Patricia E. Gillespie


Patricia E. Gillespie is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and Sundance Fellow. In addition to producing UNREST, she served as Line Producer on Sabaah Folayan's WHOSE STREETS, and is currently in production on her directorial debut, AMERICAN MONSTER, a non-fiction series exploring the intersection of poverty and violence in the American South produced in concert with Morgan Spurlock's company, Warrior Poets. In her spare time, she produces commercial content for clients like Johnnie Walker, Nike, and Adidas.


They Called Him Mostly Harmless
Executive Producer
When an unidentified hiker is found deceased in the Florida wilderness, authorities release a sketch. Multiple hikers call in claiming to have met the man. There's only one problem – he never told them his name. It would take two years, thousands of devoted internet sleuths, and a miracle of science to identify him, and that's when the trouble really starts.
They Called Him Mostly Harmless
When an unidentified hiker is found deceased in the Florida wilderness, authorities release a sketch. Multiple hikers call in claiming to have met the man. There's only one problem – he never told them his name. It would take two years, thousands of devoted internet sleuths, and a miracle of science to identify him, and that's when the trouble really starts.
The Fire That Took Her
Mother-of-two Judy Malinowski, then 31, was doused in petrol and set on fire by her crazed ex-boyfriend – and one of the first ever to testify from beyond the grave, at the trial for her own murder. A story that lives at the intersection of true crime and #MeToo, THE FIRE THAT TOOK HER goes deep inside a landmark case to ask a timely question: How much must women suffer in order to be believed?
The Devil You Know
A journalist races to learn the truth when human remains are found in the home of self-proclaimed Satanist Pazuzu Algarad.
En este desgarrador documental, una joven que prepara su tesis doctoral recurre a la cámara para dar visibilidad a su lucha diaria contra el síndrome de fatiga crónica.
En este desgarrador documental, una joven que prepara su tesis doctoral recurre a la cámara para dar visibilidad a su lucha diaria contra el síndrome de fatiga crónica.
Whose Streets?
Line Producer
Documental sobre los sucesos de 2014 ocurridos en Ferguson, Misouri, cuando el joven afroamericano Michael Brown, de 18 años, murió abatido por los disparos de Darren Wilson, un agente de policía blanco. El dolor, la tensión prolongada y la rabia llevó a los residentes de algunos barrios a celebrar una vigilia en protesta por la tragedia. En los días siguientes, artistas, músicos, maestros y padres se convirtieron en “luchadores por la libertad”, resistiendo, enfrentándose a la Guardia Nacional, exigiendo justicia. Para esta generación, la batalla no fue por los derechos civiles, sino por el derecho a vivir.
Blue Ruin
Script Supervisor
La tranquila vida de un vagabundo se vuelve patas arriba por una terrible noticia. Así se dirige a la casa de su infancia para planear un acto de venganza.