Luis Aldás

Luis Aldás

Nacimiento : 1910-03-11, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Muerte : 1990-05-16


Luis Aldás (Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 10 de marzo de 1910 — Ciudad de México, México; 16 de mayo de 1990) fue un actor argentino, nacionalizado mexicano, que trabajo en la época de oro del cine mexicano.


Luis Aldás
Luis Aldás


La noche violenta
Police are chasing him for a murder, so man breaks into an expensive home and takes husband and wife hostage. The bloodshed continues...
Condenados a muerte
Bank robbers face obstacles when they try to retrieve stolen money that one of their gang buried.
El fantasma de la opereta
Senor Martucci
Aldo (Tin Tan) y su novia Lucy reabren una casa de ópera abandonada, pero descubren que el lugar está habitado por un grupo de fantasmas con el disfraz de Claude Rains ...
La estrella vacía
Mourners share their memories of a dead film-star at her wake, a la Citizen Kane. Only melodrama.
Dos fantasmas y una muchacha
En tiempos de don Porfirio, los catrines Pérez y López mueren al batirse a duelo por la cupletista Ana "La Tobillera", y sus espíritus son condenados a vagar como fantasmas por el teatro donde se enfrentaron hasta que se vuelvan amigos. Cincuenta años después, los fantasmas piden la oportunidad de redimirse. Para conseguirla deberán comprobar que ya no existe rivalidad entre ellos.
Mis padres se divorcian
Vicente Medina
Four young women facing "crises," mostly centered around the crucially-important issue of preserving their virginity in a variety of purity-oath threatening situations.
A sablazo limpio
Don Jeremías de Montalbán
Two clownish incompetents get mixed up in power struggles between state officials.
Mujeres encantadoras
Goofball inventor is working on x-ray binoculars for peeping with; meanwhile, his assistant seeks help for a medical condition and gets caught up in the drama between two philandering doctors and their wives.
Los tres mosqueteros y medio
Spoofy adaptation of The Three Musketeers, follows the original very closely.
Asesinos, S.A.
Incompetent clown is drafted into a Murder Incorporated style squad of hitmen.
La adúltera
Joaquín Peña
Irene, interpretada por la primera actriz Silvia Pinal, es una ex azafata que resulta ser la única sospechosa del asesinato de Cecilia, prima de Raúl, el marido de Irene. La única forma de salvarse es encontrar la respuesta a: ¿Cecilia se suicidó o fue asesinada por envenenamiento?
El 7 leguas
Col. Enrique Garcia
Horse-trader gets absorbed into Pancho Villa's battalions, becomes a spy.
Escuela de música
Pedro protagoniza a un industrial con mucho dinero y Libertad Lamarque a una profesora de canto que se ve obligada a dejar su escuela por no tener suficientes recursos económicos. Los dos se unen gracias a las aptitudes que tienen para el canto en una gira por varios países de América Latina, interpretando danzas y canciones folclóricas y típicas de cada país, promoviendo de esta forma la diversidad cultural de la región.
El enmascarado de plata
No tiene nada que ver con el “Santo, el enmascarado de plata” que todos conocemos, se jugaba durante todo su metraje con la verdadera identidad del héroe, que en este caso se llamaba “El Médico”. Pues bien, durante “El enmascarado de plata” veremos como dos reporteros no pararan de aparecer justo después de que “El Médico” haya realizado alguna proeza y haya salido de escena, colocándolos como los dos únicos sospechosos de ser el hombre que se oculta tras la máscara.
La infame
Sad lonely spinster makes friends with a little boy in the park, ends up kidnapping him when she learns about how unloved and neglected he is at home. And then...
Gerardo Muñoz, reporter
En la víspera de fin de año, Bernardo, dueño de un periódico, discute con Gámez Rivera, su director. Como resultado de la discusión Bernardo ofrece un premio de diez mil pesos al reportero que traiga la mejor noticia de esa noche. Los reporteros salen a la calle para encontrarse con distintas historias, interpretadas por una multitud de estrellas del cine mexicano
Aventura en Río
Piraña (Jorge)
Tourist gets bonked on the head, suffers an amnesiac fugue, wanders away from her husband and children, becomes an evil prostitute-y thief-y saloon gal.
Legítima defensa
Mr. X is convicted of killing Mr. Y and serves a jail sentence. After being released, he discovers that Mr. Y is still alive...
Póker de ases
Four brothers try to manage their careers and love-lives under the close supervision of a domineering mother.
No niego mi pasado
A 1952 film by Alberto Gout.
Mi mujer no es mía
Bachelor pretends that he got married, thinking that will stop his aunt from trying to play matchmaker.
Los amantes
Bruno del Moral
A burglar and a bar girl fall in love and decide to go straight, but complications.
Tierra baja
A poor shepherd is convinced to marry a beautiful woman. This is a Maquiavellian plan schemed by the woman's fiancé and her father.
El pecado de quererte
Las tandas del principal
Frivolous young dandy is trying to score with an operetta singer, but she ends up with his uncle. For awhile. And then...
La Devoradora
Miguel Iturbe
A Mexican film noir revolving around a crime: the suicide of one of Diana (María Félix)'s lovers and the disposal of his body in order to avoid a scandal. Diana not only engineers the entire scheme, but drafts her two other suitors: her fiance Adolfo (Julio Villareal) and his nephew Miguel (Luis Aldas).
La viuda celosa
Young-ish widow forbids herself the pleasure of male company in deference to the deceased.
La reina de la opereta
Blanca, una famosa cantante y bailarina...
El que murió de amor
Magicians transfers two peoples' souls (or whatever you want to call them) into each other's bodies.
La pícara Susana
Socialist librarian gets mixed up in the family life of a spoiled rich girl and her screwball family.
La mujer que engañamos
Eduardo Cervantes
Woman chooses between two suitors. The lucky one is a cad and cheats on her, the one who was rejected hangs around in the background to set things right whenever she has a problem.
México de mis recuerdos
Pablo Flores
After listening to the waltz "Carmelita", dedicated to his wife, President Diaz instructs Don Susanito seeking the composer Chucho Flores to give her a piano. Don Susanito located Chucho, a bohemian who lives drunk and surrounded by poets and artists. Don Susanito was named patron protector of artists and aspiring young stars of the stage, which leads to a series of adventures in the middle of songs, dances and loves.
Adios Juventud
Nostalgic comedy about medical students circa 1905.
Tres hombres del río
Tres contrabandistas recogen a una muchacha que va a Puerto Esperanza mientras navegan por el Alto Paraná y se la disputan pero ella acaba yéndose con un desconocido.
En el viejo Buenos Aires
The romance between an actress and a young man provokes the rejection of the class to which he belongs.
Boina blanca
The film narrates events of the Revolution of the Park, carried out by radical sympathizers on July 26, 1890. There is a secondary plot with the romance of a girl who, despite being in love with her father's godson, must contract a marriage with a banker that fails.
Una vez en la vida
A woman helps a man escape from the police and ends up falling in love with him.
La casa de los cuervos
A soldier enrolled in the revolutionary ranks has an affair with a woman who turns out to have been married to a man whom the soldier had killed.
Herencia macabra
A plastic surgeon goes mad when he discovers that his wife have an affair. He fakes her death and disfigure her and locks her in the cellar.
La noche de los mayas
A white man seduces a local girl in an isolated Mayan village, which makes gods unhappy.
El cobarde
Alberto is born in wartime, where his father dies a hero. He grows up effeminate. His mother sends him to military college where Fernando bullies him, but they become friends. When war comes, he has to face his fears.