The movie is based on the narrative of a Czech multimillionaire who achieved success not by stripping companies, making crooked deals and crony-ism, but by blazing his own trail like Schweikesque self-made man. He realizes early on that he has nobody but himself to rely on. During the totalitarian regime of the 80s, he ambles along his oddball path and then experiences the Velvet Revolution atypically, too - in an asylum amidst nut-cases. After the Revolution, he really gets rolling. To Germany and back. To prison and back. To China and back. The intriguing and endless opportunities afforded by the Internet eventually blossom into virtual prosperity. The hero has everything and is even planning a highly unorthodox family. A happy ending is nigh, until everything goes up in smoke, of course...
Hynek Michánek wants to study medicine but fails his entrance exams five times. He starts a job as an orderly in a district hospital where one of the doctors on the examining board works as well. He feels no-one takes him seriously and he loathes the doctors, who treat him with disdain. When an old man begs him to end his pain and suffering by helping him to die, Hynek gives him a "liberating" injection. But now he has done it once, he finds he can't stop. He continues killing other patients, even though he knows he can't get away with it for long.
Basado en hechos verídicos, este thriller narra una serie de crímenes que ocurrieron en Noviembre de 1989: las víctimas de los llamados "Asesinos de Orlik" fueron encontradas en el fondo de un lago en Bohemia. Tres hombres de negocios tratan de obtener una auténtica fortuna, para lo que han de cometer cuatro asesinatos. Uno de sus objetivos será destrozado por un paquete-bomba, otro tiroteado en su propia casa...
3. rytíř
Muslim Teenager
Se supone que la guerra en los Balcanes ha terminado, pero la batalla por la supervivencia apenas ha comenzado. Tras ser tiroteado durante una misión de reconocimiento en Bosnia, el piloto americano Chris Burnett (Owen Wilson) tendrá que luchar por sobrevivir y escapar de las tropas serbias. Con el tiempo en su contra, el jefe de Burnett (Gene Hackman) prepara una arriesgada misión de rescate -en contra de las directivas de la OTAN- para salvarlo.
The story, written by former George Stransky former political prisoners and today's chairman Pen Club is situated to 50 years and uranium camp of political prisoners in Pribram, where after the fall of the Stalinist cult comes at the end of 1958 as a prisoner of the former Chief of Main Administration of correctional facilities Colonel Good. Former chief topic of coexistence, "a guard" and political prisoners in the Bolshevik camp served timeless makers to reflect on the possibility (or impossibility) of forgiveness and a sense of justice. The film, unfortunately, below expectations - mainly because of its rarity and lack syžetovou arching dramatic arc of the story, including natural gradation. Nice camera and vice versa are cast, formed literally myriad of top Czech actors. A representative of one of the main roles - Jiri Schmitzer in 1997 was awarded the Czech Lion.