Andrzej Markowski


Coronel Wolodyjowski
Situada en el siglo XVII durante la invasión turca de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, la cual fue eventualmente rechazada. El coronel Michael Wo?odyjowski, con un puñado de soldados fronterizos de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, se enfrentó a turcos y tártaros. Después de la declaración de guerra, defendió la fortaleza en Kamieniec Podolski (1672). 1.060 polacos trataron de detener a 120.000 turcos y tártaros de Crimea. La defensa fue un ejemplo de las actitudes patrióticas en un país devastado por anteriores guerras. El héroe murió; sin embargo, al año siguiente (1673), los polacos ganaron la batalla de Chocim y en 1683 salvaron a Europa de la invasión turca en la batalla de Kahlenberg. Esta fue la última gran victoria del Reino de Polonia y de los legendarios Húsares alados polacos.
Roly Poly
Based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem (Solaris). The main character, race car driver Ryszard Fox, is involved in many car accidents. After each car crash he gets a transplant for one or another internal organ. After a while there is a question: Who really is Ryszard Fox?
Original Music Composer
Trata sobre una legión polaca que lucha bajo la bandera de Napoleón, con la esperanza de asegurar la libertad de su país dividido.
Wounded in the Forest
Original Music Composer
While hiding from the Germans in the forest, young Polish corporal tries hard to fulfill his order to take care of a wounded lieutenant and wait for the doctor and transportation to come.
The Big, Bigger, and the Biggest
A young boy and girl travel in a strange car and encounter various objects which come alive to help them. Eventually they leave the Earth altogether and visit a strange, new planet.
An experimental stop-motion animation made with a piece of yarn.
An experimental animation by Kazimierz Urbański about transportation. Combines various techniques: traditional cartoon film, cut-out, documentary photos, animation of objects, and effects caused directly on the tape.
Original Music Composer
Breve historia del "juego" preferido del ser humano.
Destino Espacial: Venus
Original Music Composer
En un futuro cercano, durante el transcurso de unas excavaciones en el desierto de Gobi, se encuentra un extraño objeto de origen extraterrestre que contiene un misterioso mensaje. Un grupo de científicos descifra el mensaje, llegando a la conclusión de que se trata de un comunicado alienígena procedente de Venus; las naciones del mundo se ponen entonces de acuerdo para enviar una expedición a bordo del Kosmokrator, una nave rusa de altísima tecnología, y tomar contacto con la civilización que ha enviado el mensaje...
La cruz del valor
Tres segmentos ("La cruz del valor", "El perro" y "La viuda") alrededor de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y sus efectos en la gente corriente.
The Astronauts
An inventor builds a homemade spacecraft, and uses it to have various adventures, including peeping at women, visiting ‘human’ planets, and becoming involved in intergalactic warfare.
The Astronauts
An inventor builds a homemade spacecraft, and uses it to have various adventures, including peeping at women, visiting ‘human’ planets, and becoming involved in intergalactic warfare.
A Walk in the Old City of Warsaw
Production Design
Little heroine, a music school student, wanders through the backstreets of Warsaw's Old Town and discovers a world to which others have no access. It is a world of extraordinariness and beauty of sounds. And these are sounds that are the most important thing for the girl – the hubbub of children, the sounds of the street, the puffing of a tractor, the tuning of an organ, the sweeping of a broom and the sound of jets flying overhead.
A Walk in the Old City of Warsaw
Little heroine, a music school student, wanders through the backstreets of Warsaw's Old Town and discovers a world to which others have no access. It is a world of extraordinariness and beauty of sounds. And these are sounds that are the most important thing for the girl – the hubbub of children, the sounds of the street, the puffing of a tractor, the tuning of an organ, the sweeping of a broom and the sound of jets flying overhead.
A Walk in the Old City of Warsaw
Little heroine, a music school student, wanders through the backstreets of Warsaw's Old Town and discovers a world to which others have no access. It is a world of extraordinariness and beauty of sounds. And these are sounds that are the most important thing for the girl – the hubbub of children, the sounds of the street, the puffing of a tractor, the tuning of an organ, the sweeping of a broom and the sound of jets flying overhead.
Historia jednego myśliwca
Animated photographs (made with Jan Lenica) with elements of animated cartoon. A display of military drill.
Once Upon a Time
An oddball pair try to find their identity and place in an abstract world.
Original Music Composer
A man has been found dead after having been hurled from a train. As security agents, police and a medical examiner piece together his identity, three accounts emerge: one set during World War II, one in the immediate aftermath of the war, and one in contemporary Poland.
The Hours of Hope
In the last days of World War 2, people of various ethnic background meet in a Polish military hospital in a small German town, whereas a Nazi SS division hides in the local forests and tries to move westwards.
Durante la ocupación nazi de Polonia, toda una generación de jóvenes tuvo que crecer a marchas forzadas a causa de la adversidad. Stach es un adolescente caprichoso que vive en las afueras de la Varsovia ocupada por los nazis. Guiado por pequeños actos de desafío y el fervor comunista, se adentra en el movimiento de resistencia, donde conoce a la valiente y bella Dorota. Pronto se ve implicado en la arriesgada lucha contra la opresión y la búsqueda de dignidad, madurando mientras asume la responsabilidad de las vidas de sus amigos y compañeros...