Peter Rini

Peter Rini


Peter Rini is an actor.


Peter Rini


What Breaks the Ice
A coming of age thriller about two 15-year-old girls, Sammy and Emily, who hark from different worlds but strike up a quick and deep friendship. But what should be the best summer of their lives takes an unexpected turn when they become accidental accomplices in a fatal crime.
So Good to See You
Theo and Frances, an artsy downtown couple, are driving to a dinner party at their old friend Zoe's new house in a wealthy suburb of NYC. Lost and frustrated, they call Zoe's husband for directions. When the answering machine picks up, they're unknowingly recorded, making a series of unforgivable comments, criticizing their old friends and their various life choices. After an unexpectedly pleasant reunion over dinner, it quickly becomes a painful nightmare for all. A darkly comic take on the dual realities of friendship.
Frank Magciccio
Durante los años 60, la iglesia de los Santos Ángeles y su escuela eran el centro de la "Cocina del Infierno", un barrio marginal de Nueva York. Allí podían refugiarse los niños marginados. John, Lorenzo, Michael y Tommy son cuatro amigos que tratan de sobrevivir en un barrio de inmigrantes y cuya única guía moral es el padre Robert Carillo, un tipo criado en las calles que intenta que no se desvíen del buen camino. Sin embargo, tras una fechoria colectiva en la que casi muere un hombre, los cuatro muchachos son enviados al Hogar Wilkinson.