Ezelle Poule

Nacimiento : 1905-03-06, Danville, Arkansas, USA

Muerte : 1987-10-21


Ha nacido una estrella
Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Norman Maine, un famoso actor adicto al alcohol, descubre a Esther, una joven con un gran talento para la canción y decide impulsar su carrera cinematográfica. Ella consigue la fama y, a los pocos meses, la pareja contrae matrimonio. Pero, a medida que el éxito de Esther aumenta, decae el de Norman, y esta situación lo empuja a la autodestrucción.
Los sobornados
Mrs Tucker (uncredited)
Dave Bannion es un honesto policía que investiga el suicidio de un compañero. Bertha, la viuda, le explica a Bannion que a su esposo le habían diagnosticado una grave enfermedad. Pero Lucy, la amante del difunto, le cuenta que, en realidad, el policía había descubierto un complejo entramado de corrupción en su departamento. Cuando Lucy aparece brutalmente asesinada, Bannion decide acusar a Lagana, el mayor mafioso de la ciudad. Al cabo de poco tiempo, el coche de Bannion explota y mata a su esposa, hecho que le llevará a iniciar una salvaje venganza.
The Jazz Singer
Casting Secretary
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
Hogar, dulce hogar
Poppy (Grant) y Anna Rose (Drake) viven felices con sus tres hijos. Pero Anna es tan maternal que desea tener más hijos; así que adoptan a dos niños: una niña de trece años y un chico analfabeto que tiene problemas para caminar. Al principio, la situación es dura, pero lucharán por sobreponerse a las adversidades.
Leave It to the Marines
Mrs. McAllister
Gerald Meek and Myrna McAllister go to city hall to apply for a marriage license. Gerald wanders into the Marine Recruiting office by mistake and Sergeant Delaney signs him into the Marine Corps and sends him for a medical examination before Gerald realizes what has happened. He finds himself in uniform and ready to be shipped to boot camp without any delay, other than explain to his intended-bride that Uncle Sam has other plans for him.
Border Rangers
Aunt Priscilla Weeks
Don Barry stars as Texas Ranger Bob Standish, sworn to avenge his brother's death in Border Rangers. To achieve his goal, Standish goes undercover, joining the bandit gang.
Sin remisión
Inmate (uncredited)
Después de cometer un atraco en el que su marido resulta muerto, Marie Ellen (Eleanor Parker), una joven de clase media, ingresa en la prisión del Estado. Tras ser sometida a un reconocimiento médico, se entera de que está embarazada. Tras dos semanas de depresión en la sala médica de aislamiento, Marie tiene una entrevista con Ruth Benton (Agnes Moorehead), una superintendente amable y humana que lucha contra los viejos métodos penales.
El caso de Thelma Jordon
Woman (Uncredited)
Una misteriosa mujer inicia un romance con el fiscal de distrito. Él intuye que ella le oculta algo, y sus sospechas se confirman con el hallazgo de un cadáver.
Sky Liner
Elvina's Sister
Travellers board a flight, unaware that other passengers might be spies and counterspies, complete with secret documents, poison and elaborate plans to engage in international espionage!
Arson Squad
Miss McKee, Arson Squad receptionist
Tom Mitchell is an insurance investigator and Fire Capt. Joe Dugan is chief of the police department's arson troubleshooters. Tom and Joe team up to solve a particularly vicious series of deliberate fires. A man has been killed in one conflagration, so the villains have a murder rap hanging over them.
Crazy House
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Redhead from Manhattan
Club Patron
Lupe Vélez plays a dual role, twin sisters Rita and Elaine. After escaping a torpedoed ship, Rita shows up in Manhattan, where she takes the place of her Broadway-star twin sister Elaine, who's having problems with her marriage and needs to make a getaway. Neither Elaine's husband or Rita's saxophone-player boyfriend are aware of the switch.
Tangled Fortunes
A gang of crooks kills a gold miner while trying to find out the location of the mine. They then terrorize the miner's son to get him to reveal the mine's location.