is the best far and wide. And as is the custom, old Termoehlen is like a ruler over his family, the servants and the maidens. Even his son Ludwig, who has just returned from agricultural school with all his ideas on how to improve the farm, doesn’t stand a chance. When Ludwig falls in love with the maiden Rieneke – known as Schellebelle – his father become a despotic enemy.
Meine Frau Teresa
Der Seniorchef
Das leichte Mädchen
Grossmutter Olga
Dietz' relatives are horrified to discover that Dietz, the son of a wealthy merchant, is planning to marry an actress, who is known to appear in rather daring roles. Dietz finds a way to escape from a gathering over coffee, during which he's supposed to be introduced to "decent ladies". After all, his great love is waiting for him somewhere else.
Die schwedische Nachtigall
Frau Tostrup, Andersens Haushälterin
Clothes Make the Man
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
Die gute Sieben
Bertha, Köchin bei Katharina
Lauter Liebe
Frau Klipp
Her First Experience
Frau Mertens
A young country woman in Paris is temporarily drawn to her married, middle aged art teacher before she realizes she belongs instead with people her own age.
St. John's Fire
Mann für Mann
Elses Nachbarin
Anna Favetti
Liebe kann lügen
La muchacha del páramo
Mutter Dittmar
Melodrama basado en un relato corto de la escritora sueca Selma Lagerlöf, la primera mujer que obtuvo el premio Nobel de Literatura (1909).
Hedda Gabler
Silent adaptation of the famous play by Henrik Ibsen. This film is believed to be lost.
Der fliegende Holländer