Sze Ning


In the Heat of Summer
Five cops work and get on each other's nerves during a hot summer. Tak is a gambler, too much so for his girlfriend to risk marriage. Daddy, a single father, is harsh with his son who reminds him of the woman who abandoned them. Monk is mercurial, talkative, a show-off. Kong, a steady family man, keeps the peace. Sam is new, hoping to fit in and make it as a cop. Three brutal and murderous robbers are on the loose, and so is a former soldier, embittered over the loss of his pension, using very real bombs to extort what's due him. It's a dangerous job, and the cops must watch each other's back, regardless of their personal problems.
Trío heróico 2: Executioners
El fin de la guerra nuclear no hay traído la paz anhelada, el agua potable es un bien escaso, la población sobrevive a duras penas y el caos reina en las calles de la ciudad. Tung ha abandonado su identidad como La Mujer Maravilla tras ser madre. La Pistolera sigue en el "negocio" a pesar de los malos tiempos que corren. Ching lucha por hacer llegar agua potable a los más necesitados. El gobierno está a punto de ser derrocado mediante el uso de la fuerza bruta, el regreso de El Trío Heroico es ahora más necesario que nunca.