Maya Days


Maya Days is an actress.


Dr. Santos
Hunter es un ama de casa que acaba de descubrir que está embarazada. Sin embargo, por alguna razón que desconoce se siente tentada a consumir objetos peligrosos para su salud, una obsesión que no pasa desapercibida ante los ojos de su marido y del resto de su familia. Pronto descubrirá el motivo que la empuja a querer herirse a sí misma...
36 Saints
Mrs. Masters
When New York Police Headquarters is confronted with the horror of a serial murderer loose on the streets of Manhattan, two detectives (Franky G and Jeffrey De Serrano) are tasked with bringing order to the chaos. Oblivious to the danger, six students from all over the world, who now attend school together in New York, are planning a memorial to celebrate the lives of their 30 lost “brothers and sisters” who died suddenly in a tragic plane crash a year prior.