René Thévenet


The Vertical Smile
A kaleidoscope of images from history populate this skillfully animated French feature. The story concerns a history professor whose ideas about human history cause him distress. Amid a flurry of newsreel-type images, Joan of Arc's trial is shown. Another theme which emerges is of two ages (in the far past and far future) in which naked humans fight one another with animalistic aggression.
The Friends
Philippe is an older man and an industrialist whose wife is confined to her bed. They have no children. As he is preparing to go on a vacation to the seaside, he strikes up an acquaintance with Paul, a young working-class boy, and decides to bring him along. This is Paul's first glimpse of how the other half lives, with their first-class hotels and so on. When he meets some aristocratic young people at the resort, he tries to put over the fiction that he is of their class, with poor success.
One of four Hanoun films that take their titles from the seasons of the year, SPRING tells two parallel stories: a man, fleeing the forces of order, takes refuge in the forest, while a young girl living with her grandmother in a nearby village approaches the threshold of adolescence, and begins to discover both the world and herself. - Anthology Film Archive
Dos mujeres en su vida
Léon decide dejar a su mujer Cécile por Henriette, a la que ha conocido en Roma. Durante el viaje en tren a Italia, se pregunta si ha decidido bien.
Goto, isla del amor
Por un lado, es una divertida alegoría política antitotalitaria a lo "Ubu Rey", de Alfred Jarry; por el otro, una fascinante recreación del cine mudo con ramalazo nórdico. En una isla ficticia habitada por seres humanos cuyos nombres comienzan con la letra G, un condenado a muerte es amnistiado por capricho del monarca. Sin querer, este personaje descubre que la Reina (encarnada por Ligia Branice, musa y pareja sentimental de Borowczyk) mantiene relaciones sexuales con su profesor de equitación. Los acontecimientos se precipitan: hay suicidios, asesinatos, ajustes de cuentas y hasta una resurrección surrealista. La escena de los funerales inspiró una muy similar en la película "Institut Benjamenta", de los hermanos Quay.
The Killing Game
Two cartoonists meet a playboy who lives out the fantasies created in their cartoons. He hires them to create a new comic strip. As they work on the new strip, the playboy begins to live it out. Unfortunately, the new strip deals with murder.
El cuerpo y el látigo
Kurt Menliff (Christopher Lee) regresa al castillo familiar después de haber sido repudiado por seducir a la hija de la doncella la que se suicidó tras ser abandonada. Kurt se encuentra con que su padre le ha desheredado y su hermano se ha casado con su antigua amante Nevenka (Daliah Lavi), además de que la doncella le acusa de haber matado a su hija y le vaticina que morirá algún día bajo el mismo puñal que mató a la chica. Kurt no tarda en volver a recuperar todo lo que es suyo, empezando por Nevenka, con la que comienza a tener relaciones sadomasoquistas.
Sweet Ecstasy
Associate Producer
Olivier, un joven estudiante apuesto pero insensible y malhumorado, recoge a una actriz entusiasta durante un ensayo teatral, y se presenta a sus conocidos, un grupo de niños adinerados que pasan su tiempo asaltando la Riviera acosando a los transeúntes, lanzando fiestas salvajes y Siguiendo todas las últimas tendencias. Cuando el sexy Elke lo mira, deja a la actriz en la estacada y se une a la pandilla para una fiesta decadente a bordo de un yate. Sin embargo, las maneras insensatas de Elke y la inexperiencia de Olivier no encajan. Charlie accidentalmente incendia el yate. La pandilla provoca su venganza al atraerlo hacia una peligrosa competencia de bravura en un sitio de construcción.
Le cercle vicieux
A young artist, an occasional gigolo, marries an older woman for her dough; however, he has not broken with his younger lover.
An off-beat, uneven tale about a man intent on suicide and the three people who try to talk him out of it, Pantalaskas stars American Carl Studer in the title role of the morose, would-be suicide. Set in Paris and taking place over an entire night, the story has a complication in that the trio who want to prevent the suicide do not speak the man's language -- he is Lithuanian and speaks no French. So the protagonists comb the underbelly of a nighttime Paris, looking high and low but mostly low for anyone who speaks Lithuanian. Depending mainly on dialogue for its impact, the verbose drama reveals how the protagonists undergo a transformation as the night wears on.
The Night of the Great Attack
In 15th century Romagna rules violence and fright. Cesare Borgia wants to incorporate the duchy of Catherine Sforza. But in between is the independent county Fabis, which he wants to bring into his possession.
Un mundo para mí
Recién licenciado en química, Andrés le dice a su padre, que no va a trabajar en su empresa porque quiere ser sacerdote. Su padre se opone rotundamente, no puede aceptar de ninguna manera su vocación religiosa y decide torcer sus planes contando con la ayuda de su sobrino Juan, un tarambana al que le encanta salir de juerga y conquistar mujeres guapas.
Sins of Youth
In a small provincial town, the boarding-house is run by Mathilde Belin, the overindulging and over-demanding mother of Paul. When she is told by her envious sister Charlotte that her son is having a secret affair with Catherine, a salesgirl, she becomes furious and starts doing everything in her power to separate the lovebirds.
Secrets of a French Nurse
A Girl in a Pocket
Production Manager
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.
In the Park
Short movie starring Marcel Marceau.
No hay tiempo para matar
Un policía camuflado traba amistad en la cárcel con un gángster. Al salir, éste le encomienda que vaya a ver a su esposa, de la que no recibe noticias. El policía y la mujer se enamoran...
La marche
Production Manager