Karl Tessler


Sansón y Dalila
Debido a las ofensas cometidas contra Dios, los israelitas viven como esclavos bajo el dominio de los filisteos. Pero el Señor escucha las plegarias de su pueblo y les envía a un niño llamado Sansón, que llegará tener la fuerza de cien hombres y les ayudará a vencer a sus enemigos. Pronto, la noticia de la descomunal fuerza de Sansón llega a oídos del Rey Hanun y de la bella cortesana Dalila, a la que Sansón salva del ataque de un león.
Dos muertes
Roberto Constantin
Mientras en las calles de Bucarest reina el caos de la guerra civil, el Dr. Daniel Pavenic organiza una cena en su lujosa mansión. Durante el curso del magnífico banquete, sus invitados descubren la apasionada relación de amor que une al doctor con su ama de llaves.
Au Pair
A coming of age comedy about Susan, a young Welsh woman who leaves her quiet country for Germany in search of some real adventure. She falls in love with her boss's lover, but when Susan's boyfriend from Wales shows up, sparks begin to fly.
Two Moons
Panoramic view of a resort town in the summer of 1930. In seventeen episodes we get a glimpse at the microcosm of its colourful inhabitants and visitors, Poles and Jews, the high society and the desperately poor.
Alive and Kicking
Stevie "Smudger" Smith and his wife Marie are both addicted to drugs; he's also a dealer. The day he 'deals with' another dealer, she gives birth to a baby. The baby appears to be addicted too and Marie decides to give up the habit. Because Stevie doesn't want to give up using and dealing drugs, they take Marie and the baby away from him. The new, tough, social worker Liam Kane tries to get Stevie in his group sessions, by using his violent approach and by telling him it's the only way he'll ever see Marie and the baby back. So there seems to be hope to get Stevie clean, if only he wants to himself. That things aren't that easy is shown by the drugs addicted hooker Gail, who's satisfied with the life she leads.