José Eduardo Pérez

Nacimiento : 1898-02-16, Cunduacán, Tabasco, Mexico

Muerte : 1975-07-13


Super Colt 38
Billy Hayes, the marshal, discovers that the bandit whom he has been pursuing so long, and who has for months been torching his county, is none other than an old friend from childhood. Upon being confronted with the truth, the friend draws his gun, and Billy is forced to kill him in justifiable defense. Overwhelmed by guilt, he renounces his office and swears to never use arms again. He rides off toward the town where he and his old friend grew up together. Upon arriving there, he soon becomes involved in a dangerous situation, where Billy must decide whether he will fulfill his promise to keep away from arms, or intervene to save the honor of a woman and the life of an innocent man.
Un dorado de Pancho Villa
Villa's regiment demobilizes at the end of the Revolution, but the ruling faction in the provisional government isn't eager to see them reintegrate into civilian society.
Los dos apóstoles
Two boys and two girls hook up at the big festival in a neighboring town. Once they get back home they have to deal with their families' plans for them, which may not include their new sweethearts.
El Terrible Gigante de las Nieves
A man and his wife discover they are in danger when they hear reports of a Yeti that lives on a nearby volcano is on the prowl.
Atrás de las nubes
Durante un desfile, Eloísa ve al coronel Luis, su cuñado, a quien habían dado por muerto. Ella decide huir, pero es Luis quien le tiene que dar el salvoconducto para poder salir de la ciudad. Al verse, recuerdan la muerte de Rosalía, la mujer de Luis y ambos sienten revivir un viejo amor. Pero Eloísa esconde un secreto, Rosalía dejo dos niñas, una hija de Luis y otra fruto de una violación. Él lo descubre e intentará saber cual de ellas es su hija. Esto enoja a Eloísa, pero Luis recapacita y le pide perdón.
Cazadores de asesinos
Un cazador de recompensas quiere vengarse del bandolero llamado el Marcado, quien fue el cruel asesino de sus padres.
La calavera negra
La Calavera Negra concerns a bunch of small Mexican town who must contend with a mysterious, disruptive figure known as the Black Skull. Many different people attempt to uncover the truth behind this frightening phenomenon. (Rotten Tomatoes)
El ánima del ahorcado contra el latigo negro
Masked rider leads a posse to defend their town from crimes related to appearances of a hanged man come back from the grave.
El Zorro Escarlata
Riccardo Carrion
A bizarre Mexican film in which a Zorro confronts horror creatures. It is part of a series characterised by hybrid elements of this kind.
Los muertos no hablan
Enrique del Olmo
Bandit crew with mysterious masked leader is doing lots of crimes. Mauricio Rosales and his sidekick ride into town all incognito and stuff to set things right.
La guarida del buitre
Un representante de la justicia anda tras el líder de una banda apodado El Buitre, un hombre misterioso y malvado.
La huella del chacal
Federal agent Mauricio Rosales goes undercover as itinerant cowpoke to clean up corruption in a remote Northern town. Series western.
La sierra del terror
Federal police agent goes undercover to bust rural crime ring. Series western.
El gavilán vengador
Masked rider exposes the criminal misdeeds of a wealthy land-owner and his henchmen.
Eterna agonía
El fácil
Convicted on flimsy evidence of complicity in a jewel robbery, there's nothing he can do afterward to put his life in order. Downward spiral.
La bien pagada
Melodrama about marital infidelity.
Un día con el Diablo
Cantinflas, en una noche de borrachera, se convierte en soldado del ejército por error. Al poco tiempo, durante una misión de combate, resulta herido y ya estando al borde de la muerte se encuentra con un demonio que intenta convertirlo en un ser malvado.
Cruel destino
Dos niños crecen juntos y cuando la chica se casa, el joven descubre que siempre había estado enamorado de ella.
¡Cuando la tierra tembló!
El amigo del novio
A 1942 film.
La mujer de nadie
Huyendo de los maltratos de su padrastro, Ana María es recogida en medio de la lluvia por un trío de bohemios que la protegen. Agradecida, ella convive con ellos castamente. Con el paso del tiempo, surge el amor entre Ana María y Marcelo, ante el dolor e impotencia de los otros dos amigos.
La honradez es un estorbo
Secundino, empleado
¡Esos hombres!
A 1937 film.
El calvario de una esposa
Esposo de Irene
Confederate Col. Lafe Harvey (Earl Ross) travels home after the Civil War, where he must tell his niece, Betty (Frances Grant), that her father is presumed dead. Soon after he returns, scavengers destroy the family home and he and Betty escape westward. Meanwhile, Gen. John Harvey (William Welch), Betty's father, has been seriously injured but is not dead. He arrives at the deserted plantation with the help of Union soldier Tom (Bob Steele), who then pledges to help John find his family
La isla maldita
El compadre Mendoza
Hermano menor de los Mendoza
During Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Eventually, the situation becomes unsustainable and he has to take sides. Betrayal and deception overcome and Mendoza's dark side surfaces
Mujeres sin alma
Julian gets framed for stealing a company check by his superior Carlos who's courting his wife Olga together trying to get him outa the way so they can be together, setting him up, the deed does the job and Julian lands in jail.