Hans Thimig

Hans Thimig

Nacimiento : 1900-07-22, Wien, Austria

Muerte : 1991-02-17


Hans Thimig


La última bandera
En el año 1918, un cadete de la armada llega a Belgrado para formar parte del escuadrón que protege a la princesa de Hannover en su viaje de vuelta a Viena. Poco a poco, el cadete consigue conocer a la princesa, y esos encuentros resultarán en un romance que tendrá que sobrevivir a una gran batalla. El cadete sabe que, muy a su pesar, las tropas eslavas no lucharán todo lo necesario junto a ellos, ya que desean ver cómo el imperio se desintegra. Sin embargo, los superiores son ajenos a este hecho y ello afectará a su campaña de guerra en la que sufrirán ataques que resultarán fatídicos para ellos. Debido al código militar, los soldados deberán luchar y morir por preservar la bandera de los reyes, la cual acabará en manos del protagonista. Ahora su objetivo es el de transportar la bandera hasta la Casa Real de Habsburgo, lugar al que pertenece. (FILMAFFINITY)
For thirty years Anna sat at the checkout in the supermarket; now she is retired and doesn't know what to do with her life. She drifts through Viennese museums and cafés until one day in the park she gets into a conversation with a group of bikers. And suddenly the old lady reveals quite unexpected talents ...
Johann und Anna
Herr Birker, Pensionist
Nasrin oder Die Kunst zu träumen
Fast ein Poet
Nicholas Gasdby
Das Mädl aus der Vorstadt
Pfaidler Knöpfel
Die Kaiserin
Kaiser Karl VI.
Du holde Kunst - Szenen um Lieder von Franz Schubert
Die Jakobsleiter
Final de una lucha
Dr. Thimm
Das große Wunschkonzert
Meine Tochter Patricia
Dr. Hartung
The Priest and the Girl
Legationsrat Düringer
A priest falls in love with a rich man's daughter.
Sebastian Kneipp
Der Kardinal
Einen Jux will er sich machen
Los jóvenes años de una reina
The Dean of Chester
Sissi se muestra hábil no sólo con los asuntos de estado, sino también con Sofía, su conflictiva suegra, que aprovecha cualquier ocasión para inventar falsos romances entre Sissi y el conde Andrassy con el objetivo de romper el matrimonio entre la emperatriz y su hijo. A las amenazas de Sofía hay que añadir la grave enfermedad pulmonar que Sissi contrae en Hungría y que la llevará a Grecia, donde tras un tiempo la joven mejora felizmente de su enfermedad.
Das Licht der Liebe
Der Färber und sein Zwillingsbruder
Peter, dessen Bedienter
Franz Schubert – Ein Leben in zwei Sätzen
Vater Schubert
Symphonie Wien
Gottes Engel sind überall
Wie ein Dieb in der Nacht
Umwege zu Dir
Careless Fritzi, the wife of a much older professor, has secretly been meeting with the unmarried Baron von Burghammer. Fritzi's husband finds out about the affair. Leoni, Fritzi's sister, pretends to be Burghammer's lover to spare her sister. Burghammer then falls head over heels for the brave woman.
Die goldene Fessel
Herr von Lips is a wealthy landowner, surrounded by money and luxury. But what he lacks is a wife, who really loves him. So he comes up with the plan to mingle among the people in simple clothing to find the missing bride. Three fine friends --- "fine", that is, as long as the money doesn't run out --- wish to set him up with the egoistic hat maker Mathilde. Her employer, Kathi, who has no idea that von Lips is a rich man, falls in love with him for whom he is.
Die kluge Marianne
Brüderlein fein
A young Viennese actor is having much success on the stage; but intrigue and confusion in his love life are making his life a living Hell.
So gefällst Du mir
There’s excitement in St. Johann, when the lawyer and notary Dr. Junhnickel from Vienna arrives and brings an offer from a mysterious Brazillian: On the cover of a magazine is a young girl, obviously from the country, and in the background is the village landscape of St. Johann. The Brazilian has fallen in love with the picture and wants to marry the girl. In return for finding her, the village will receive a donation of RM 5,000. Oh boy! The mayor, the shoemaker and the district clerk go off on the search for the girl! They have absolutely no luck in the photo shop, because the photographer is boiling over what he considers unfair intentions and tells them to take a hike. Nevertheless, they find the girl’s address. The model, Christl Wallner is no country girl but rather a ballet dancer, who posed for the photo to earn a litle extra money.
Geld fällt vom Himmel
Christian Pasemann
Freundlich, Prokurist
The Happiest Married Couple in Vienna
Toni Hubermann
The happiest one should be selected from 500 married couples to move a marriage-hostile American millionnaire's daughter to the marriage. - Shallow and turbulent love banter with some tumultuous and funny climaxes.
The Postman from Longjumeau
Pierre Touche, Dorfbarbier
La Marquise de Pompadour desires the best tenor in France for her opera company, and after an extensive search in the provinces, Chapelou is selected and forced to leave his bride-of-an-hour to go to Paris. Alfer seeing the handsome tenor, the Marquise decides not to let his bride, Madeliane, join him in Paris. Graf de Latour, banished from the court for his bawdy song about La Pompadour, goes to the town where Chapelou has left his bride and sees an opportunity to get even. He takes Madeleine in hand and after exhaustive grooming and make-over he returns to court with her as his banishment has been lifted, and Chepelou, failing to recognize hie own wife, falls in love with her.
Franz Hegner
Sehnsucht 202
After a mix-up with a newspaper advertisement, a shop-girl and a millionairess are mistaken for one another by two businessmen. A musical romantic comedy.
Money on the Street
Max Kesselberg
In this romance, a banker's daughter suddenly breaks off her engagement on her wedding day. She then meets a man who believes in easy money. He sees her as his meal ticket and the two take off together.
Das weisse Paradies
Die Strecke
Der Fluch
A young Jewish woman in an Eastern European shtetl struggles to reconcile her aspirations with her duty to her family. As her lifestyle grows wilder, her mother is shocked by her immoral behaviour and commits suicide by drowning - repeating "the curse" which has haunted the family for centuries.
La reina esclava (La luna de Israel)
En Tanis, Egipto, el príncipe Seti, heredero al trono, conoce a la joven Merapi (Luna de Israel) que vive como una esclava en su propio reino y cuyo padre acaba de ser asesinado por un oficial, que quería vengarse de ella por haberle rechazado. Entre Seti y la joven se inicia una especial relación que habrá de enfrentar a los dos países y a otras fuerzas mayores… al tiempo que brota el amor.
Carl Michael Ziehrers Märchen aus Alt-Wien
Wendelin Frohgemut jun.
Sodoma y Gomorra
Superproducción de la época que adaptaba la historia de Sodoma y Gomorra, dividida en dos partes. 1ª parte (El pecado): Mary Conway, incitada por su ambiciosa madre Agathe, decide casarse con el banquero Jackson Harber -un hombre bastante maduro y con pocos escrúpulos-, pese a que está enamorada del escultor Harry Lighton, quien se desvive por ella. Lighton, despechado, intenta suicidarse y Mary comienza a dar rienda suelta a un incontrolable afán seductor que involucra al hijo del banquero e incluso al sacerdote-tutor que le acompaña. 2ª parte (El castigo): Mary sueña que es Lía, la esposa de Lot y revive, como una mujer pecaminosa, el episodio bíblico de Sodoma y Gomorra. Después se verá a sí misma como la perversa reina de Siria. Esto será muy significativo para su vida.
Kleider machen Leute