Christian Falch


Only the Devil Lives Without Hope
In Uzbekistan, the government has started its own war on terror. A war that – like so many others – is waged for political reasons, which rarely have anything to do with reality. As a result, thousands of Muslims are imprisoned on false charges of conspiring to commit terrorist crimes. One of them is the human rights activist Dilya's brother Iskandar, who has been imprisoned in the notorious Jaslyk prison in a barren desert since 2002 – an inhumane place of which there are no images. Today, she lives in exile in Sweden because of the threats and harassment, but Dilya continues to fight the case of her brother and other prisoners with the help of Amnesty International.
The adventurous Norwegian backpacker Audun Amundsen is driven by his search for a utopian world and ends up in the jungle of Indonesia. Here he meets the shaman Aman Paksa and his clan who lives a traditional life, surviving without money, electricity or modern tools. Amundsen follows Aman Paksa for nearly 15 years on his turbulent path towards modernity.
Documental que se centra en el boom de la industria de la inteligencia artificial, las oportunidades y los desafíos que supone y el impacto que tiene en el mundo.
School of Seduction
Three Russian women in their 30s who all seek the same: security, a higher social status and eternal happiness. Not an easy wish to fulfill in today's Russia, where the patriarchy dominates. So our heroines take matters into their own hands and join a course in the art of seducing a man - preferably a rich one. Seven years of recordings paint a sometimes tragicomic picture of gender roles and femininity in Putin's Russia.
Privacy of Wounds
Executive Producer
Set as an experiment in a simulated cell in Oslo, three former political prisoners are locked up for three days with no film crew, to revisit their memories of Syria's darkest detention facilities.
Wars Don't End
During World War II, 12 000 children were born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers. In WARS DON’T END five of these children tell their stories about lives of discrimination and abuse stemming from the choices of their mothers and the actions of their fathers.
Golden Dawn Girls
The key male members of the far-right political party Golden Dawn are imprisoned accused of carrying out organized criminal activity. To maintain Golden Dawn's position as the fifth largest political party in Greece, their daughters, wives and mothers step up to the task of leading the party through the upcoming elections.
Blackhearts takes a fresh look at the notorious Norwegian black metal music scene - but from a striking new angle. It travels to South America, Europe and the Middle East to follow three black metal die hards who hail from extreme religious and political backgrounds.
Blackhearts takes a fresh look at the notorious Norwegian black metal music scene - but from a striking new angle. It travels to South America, Europe and the Middle East to follow three black metal die hards who hail from extreme religious and political backgrounds.
King and the Crook
How could Gulosten, who was a major criminal during prohibition, and a resistance fighter during WW2, get away with the murder of two Germans in peacetime Norway? And what part did his friend, king Haakon of Norway, play in this?
King and the Crook
How could Gulosten, who was a major criminal during prohibition, and a resistance fighter during WW2, get away with the murder of two Germans in peacetime Norway? And what part did his friend, king Haakon of Norway, play in this?
Two Raging Grannies
Dos abuelas furiosas en sus scooters para discapacitados se embarcan en un viaje por los Estados Unidos. Ellas viajan desde Seattle hasta Wall Street en una misión para descubrir si el crecimiento económico perpetuo es posible. Shirley (90) y Hinda (84) crecieron durante la gran depresión. Ellas están, desde siempre, involucradas en asuntos políticos y sociales. De hecho, Shirley ha estado en la cárcel cerca de 20 veces por culpa de su activismo. La crisis financiera actual, el calentamiento global y la preocupación por el futuro de sus tataranietos las ha hecho cuestionar la opinión general de que existe una necesidad de crecimiento económico perpetuo. Este es el punto de partida de una aventura a través del país intentando encontrar respuestas a sus preguntas. (FILMAFFINITY)