Viktor Braun


Los jóvenes años de una reina
Sissi se muestra hábil no sólo con los asuntos de estado, sino también con Sofía, su conflictiva suegra, que aprovecha cualquier ocasión para inventar falsos romances entre Sissi y el conde Andrassy con el objetivo de romper el matrimonio entre la emperatriz y su hijo. A las amenazas de Sofía hay que añadir la grave enfermedad pulmonar que Sissi contrae en Hungría y que la llevará a Grecia, donde tras un tiempo la joven mejora felizmente de su enfermedad.
Der Färber und sein Zwillingsbruder
Sturm, Gemeiner
Annaluise & Anton
Despite their social differences Luise, called Pünktchen, a girl from rich parentage befriends Anton, a boy who has to earn his own money in order to afford life for his sick mother and himself. Together they undergo different adventures, even preventing a theft in Pünktchens home
Vienna Waltzes
Sedlnitzky, police chief
A biography of the composer Johann Strauss.
Jetzt schlägt's 13
Wie ein Dieb in der Nacht
Trip Acquaintance
A nervous private investigator, his bumbling boss, a woman in love, 10,000 Reichsmark and two reversed cases. A crime comedy directed by E. W. Emo.
Hotel Sacher
Vienna is celebrating New Year’s Eve 1913/14. It is the year, which will see the outbreak of the First World War. In Hotel Sacher, the mood is excellent; and although the political atmosphere is charged, there’s an undercurrent of hate and intolerance in the air. It is with this background that Nadja, a Russian spy, meets the Austrian civil servant Stefan. He loves her, but comes under suspicion of being an agent because of this love.