Torrey Johnston
Most of us know Billy Graham as the self-assured and charismatic preacher who became one of the most important figures of 20th Century Christianity. Now, with the release of Billy: The Early Years, we meet Billy as the earnest and promising young man at the crossroads of faith and doubt, ultimately facing the moment of decision that launched one of history’s most powerful evangelistic careers.
Theresa is one of the twelve jurors who have to decide about a case of assassination. She believes very strongly in the innocence of the young man, but can't convince the others. During the discussions, she realizes that one member of the jury knows details that he couldn't know from the trial alone. Since no one believes her suspicions, she investigates on her own.
John (Braxton's Partner)
A St. Louis cop, Mike Braxton (Sam Jones), receives an urgent call for help from his brother Tony (Nick Cassavetes), a small time thief in Los Angeles. Mike rushes to LA and finds that his brother has been murdered and his brother Tony's girlfriend gunned down right in front of him. Mike quickly learns Tony was a courier for an arms smuggler, Simon Stone (John Russell). When Mike meets Stone's lawyer, Samantha Richardson (Vanessa Williams), the two team up to bring down Stone's arms smuggling empire. However, Mike's infatuation with Samantha keeps putting them in greater danger.
Harley (uncredited)
David Basner, director creativo de una agencia de publicidad, gana mucho dinero y está siempre rodeado de mujeres. Cuando se entera de que su madre, después de 34 años de matrimonio, ha abandonado a su padre, no tiene más remedio que cambiar de vida. Ahora tendrá que repartir su tiempo entre su madre, feliz de haber recuperado la independencia, y su recién jubilado padre, un hombre testarudo y nada sentimental.
Algunas personas son mas creadoras que otras. Este es el caso del doctor Harry Wolper, que se quedó viudo hace 30 años, y que intenta recuperar a su esposa en su sofisticado laboratorio, poniendo en marcha un complicado proceso para recrear a su amada Lucy. Cierto día, un promíscuo vagabundo aparece ofreciendo al doctor el fértil huevo que necesita para su experimento. El "Igor" del doctor es un estudiante que le presta su ayuda, pero ambos se encontrarán con dificultades ante un pomposo técnico que no comparte la pasión del doctor. Cuando el Doctor Wolper está a punto de descubrir el misterio de la vida aparece una jóven y sexy asistenta.
Daniel es hijo de Paul y Rochelle Isaacson, que fueron ejecutados en los Estados Unidos, 1950, acusados de ser espías soviéticos. En los años 60, Daniel, al que la vida de sus padres ha marcado profundamente, milita en el movimiento pacifista.
Daniel Ciello, un policía neoyorquino de origen italiano, a fin de librarse de ciertas implicaciones en prácticas heterodoxas, acepta colaborar con asuntos internos para sacar a la luz diversos casos de corrupción; pero lo hace con una condición: no delatar a sus compañeros. Sin embargo, las cosas no van a ser tan fáciles.
Orderly #2
The real-life account of an illiterate, deaf-and-mute, black youth who was accused of murdering a prostitute, and the relationship that developed between him and his court-appointed attorney, who also was deaf, and the events leading up to his precedent-setting trial.
Eddie Glenn
The true story of baseball star Ron LeFlore, from his days as a street-corner punk with no future to his days behind bars on a petty robbery conviction to his ultimate once-in-a-lifetime chance with the Detroit Tigers, where he became an outstanding baseball player.