Jan Martínek


El pájaro pintado
Sound Editor
Un joven judío en Polonia busca refugio en el bosque durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, donde se encuentra con muchos personajes diferentes.
Mujeres a la carrera
Vera ha tenido una vida maravillosa al lado de Jindrich, y está decidida a cumplir su última voluntad: correr una ma-ratón. Esta optimista mujer, madre de tres chicas, está convencida de ello. Dividirán la carrera en 4 partes, y entre todas completarán los 42 kilómetros de la maratón, como un equipo compenetrado. Por supuesto, para ella el hecho de que ninguna de ellas haya corrido nunca, no supone ningún problema.
Traición de oro
Sound Editor
En 1938 unos jóvenes checoslovacos aprenden a jugar al baloncesto en un campamento estadounidense de mormones. Pero cuando empieza la guerra todo cambia para ellos.
Prezident Blaník
Martin a Venuše
Sound Editor
Sound Designer
Two young technicians, Filos and Kája, come to a small village that is a bit cut off from the rest of the world in order to find the best place to install a new station for the reception of a cell phone signal. Their arrival understandably arouses a feeling of expectation among the locals, especially when they learn of the interesting financial reward for the owner of the land on which the transmitter will stand. A fight flares up in the village over this reward, and all weapons, those permitted and those not, are put into use. Of course, there is also the question of whether Filos and Kája will be able to live up to the expectations that have been placed on them. Maybe they aren't even who they claim to be...
Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?