Daniel Riché


My Brother-in-law Killed My Sister
Production Manager
Two members of the French Academy agree to help the attractive young veterinarian Esther investigate the suspicious death of her sister. Esther is convinced her brother-in-law is responsible, but soon it becomes apparent that those responsible are linked to the very highest echelons of power in the Vatican.
Production Manager
En el corazón de una multitud servil, curiosa, dispuesta a todo –cortesanos, monjes, guardias, soldados-cuatro hombres se enfrentan, un rey y un paje, un señor y su hijo. Primero mediante las palabras, luego con el gesto. Blanche es el motivo de esta disputa.
Wall Engravings
Una mujer joven, Jeanne, espera en un pintoresco café de Paris llamado "Au pan coupé" a su novio, un muchacho de veinte años, Jean, que de repente entra y va hacia ella. Sin saberlo aún, los dos amantes están al final de su amor, porque ese amor, a pesar de su juventud y su pasión, ha llegado a al límite. Sobre todo a causa del pasado, del carácter del muchacho, de su perpetua rebeldía que, a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, Jeanne no ha logrado apaciguar... Los recuerdos de Jeanne son filmados en color y el presente en blanco y negro. Guy Gilles, el director, eligió esta opción para marcar con más fuerza la muerte presente del amor de Jeanne por Jean.
Le mariage de l'amour
Psyche, the daughter of a king, and a mortal, is so beautiful that even the God of Fame is fascinated by her charm. He hurries to tell Venus, Goddess of Beauty, that her loveliness is surpassed by a mortal. The jealousy of Venus is aroused and she orders her son, Cupid, the God of Love, to avenge the indignity. One glance at Psyche and Cupid revolts. He beseeches his mother to relent, but Venus is deaf to his pleading and swears to destroy her rival's powers. While joy reigns in the court of Psyche's father, Venus strikes at Psyche by inflicting an illness upon the king. His malady baffles all, and in desperation the queen consults the oracle. The oracle decrees that when Psyche marries a mortal her father will be saved. However, Psyche's husband will be a monster who will devour her.