David Collins
Nacimiento : 1962-07-13, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
In Shakespeare’s great drama of loss and reconciliation, a long-deposed ruler uses magical arts to bring within her power the enemies who robbed her of her throne and marooned her on a remote island. But what revenge does she mean to take?
Old Senator / Old Man
Staged at the Stratford Festival and named on many 2018 year-end critics “best of” lists, the Stratford Festival’s “riveting” and “exhilarating” (The New York Times) production of Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, has been called “the show of the decade… a landmark production for the Stratford Festival. Maybe for William Shakespeare, too” (The Globe and Mail), and “the greatest contemporary staging of this play that I have ever seen” (Chicago Tribune).
Second Senator / Old Athenian
Renowned for his extreme generosity, the Athenian nobleman Timon has fallen prey to flatterers and false friends, on whom he showers lavish gifts and extravagant hospitality. His loyal steward, Flavius, tries to warn him of the financial consequences of such reckless expenditure, while the cynical philosopher Apemantus mocks his naivety, but Timon ignores them both. When his money runs out and his creditors demand payment, Timon sends confidently to his "friends" for help. When all refuse him, he throws one last party - one that heralds a dramatic change in his attitude to the world.
Antoni Cimolino’s chilling production of Macbeth takes you back to the stark reality of the 11th century, when the murderous king clawed his way to power. It has been praised as “a thrilling terror,” (Globe and Mail) “a bold and brutal take on the Scottish King’s tragic tale” (Toronto Star), and “a brilliant, terrifying show” that leaves people “gasping in the dark” (Chicago Tribune). Starring Ian Lake in “a galvanizing performance as an unusually young and sexually magnetic Macbeth” (New York Times) and Krystin Pellerin as “a standout Lady Macbeth … at once adorable yet devious” (Postmedia), this is a production that will haunt your dreams and leave you tingling. All hail Macbeth!
Chaos ensues after the estranged patriarch of the Jones family dies on their doorstep. When the paramedic who answers their 911 call tries to win over acerbic Jean Jones, his attempts are disrupted by old conflicts that come to a boil at the funeral.
Cerimon / Messenger
A storm at sea brings love into the life of Pericles, Prince of Tyre – and another snatches it away. Filled with music and brilliant spectacle, this magical production of Shakespeare’s epic adventure is a delight for the eye and ear as it follows a fairy-tale hero on his miraculous journey to one of drama’s most poignant reunions. A story rarely told – and one you won’t soon forget.
Medical Technician
El científico Bruce Banner recorre el mundo tratando de encontrar una cura a su problema, en busca de un antídoto que le permita librarse de su Alter Ego. Perseguido por el ejército y por su propia rabia interna, es incapaz de sacar de su cabeza a Betty Ross. Así que se decide a volver a la civilización, donde debe enfrentarse a una criatura creada cuando el agente de la KGB, Emil Blonsky, se expone a una dosis superior de la radiación que convirtió a Bruce en Hulk. Incapaz de volver a su estado humano, Emil hace responsable a Hulk de su aterradora condición, mientras que la ciudad de Nueva York se convierte en el escenario de la última batalla entre las dos criaturas más poderosas que jamás han pisado la Tierra.
Molly Mahoney es la tímida e insegura gerente de Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, la más extraña, fantástica y maravillosa tienda de juguetes del mundo. Pero cuando el señor Magorium, el excéntrico dueño de la tienda, que tiene 243 años, decide traspasar el negocio a la joven Molly, la tienda experimenta un oscuro y extraño cambio.
Museum Guard
El señor Smith (Clive Owen), un misterioso y solitario pistolero, desbarata involuntariamente un extraño complot, cuando rescata a un bebé de una muerte segura. Para alimentar a su pequeño protegido, contrata a una prostituta (Monica Bellucci). Desde ese momento los dos se convierten en el objetivo de un peligroso mafioso (Paul Giamatti), que enviará a sus sicarios para eliminar al niño.
Mr. Faulkner
En un elitista colegio privado masculino, un grupo de alumnos, conocidos como La Hermandad, dicta sus normas al resto de los estudiantes. Ante la atenta mirada del director de la institución, los miembros de esta organización clandestina empiezan a resultar sospechosos de haber hecho trampas en los exámenes finales. Buscando atacarles por el hermano más débil, el director logra una confesión secreta y trata de expulsar a todo el grupo del colegio. Pero, misteriosamente, un estudiante aparece muerto víctima de un aparente suicidio y es entonces cuando todos los implicados empiezan a cuestionar la sospechosa muerte.
Man 2
To protect his wife's "secret", a small-town Southern lawyer in the 1960s decides to defend a young man accused of murder, all while running for Congress and encountering personal threats to his family.
Re-enactment cast
Un retrato de la vida y carrera del infame diseñador estadounidense de dispositivos de ejecución y negacionista del holocausto.
Jennifer Kingsley, a newspaper journalist, believes a man has been falsely convicted of murder, and becomes set on proving his innocence.
Suzanne es una guapa y ambiciosa joven con un único sueño en la cabeza: convertirse en una presentadora estrella de la televisión. Su ambición, tan desmesurada que no admite la posibilidad de que nada ni nadie se interponga en su camino, la llevará a intentar eliminar a su marido, que representa un gran obstáculo para su carrera.