Soumaye Bocoum

Soumaye Bocoum


Soumaye Bocoum


París, distrito 13
Jeanne Lecoeur
París, distrito 13, barrio de Les Olympiades. Émilie conoce a Camille, que se siente atraído por Nora, que, a vez, se cruza en el camino de Amber. Tres chicas y un chico. Son amigos, a veces amantes y, a menudo, las dos cosas.
Marianne, a heroine for a day, is interviewed by a young journalist. Despite of all the misunderstandings, a meeting takes place, brief, tenuous, human.
Alta costura
Esther está al final de su carrera como jefa de costureras en el taller de Dior Avenue Montaigne. Un día, una mujer de 20 años, Jade, le roba el bolso en el metro. En lugar de llamar a la policía, decide hacerse cargo de Jade.
Avaler des couleuvres
Sácame de dudas
La stagiaire de Juiette
A sus 45 años, Erwan descubre que el viejo lobo de mar que le crió no es su padre. Tras la búsqueda, se encuentra con su progenitor, un hombre octogenario, y cae bajo su hechizo, así como bajo el de la impetuosa Anna.
The Geneva Convention
As Hakim is waiting for the bus after class, he is caught in a vendetta between teenagers. He is not exactly keen to get into a fight, but how can he possibly avoid an awaited confrontation?
The year is 2004. France has passed a law banning religious symbols in public schools. Mariam, born in France to Arab parents, recently began to wear the hijab after performing the hajj with her grandmother. At the start of the academic year, she pretends the new law does not exist, as she does not want to acknowledge it and so be forced to make a decision. To complicate matters, Karim, a popular young Arab boy in school, starts paying attention to her and she develops a powerful crush on him. While her fellow veiled classmates argue with teachers about their desire to keep wearing the hijab, and her parents argue about her wearing hers, Mariam dreams of Karim, despite her best friend Sophia’s warning that he is not serious. Things come to a head when the deadline for removing the hijab or facing expulsion falls the same week Mariam sees Karim with another girl.
Papa Was Not a Rolling Stone
The 1980s. Stéphanie grows up in La Courneuve, on the outskirts of Paris, in a home where her mother is rarely there and her step-father is brutal. She quickly decides to escape her morose everyday life. Thanks to her grandmother's love, reading, her passion for dance, and for French pop-star Jean-Jacques Goldman, Stéphanie copes in this colorful neighborhood where friendship is primordial. One day, she knows that she'll leave this place to lead the life she's always dreamed of.