Ivan Savov


The contrast of a hippie style commune up in the mountain and a drug addicts rehab center in the valley. What could go wrong if someone escapes the rehab?
A small town in present-day Bulgaria. A mother and her two daughters are struggling to survive. The dreamy and distracted younger daughter often invents stories in order to make life more interesting. Unwittingly, she eventually gets caught in the trap of her own lies and destroys her older sister's well-ordered materialistic world. Meanwhile, the two sisters find out the truth about their mother
Svetla, una viuda que perdió su trabajo recientemente, vive junto a la frontera entre Bulgaria y Turquía. Hay muchos casos de refugiados en su pueblo debido a su ubicación. Un día conoce a un refugiado de África y esto cambia su vida.
The Father
Vasil acaba de perder a su pareja de toda la vida, su esposa Valentina. Cuando una mujer en su funeral proclama que la mujer muerta llamó a su celular, Vasil busca la ayuda de un conocido psíquico para contactar a su esposa. Su hijo Pavel trata de hacer que entre en razón, pero Vasil insiste obstinadamente en hacer las cosas a su manera. "El Padre" es un drama familiar íntimo sobre las dificultades de conectar con aquellos que nos rodean. A medida que la imagen va cobrando impulso, su historia se desarrolla en muchas situaciones absurdas o cómicas cuidadosamente organizadas.
The Doctor
Irina es camarera a tiempo parcial en una pequeña ciudad búlgara. El mismo día en que la despiden, su marido sufre un grave accidente. Están sumidos en la pobreza. Irina decide convertirse en un vientre de alquiler o madre surrogada. Las peleas, la desesperación y el bebé que crece en su vientre sacuden su vida.
Living Chimneys
In the old houses of a mountain village, intellectuals from the capital city have settled down. One of the settlers, a notorious bohemian and joker, left a funeral screenplay and video recordings directing his farewell to life. Nobody is aware that he has purchased a burial plot in the cemetery with a rock underneath it. While building his tomb, his confessions, memories and jokes are flowing from the improvised film shows at the local pub and the mourning ceremony evolves into a bash.
Love, Boyden
The Inspector
Being part of the 2013 anti government protests in Bulgaria the talented Pr creator Boyden confronts a choice- to help nursing his dying demented grandfather or fight for his unjustly lost job. He goes back in his communism infested home to understand that to help the old man he has to fight his alcohol dependence first. On the way of bringing his life back together Boyden has to make another choice.
Un minuto de gloria (Glory)
Minister Kanchev
Cuando Tsanko Petrov, un trabajador del ferrocarril, se encuentra un millón de levs en las vías del tren, decide devolver la totalidad del importe a la policía. El Estado le recompensa por ello con un nuevo reloj de pulsera... que pronto deja de funcionar. Mientras tanto, Julia Staikova, jefa de relaciones públicas en el Ministerio de Transporte, pierde su viejo reloj. Así comienza la lucha desesperada de Petrov para que le devuelvan no sólo su viejo reloj, sino también su dignidad.
La lección
En un pequeño pueblo de Bulgaria, Nadezhda, una joven profesora, trata de descubrir al alumno que roba en su clase, de manera que pueda enseñarle una lección acerca de lo que está bien y lo que está mal. Pero cuando se endeuda con prestamistas, ¿puede ella saber cuál es el camino correcto? ¿Qué hace que una persona decente se convierta en delincuente?
The Goat
The trumpet player, Jonah, moves into the remains of his grandfather's house near where the treasure is hidden. In a tunnel under the house he finds a stone with a bird engraved on it and a map with an inscription in Arabic: "To have a house of gold, fall onto the sky and find the twin!" A copy of the same map brings Rumba and Emma to the same place. Rumba is Bulgarian and a passionate treasure-hunter. His wife is American and studies Bulgarian folklore as a way to fight globalization. Rumba wants to buy Jonah's property so he can find the treasure.
Fate as a Rat
It is a story about a group of friends who live in a small seaport town. Their lifestyle is rigorous, their joys are simple and their sex life is raw. Their concepts of man's dignity, friendship and duty are wrong and primitive. The film helps us to understand and forgive them.
Moyta Petrov
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
The Love Summer of a Schlep
First Musician
Four friends and three girls spend a summer on a desolated beach, living in an abandoned hut.
Cruel and Innocent
Ponko is one of the newly rich who made their fortune gambling as an elite player in a small town. In order to avoid dealing with other competitive players of the same kind, he settled a deal for himself to do time at a low security detention facility. He can still be in charge of his deal from prison with the help of his wife Rada. Yet, he bets and loses Rada to another prisoner at a game, which gives that man the right to spend a night with her, as well as to join the elite of players he is part of. Rada has feelings for Ponko's cousin but when she brings some money she has won at a game to him, she learns that he made a deal with Ponko to take care of her while he is in prison. She tries to get out of the vicious circle of crime but fails to do so. The corrupt world of blurred concepts of good and evil has engulfed them all and turned them into predators and victims of its poison.
Something Out of Nothing
A famous metropolitan journalist decides to pay a surprise visit to his classmate Pancho in the countryside. Pancho has gone to town and his wife has to greet the guest. Under the curious eyes of the neighbors, the two are waiting for him to come back home. The awkwardness between them intensifies. How will they sleep under one roof? What will people say?
Leaf, torn away
Vesa's Father
Vesa, a 16-year old Bulgarian girl, cannot speak. A fortune-teller predicts that the girl will convalesce if somebody sacrifices their life for her. The fortune-teller's mentally challenged nephew, who comes to hear the prophecy, follows the girl.