Yvonne Bernard


Fantasmas a mogollón 3:  Una noche en la casa maldita
Max Doyle toma algunos objetos de una casa embrujada para ayudar a sus amigos fantasmas Nicky y Tara, alterando a un montón de espíritus en el proceso.
Fantasmas a mogollón 2: Mi amiga fantasmagórica
Max Doyle sólo tiene ojos para Cammy, la inteligente y popular chica del colegio. Cuando Max por fin consigue una cita con Cammy en Halloween, Phears, un malvado fantasma con planes para dominar el mundo, desata a los espíritus y y las cosas se complican. Con la ayuda de sus amigos Tara y Nicky, que se han convertido en fantasmas, Max trata de destruir a Phears antes de que tome el control del mundo.
Haunted Lighthouse
Executive Producer
The film tells the story of two ghost children who are cursed to remain forever on a Cape Cod beach and in a 19th-century era lighthouse. After 100 years, they meet two children visiting the beach and take them to the lighthouse, hoping to turn them into ghosts like them.
Haunted Lighthouse
The film tells the story of two ghost children who are cursed to remain forever on a Cape Cod beach and in a 19th-century era lighthouse. After 100 years, they meet two children visiting the beach and take them to the lighthouse, hoping to turn them into ghosts like them.