Nathalie Baye

Nathalie Baye

Nacimiento : 1948-07-06, Mainneville, Eure, France


Nathalie Baye was born on July 6, 1948 in Mainneville, Eure, France. She is an actress, known for Catch Me If You Can (2002), A Pornographic Affair (1999) and Laurence Anyways (2012).


Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye


Mother Valley
Líbano, verano de 1958. Tres hermanas pertenecientes a la buena sociedad cristiana están de vacaciones en las montañas libanesas. La tranquila vida del pueblo se ve sacudida por los ecos de una revolución que retumba en Beirut y por la llegada de dos veraneantes franceses. Pero es en el seno de la familia donde se produce la agitación. La hermana mayor, Layla, perfecta madre y esposa, abrirá los ojos a la sociedad patriarcal que las mantiene bajo control. En el joven Líbano que sueña con una edad de oro, ¿puede una mujer tener un destino distinto del trazado por los hombres?
The Night of the Glass of Water 2
Mme Martin
Después de cerrar su agencia y prometerle a Flo que nunca más le mentiría, la nueva vida de Greg se ha vuelto tranquila, demasiado tranquila... ¡No por mucho tiempo! Cuando decide proponerle matrimonio a Flo, Greg se encuentra contra la pared y debe resolver presentarle a su familia. Pero entre su padre ladrón y su madre ex actriz de cine encantadora, es muy probable que arruine su futura unión. Por lo tanto, no tiene más remedio que reabrir su agencia con sus antiguos cómplices para encontrar una coartada definitiva y encontrar padres falsos más presentables...
Sheila, toutes ces vies-là
Self (archive footage)
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evasions. Her childhood, her parents, her beginnings, the rumors, her love affairs, her marriage, her son, her successes, her farewells, her return, her mourning. The journey of an extraordinary popular icon who never stopped fighting. The courage of an artist who never gives up. "Sheila, toutes ces vies-là" is also a journey through time. 60 years of pop music, punctuated by numerous archives, personal films, timeless hits and illustrations by Marc-Antoine Coulon. But also 60 years of fashion, through a legendary wardrobe (her TV show outfits) that Sheila invites us to rediscover.
Godard Cinema
Jean-Luc Godard is cinema, its quintessence. Just turned 91, he has made more than 140 films. We hate him as much as we worship him. Where does his aura come from? From legendary films of course, but also from Godard himself. He is a public figure as much as a man shrouded in mystery. Everything and its opposite, he has taken all possible paths. It is not easy to seize such a legendary, enigmatic giant. Godard’s itinerary follows one direction only: a constant renewal of his art. He sees the creative act as a necessary act of criticism and deconstruction.” I always start from the negative. I am a positive man who starts from the negative”. The artist reinvents himself tirelessly, and inevitably destroys himself. This portrait wants to take us beyond the clichés of a myth that has sometimes become caricatural, to meet a man more sentimental than it seems, a man inhabited, sometimes surpassed, by his art. Because yes, Godard is human. Not just a machine who thinks and creates images.
Downton Abbey: Una nueva era
Mme de Montmirail
Lord y Lady Grantham anuncian que están encantados de volver a contar con la grata compañía de los amantes del cine en su mansión de Yorkshire estas próximas navidades 2021 en esta secuela de la adaptación cinematográfica de la popular serie.
Le soir où j'ai reçu le César
Alta costura
Esther está al final de su carrera como jefa de costureras en el taller de Dior Avenue Montaigne. Un día, una mujer de 20 años, Jade, le roba el bolso en el metro. En lugar de llamar a la policía, decide hacerse cargo de Jade.
Un compositor comienza a dudar y cuestionar toda su vida y su significado. Aislándose en su casa de Bretaña donde varias personas importantes (su esposa, su amante, su mejor amigo, sus padres, su médico ...) vendrán a visitarlo.
Sous le soleil de Pialat
In just ten films, Maurice Pialat painfully rose to the top of the cinema, draining into his legend a mad demand for truth as much as memorable fury to achieve it. With "L'Enfance nue", his first feature film at the age of 43, the filmmaker immediately made his mark, this "art of making things authentic", according to Chabrol. But throughout an unclassifiable filmography in the form of an autobiography, from a break-up to his fatherhood in wonder, through the agony of his mother, the filmmaker does not get rid of the feeling of being misunderstood, despite international recognition.
Conversation avec Nathalie Baye
My Best Part
Bernadette Meyer
Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.
Anne Lancrey
Las guardianas
Hortense Sandrail
Año 1915, en plena I Guerra Mundial. Los hombres están en el frente y las mujeres se han quedado para defender las tierras. Hortense, una madre de familia trabajadora sin límites, emplea en su granja a Francine, una joven de la asistencia pública, para que le ayude en el trabajo, ya que Solange, la hija, se niega a hacerlo. Las dos mujeres se van a llevar bien desde el primer momento.
The mother
A lonely mother and her son go to the opera where a performance of Cherubini’s opera Medea is given. It is the mother’s birthday and she wanted to surprise her son by inviting him to the opera. But, the son’s plan were different and he is quite upset about it. His mother tries to break the silent barrier behind which he hides. A semblance of discussion begins, not without humour. Tension is present but, as the performance goes on, both find themselves astounded, captured, alone in the opera house., agencia de engaños
Marlène Martin
Greg ha fundado una compañía llamada que crea cualquier tipo de coartada. Con Augustin su socio y Medhi, su nuevo empleado, preparan estratagemas para cubrir a sus clientes. El encuentro con Flo, una joven que odia a los hombres que mienten va a complicar la vida de Greg.
Xavier Dolan: Bound to Impossible
Actors Anne Dorval, Suzanne Clément, Monia Chokri, Gaspard Ulliel, Vincent Cassel, Niels Schneider and Melvil Poupaud discuss working with the young Canadian director Xavier Dolan, who has conquered the hearts of both cinema lovers and prestigious festival juries with his films. To French actress Nathalie Baye, he seems very experienced despite his young age, while Cannes Director Thierry Frémaux says he may be insolent, but everyone agrees he is passionate, creative, a perfectionist and... in a hurry.
Sólo el fin del mundo
Tras doce años de ausencia, un escritor regresa a su pueblo natal para anunciar a su familia que se está muriendo. A medida que el resentimiento reescribe el transcurso de la tarde, los conflictos se desatan alimentados por la duda y la soledad, entre las cinco personas reunidas en la casa familiar. Mientras, cualquier intento por empatizar se ve saboteado por la incapacidad de las personas para escuchar y amar. Sólo el fin del mundo (Juste la fin du monde) supone la adaptación cinematográfica de la obra de teatro homónima de Jean-Luc Lagarce.
Diane, de 45 años, escapa de la clínica donde fue internada para una cura de reposo en Lausana. Con pocas cosas y una pistola, viaja a Evian al otro lado del lago de Ginebra. Busca a los dueños de un viejo Mercedes y sabe que va a llegar hasta el final.
Durante una comida familiar, Cedric, de treinta años, que aún vive en casa de sus padres, se entera de que su hermana está embarazada. Aunque todo el mundo se alegra con la noticia, ésta provoca en él un resentimiento que se convertirá en furia. Intenta, entonces, hablar de los prejuicios de los que se siente víctima desde siempre.
The Assistant
With his wife in labor, father-to-be Thomas (Malik Zidi) speeds to the hospital, and in the process, accidentally kills a young man on the road. That death sets into motion events that will change everyone’s lives forever, including the young man’s mother Marie-France (Nathalie Baye), who cannot recover from the trauma. Nine years later, Marie-France takes a job as Thomas’s secretary without him knowing about her connection to his past. As Marie-France’s maternal rage reaches tragic proportions, she insinuates herself into his life, his work and his family in this classic thriller à la Hitchcock.
El caso SK1
Frédérique Pons
París, 1991. Franck Magne es un joven inspector que inicia su carrera en la Policía Judicial. Su primer caso es el asesinato de una joven. Pronto descubre casos relacionados pero se enfrenta rápidamente con la realidad del trabajo de investigación: la falta de recursos, largas horas, la burocracia... Pasan los años y las víctimas se multiplican. Las pistas están borrosas. Pero Franck Magne, obsesionado con el caso, no dejará de intentar descubrir y dar caza al monstruo responsable de los crímenes, llevando a cabo la que sería la investigación más compleja de la historia de la policía francesa hasta la fecha.
Jeanne (La grand-mère)
Lou, a creative and dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives alone with her mother in an orange building with tons of little balconies that give access to the roof. Mina has been her best friend since kindergarten, and Lou has been in love with Tristan, one of her neighbors, since elementary school. Her mother has relinquished her own personal happiness of late so as to devote herself to her daughter, but their little bubble bursts when Mom meets a man and Lou at last dares speak to Tristan.
Queens of the Ring
More than anything, 30-year-old Rose longs to be reunited with Mickaël, her estranged 11-year-old son who has been placed with a foster family and blames his mother for their long separation. When she discovers that Mickaël is crazy about wrestling, Rose thinks she's found a way to melt the ice: she'll put together a tag team with three girlfriends from the store where all four work as checkout girls...
Laurence Anyways
Julienne Alia
Canadá /// Laurence Alia (Melvil Poupaud) es un profesor de inglés con un trabajo estable y una sólida relación con su novia Fred (Suzanne Clément). Sus vidas parecen encauzadas y sin mayores problemas hasta el día en que él cuenta a sus seres más cercanos y queridos sus planes para cambiarse de sexo.
Bon vent Claude Goretta
Claude Goretta directed “L'invitation” in 1973. For filmmaker Lionel Baier, born in 1975, it is like a “travelling companion”, to adapt Serge Daney’s expression. He feels it is definitive proof that a Swiss can be deeply Chekhovian. The young filmmaker goes to Geneva to ask his elder how he achieved the whoosh of water effect in the film, why attention to detail matters so much, and how to film great actors such as François Simon. This encounter with Claude Goretta – but also with Isabelle Huppert, Nathalie Baye, Michel Robin and Frédérique Meininger – leads one of the greatest of Swiss filmmakers to open up about his work.
Hitler in Hollywood
Nathalie Baye
A bio-doc about Micheline Presle changes into a thrilling investigation of the long hidden truth about European cinema. This mockumentary thriller uncovers Hollywood's unsuspected plot against the European motion picture industry. Numerous directors and stars appear in the film, making it a choice morsel for all film lovers.
No olvide nada
Konrad Lang, un hombre de sesenta años, antiguo compañero de estudios y criado del multimillonario Thomas Koch, vive entregado al alcohol, al piano y a sus recuerdos. Lo mantiene Elvira, la madre de Thomas. Pero, de repente, Konrad enferma y empieza a recordar retazos de su infancia que oculta a Elvira. Basada en la novela "Qué pequeño es el mundo" del suizo Martin Suter.
Una dulce mentira
Emilie es una joven que, además de tener su propia peluquería, sabe aconsejar a sus clientas y amigas. Sin embargo, este don no le sirve para ayudar su madre, que no tiene ganas de vivir desde que perdió a su marido. Una mañana de primavera, Emily encuentra una hermosa carta de amor anónima y decide enviársela a su madre con la esperanza de que la ilusión la ayude a recuperarse.
The Great Restaurant
Une cliente du restaurant
Fragments of the lives of the customers of a great restaurant and the inconvenience of its manager.
Juntos es demasiado
Clémentine y Sébastien son una pareja desbordada por el trabajo y los hijos. Además, la madre de Sébastien, tras descubrir que su marido le es infiel, decide mudarse con ellos.
Un director taiwanés (Kang-sheng) prepara en París una delirante adaptación de la espeluznante historia de Salomé (Laetitia Casta), la hijastra de Herodes que exigió la cabeza de Juan el Bautista (Léaud). Ardant interpreta a la productora del proyecto, y Moreau es la musa inspiradora que aparece en sus sueños.
Las oficinas de Dios
Mezcla de documental y ficción en la que cinco mujeres se convierten en apoyo y guía para los jóvenes que acuden a un centro de planificación familiar. (FILMAFFINTY)
Marie-Hélène Dumoulin / Marie-Octobre
After the Liberation of France during the World War II, ten former Resistant fighters meet again during a dinner organized by Marie-Octobre...
La clienta
Judith es una atractiva cincuentona que vive sola y contrata regularmente los servicios sexuales de jóvenes a través de internet. Así es como conoce a Patrick, cuyo encanto y simplicidad seducirá a una Judith que empezará a verlo regularmente. El encantador joven, cuyo nombre real es Marco, sólo trabaja como chico de compañía para pagar la hipoteca de la peluquería que regenta su esposa Fanny, de la que está profundamente enamorado, aunque ésta desconoce en qué consiste su trabajo en realidad. Cuando ella descubre la verdad, Marco abandona. Sin embargo, poco a poco, a medida que pasa el tiempo y el dinero disminuye, Fanny empujará a su marido a volver a sus lucrativas actividades. Y a Judith.
Off and Running
Irène Montier-Duval
The Price to Pay
Odile Ménard
Jean-Pierre, a wealthy businessman, is lonely. He still desires his wife but she only seems interested in shopping and the beauty salon. Tired of lunching alone every day, one day he decides to invite his chauffeur to join him, and a relationship quickly develops as the two find they have much in common. Are they just cash machines for their wives? Don't they deserve some love in return? Jean-Pierre confiscates his wife's credit card, but things don't turn out exactly the way he'd hoped...
A look at the world of acting: is it possible to go from the shadows to the limelight without losing one's soul?
Michou d'Auber
Set in France during the struggle for Algerian independence, Messaoud's mother is terminally ill and his father, needing to work long hours in the factory, can't look after him, so decides to put him and his older brother Abdel in foster care. Sent to the countryside, Abdel has to work on a farm, but Messaoud is taken in by a childless woman, who conceals his Arab origins from her fiercely Gaullist ex-army husband. Re-named Michel/Michou, and with his hair comically dyed blond, the young boy quickly steals the hearts of both foster-parents, and eventually is instrumental in saving their troubled marriage.
No se lo digas a nadie
Maître Elysabeth Feldman
Margot, la mujer de Alex, fue brutalmente asesinada por un psicópata. Incapaz de recuperarse de la pérdida, su marido no deja de recordarla ni por un momento. Un día, ocho años después, recibe un email. Lo abre y se encuentra con una imagen en tiempo real, la cara de una mujer entre la multitud: es la de Margot
La Californie
Mirko and Stefan, Serbian refugees, move to the French Riviera. There they meet Maguy who lives in a luxurious mansion up the hill above Cannes with an odd group of friends.
Mi hijo
Mother / La mère
Una familia de clase media en una pequeña ciudad de provincias: el padre, profesor universitario; la madre, ama de casa; la hija mayor va a la universidad, mientras que el hijo menor, un muchacho en plena adolescencia, está en el instituto y toma clases de piano. La aparente normalidad familiar se ve alterada por el descubrimiento de la ambigua relación de amor y odio entre la madre y su hijo.
The Young Lieutenant
Commandant Vaudieu
A rookie policeman from provincial Le Havre volunteers for the high pressure Parisian homicide bureau and is assigned to a middle-aged woman detective.
One Stays, the Other Leaves
A story about two couples, longtime friends in which both husbands engage in long-term affairs and, as the title says, ultimately one remains with his wife and one makes a new life with another woman.
François Truffaut, une autobiographie
A documentary tracing the career of filmmaker François Truffaut through the testimony of collaborators and admirers.
Une Vie à t'attendre
A married Frenchwoman living in Brazil returns to her native country to visit her ailing elderly mother. There, she ends up rekindling a love affair with a man whom she hadn't seen in twelve years.
France Boutique
Francois Cluzet and Karin Viard are the couple behind a French shopping channel whose business and marriage are both drifting towards the rocks, with Nathalie Baye as a smiling Rottweiller out to steal their business by conning them into offering a duff product, the 'Fear Eliminator,' and picking up the network for pennies in the ensuing financial fallout.
Two seemingly happily married French couples are forced to contend with a number of issues.
La flor del mal
Anne Charpin-Vasseur
Si el tiempo existe, ¿se puede transmitir la culpabilidad de generación en generación como si se tratara de una enfermedad genética? ¿Qué consecuencias puede tener una falta no expiada en el culpable y también en sus descendientes y familiares? Al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el ambiente enrarecido de los arreglos de cuentas relacionados con el colaboracionismo, una mujer será absuelta de un crimen que ha cometido. La película se desarrolla en la actualidad, durante las últimas elecciones municipales, momento en el que se comete otro crimen. ¿Quién es el culpable? ¿El que comete el crimen o el que se acusa de haberlo cometido? ¿Y culpable de qué? Y si el tiempo no existe…
Atrápame si puedes
Paula Abagnale
Frank Abagnale Jr. trabajó como médico, abogado y copiloto de una de las grandes líneas aéreas, todo ello antes de cumplir los dieciocho años. También fue un genial falsificador y sus habilidades le otorgaron una plaza en la historia. A la edad de 17 años, Frank Abagnale Jr. se convirtió en el ladrón de bancos de más éxito en la historia de Estados Unidos. El agente del FBI Carl Hanratty dedicó la mayor parte de su tiempo a perseguir a Frank para llevarle ante la justicia, pero Frank siempre estaba un paso por delante, retándole a continuar la caza.
Absolutely Fabulous
The wildly popular British television show Absolutely Fabulous gets a Francophonic makeover with this film version directed by Gabriel Aghion. In this go around, Josiane Balasko and Nathalie Baye play the incorrigible Eddie and Patsy, who leave no impulse unenacted and no lust unsated -- be it for sex or the latest in designer clothing. Waking up from a night of drunken debauchery, the two dip right into a feast of champagne and caviar, much to the irritation of Eddie's elegant mother and her resentful daughter. As Eddie stretches an appalling pair of leopard-print leotards (complete with matching shoes, purse, and hat) over her massive rear end, she and Patsy learn of a handsome young Rollerblading delivery boy who quickly becomes the object of their lust. This film was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival.
Barnie's Minor Annoyances
Barnie lives in Calais but works in London. Everyday, he takes the Eurostar to go to his office. Although he is married to Lucie, Barnie has two lovers in London: Margot, a young and fresh advertising executive, and Mark, a hot 35 years old auctioneer. Everything could work out fine like that, until Margot, Mark and Lucie separately offer Barnie the same birthday present: a return ticket to Venice on the Orient-Express, and on the same dates. What will Barnie do? Who will he choose to go with? After thinking that going with Lucie could actually save his marriage, problems are not over: Margot and Mark both show up at Barnie and Lucie's house, pretending to be a couple, and asking Barnie for some explanations. Which he obviously can't give...
Según Matthieu
Matthieu and Eric are two brothers who work at the same factory as their father in Normandy. When his father is dismissed for smoking on the factory floor, Matthieu is incensed and tries to have him reinstated, in vain. His brother has just got married and, with a child and mortgage on the way, is reluctant to stir up trouble...
Tomorrow's Another Day
Such an inconsequential event - the unfortunate purchase of a package of cling film - reveals the character and behavior of a small group of individuals caught up in the chaos of today's society. Though it creates arguments and inner questioning, this event - and its various consequences - also creates bonds.
Una relación privada
Una pareja que se conoce a través de un anuncio de contactos mantiene una relación estrictamente sexual. Pero lo que ellos creían que iba a ser una relación esporádica, se va convirtiendo en algo más, que acaba por trastocar sus planes.
Venus, salón de belleza
Angèle Piana
Vénus es un salón de belleza de barrio en el que, además de los tratamientos estéticos, se dan consejos, se escuchan los problemas graves o leves de las clientas. Se venden cremas, elixires, relajación, sol de mentira... Nadine es la dueña y tiene tres tres esteticistas: Samantha, Marie y Angèle. Angèle hace tiempo que trabaja allí. Se ha amoldado perfectamente a aquel universo rosa, atenta y tranquila, desconectada del tiempo y del ruido.
Beware of My Love
Muriel, a writer nearing 50 whose older lover won't live with her in Paris, meets a man on a train - Samuel, an Arab. He's attracted to her and pursues her, dropping in, asserting himself. She's willing to connect. He's passionate, then boorish, then jealous and possessive. He seems fixed on "Who's the strongest?," while she wants respect and trust. She's self-possessed as well as sexually charged, willing to laugh, and alternately firm and forgiving. He has little money, no immigration papers, few prospects, and a gambling jag. What does each want, and why does she stick with it? Is this colonial strife, war between the sexes, or a love story?
Franck shows up in a gossip magazine photo behind a brawling TV star at a football match.
Food of Love
A group of ex-university students reunite to perform a Shakespeare play in a quaint English village.
Enfants de salaud
Sylvette, a sassy waitress, Sandro, a macho guy, Sophie, a shy bourgeoisie, and Susan, an American actress, do not know each other and do not have much in common. However, they all have the same father, a scammer named Julius.
Les Enfoirés 1996 - La Soirée des Enfoirés
The Machine
Marie Lacroix
Lacroix es un científico que investiga el campo de la psiquiatría criminal. Ha inventado una máquina que permite introducirse en la mente de las personas y saber lo que pasa por la cabeza de un psicópata o de un asesino. Pero, en una ocasión, al probarla con un criminal, la máquina comete un error e intercambia sus mentes. A partir de entonces, Lacroix empieza a pensar exactamente igual que el asesino con el que realizaba el experimento.
En el filo de la duda
Dr. Françoise Barre
Minucioso relato de las reacciones sociales ante el descubrimiento del SIDA y el tenso trabajo de los profesionales y médicos que lo investigan.
Emma has been happily married to Charles, a hardworking journalist, for over ten years. They have a son, and are considering having another child when she learns that she is both pregnant and HIV-positive at a time when Charles is away. As Emma has never used drugs or slept around, and has never had a blood transfusion, there can only be one source for her infection: her absent husband. Shocked to the core by this turn of events, she goes through his things and finds an address book with the names of many women in it. Determined to discover what has been going on, she begins contacting every name in the book. She continues her investigations even after her husband, whom she confronts over this, returns.
François Truffaut: Stolen Portraits
Documentary overview of the life of French filmmaker François Truffaut.
The Voice
The tale of two lovers spending time in Rome when, suddenly, in a restaurant, the man believes he recognizes the voice of a woman he once loved... remembrances and dreams of past love ensue.
Les contes sauvages
Directed by Gérald Calderon and Jean-Charles Cuttoli
The Man Inside
Gunter Wallraff is a journalist seeking to expose the unethical journalism practiced by The Standard, a very popular and powerful German newspaper. He goes undercover, using forged identity papers and at great personal risk, to join their staff. Once there, he sees how they don't just report the news, but manufacture it to suit the personal political agenda of the paper's leaders.
Every Other Weekend
Camille Valmont
Camille, a mercurial César-winning actress, has seen better times. Estranged from her husband, she's with her children only every other weekend. It's her weekend, but her agent has booked her to MC a Rotary club dinner in Vichy. She takes them with her, and when her husband learns this, he demands to pick them up at once. She bolts in a rented car to the seaside, trying to improve her relations with the children, especially the precocious and distant Vincent. He loves astronomy. A rare meteor shower is due in a few days, so she suggests they go to a plateau in Spain hoping to see it. He agrees, but the relationship remains difficult, and her husband is on their trail.
La Baule-les-Pins
En Julio, Lena y Odette planean abandonar Lyon para ir a pasar las vacaciones del 58 a la costa Atlántica, a Baule-les Pins, dónde han alquilado una casa cerca de la playa. Lena está sufriendo graves problemas matrimoniales, y mientras intenta arreglarse con su marido, sus hijas Frédérique y Sophie llegarán antes, acompañadas de su tía Odette, quien no tiene demasiada mano con los niños y no se siente cómodas con ellas. Durante su estancia en la bella villa costera muchas cosas cambiarán en la vida de las dos niñas sin que ellas puedan hacer nada para evitarlo.
Massacre Play
Film makers Clem Da Silva (Tomas Milian) and Theo Steiner (Elliott Gould) are childhood friends, although now estranged. While both are gifted and equally passionate about cinema, their destinies couldn’t have been any different – multiple Oscar winner Theo is successful and admired around the world, whereas few have ever heard of Clem, because he often gets to work only for television. Clem has accused Theo of plagiarising his ideas that, to add insult to injury, went on to win awards.
No Harm Intended
Catherine Duchêne
When Catherine is caught with her illicit lover by her father-in-law Paul, the concerned father leaves to tell his son Thomas about the incident. Paul is injured in an auto accident and returns home in a wheelchair unable to speak. Catherine's guilt weighs heavily on her as she hopes to never let Thomas know she was unfaithful. She panics and seeks a way to eliminate Paul in this psychological thriller.
Engagements of the Heart
Alice is the widow of a Jewish surgeon who helps the former diplomat Jerome smuggle Jews out of Austria to save them from the Nazis. The duo recruits Charles, a shoe manufacturer whose uncle is a Nazi sympathizer in the Vichy government. Charles and Alice become lovers when they are picked up in Paris by Nazi soldiers on a curfew violation.
Cécile Carline
A Frenchwoman in Manhattan, in danger of being deported because of her relationship with a recently arrested drug offender, enters into a marriage of convenience with a stranger that is arranged through an agency. But even though the two are not supposed to even meet, her new husband starts taking his faux wedding vows entirely too seriously.
Beethoven's Nephew
The plot centers around old Beethoven's fixation on the welfare of his nephew, for whom he fought a lengthy custody battle against his brother's former wife. Beethoven thought she was a bad influence on the boy. Sadly, the nephew isn't receptive to Beethoven's "overtures", and resents his boorish uncle's efforts on his behalf. The nephew is a complete nonentity, lacking in both interest and talent. He seems to wish only to be left alone.
Françoise Chenal
Emile Chenal and his wife, Françoise, leaned on boxing manager Jim Fox Warner to cough up the considerable sum of money that he owes them, with both the police and the mob circling the situation. In the same hotel, Inspector Neveu looks into a murder that took place years before, and his storyline overlaps with the arc of the Chenals.
Rive droite, rive gauche
Sacha Vernakis
Longtime friends Guarrigue and Sénanques own a successful law practice in Paris. The dreaded businessman Pervillard is one of their clients. One night, Sénanques, who is in an unhappy relationship, meets Sacha. For her sake, he causes a political scandal involving Pervillard and puts himself in danger.
Nuestra historia
Donatienne Pouget / Marie-Thérèse Chatelard / Geneviève Avranche
Robert Avranche es un hombre de mediana edad aficionado a la bebida. Un día, en un tren piensa en el enorme vacío y falta de sentido de su vida. Inesperadamente, Donatienne, una atractiva joven, entra en su compartimento y le propone hacer el amor...
I Married a Shadow
After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.
El membrillo
Nicole Danet
Nicole, una prostituta parisina, es utilizada por los policías de la Brigada 13ª para llegar a Dede, su novio, el cual les interesa para reemplazar a su antiguo soplón, liquidado por orden del capo de una peligrosa banda a la que la policía quiere detener a toda costa.
El regreso de Martin Guerre
Bertrande de Rols
Aldea de Artigat, sur de Francia, verano de 1542, durante el reinado de Francisco I. Martin Guerre y Bertrande de Rols contraen matrimonio. Pocos años más tarde, acusado de haber cometido un robo, Martin desaparece repentinamente. Cuando, casi una década después, un hombre llega a Artigat diciendo ser Martin, la familia Guerre le reconoce como tal; pero pronto empiezan a surgir dudas sobre su verdadera identidad.
Strange Affair
Nina Coline
A young Parisian advertising executive becomes so captivated by the unsettling charm of his mysterious new employer that he eventually abandons his family and friends, viewing it a privilege to let the ubiquitous employer take over his home, his life, his desire. Only his wife remains suspicious, recognizing both the pathos and the evil in the man’s soul-stealing power.
The Red Shade
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.
Tú me hiciste mujer
Película que narra las relaciones entre una joven "lolita" de 14 años y su padrastro, tras la muerte accidental de la madre. Estrenada en el Festival de Cannes, no estuvo exenta de polémica, más que por su escenas eróticas, por la corta edad del personaje protagonista. (FILMAFFINITY)
Voyage à travers un film (Sauve qui peut (la vie))
A televisual journey guided by Jean-Luc Godard inside his film Sauve qui peut (la vie), incorporating filmed conversations between him and Isabelle Huppert and the film critic Christian Defaye.
La provinciale
Christine Delumet
In this drama, a provincial girl goes to Paris in search of her fortune. Although she finds the City of Light to be quite different from what she'd imagined it to be, the girl manages to retain her dignity. It is only after she is thoroughly disillusioned by her experiences there that she returns to her country life.
Salve quien pueda, la vida
Denise Rimbaud
Una reflexión sobre las relaciones sexuales a través de tres personajes. Denise Rimbaud (Baye) es una editora descontenta con su trabajo que un día decide abandonar a su amante, Paul Godard (Dutronc) e irse a vivir al campo. Paul no quiere abandonar la ciudad, pero no puede vivir sin Denise. El tercer personaje es Isabelle (Huppert), una prostituta que lucha por sobrevivir en la ciudad.
Una semana de vacaciones
Laurence Cuers
Laurence es una joven maestra que se toma unos días de vacaciones que le sirven para reflexionar sobre su profesión, sus deseos y sueños.
Rat Race
Brigitte Ozendron
Young dynamic executive, married and father of two children, Jérôme Ozendron dreams of writing and escaping a life he considers mediocre. The meeting with a former comrade, who had become an actor, brought him into contact with the world of cinema. He meets, Natacha, a cover girl, for whom he is ready to give up, wife and children. Then he becomes the lover of Lilianne, a marginal who persecutes and pursues him. He quit his job to devote himself to writing a novel. But nothing goes as he wants.
Short Memory
Judith Mesnil
In this thriller, a UNESCO translator stumbles across a group which is hiding and supporting Nazis and facilitating their travel around the world. She had been given an assignment to study the work of a writer who recently had died, and the conspiracy is revealed in materials he left behind. She comes upon a young man who is going through the writer's papers, and she immediately assumes he must be one of the conspirators. However, he soon convinces her of his innocence in that regard, and the two together begin a search for the ringleader.
Scénario de 'Sauve qui peut la vie'
Self (archive footage)
Jean-Luc Godard proposes a diary of his creative process. Looking at photos of three actors, Jacques Dutronc, Isabelle Huppert, and Miou-Miou, who were previously cast to play in "Sauve qui peut (la vie)," Godard speaks about great image makers: Dreyer and Wim Wenders, the painters Edward Hopper and Pierre Bonnard.
Mon premier amour
This sentimental drama is the story of the relationship between a lovely mother and her 20-year-old son who never really knew her. When he learns that she is dying of leukemia, he tries to get to know her. By the end of the film, the two have reconciled and she dies feeling at peace.
La habitación verde
Cecilia Mandel
En un pequeño pueblo francés, a finales de los años 20, vive el periodista Julien Davenne, viudo desde hace diez años. Reúne todas las cosas de su mujer Julie en la habitación verde y, cuando un incendio la destruye, Julien construye una pequeña capilla dedicada a Julie y a otros muertos cercanos.
Monsieur Papa
In this family comedy, Papa has no end of trouble getting his young son to accept his new girlfriend.
El amante del amor
Martine Desdoits
Durante el funeral del protagonista, se hace una reflexión sobre las razones que podrían explicar la pasión de este soltero de mediana edad por las mujeres, su necesidad de amarlas y por qué también ellas le correspondían.
Un empresario de media edad, Simon Leotard encuentra su futuro en peligro cuando su compañera Julien se suicidad por las deudas. Su enemigo en los negocios, Lépidon, le ofrece comprarle la empresa por una irrisoria cantidad. Simon decide no caer en la trampa y salir de la crisis a su manera, aunque para ello tenga que contratar a una prostituta llamada Mado.
La última mujer
la fille aux cerises
Gérard es ingeniero en una fábrica de Créteil a las afueras de París. Su mujer Gabrielle acude a las reuniones del Movimiento de Liberación Femenino y acaba por abandonarle por razones puramente feministas. La pareja tiene un niño, Pierrot, al que Gérard ama profundamente y del que se hace cargo tras el abandono de su mujer. Un día, tras llevarle al médico, entabla una relación con Valérie, la puericultora que atiende al pequeño. Ella se preparaba para viajar a Túnez con Michel, un amante ocasional, pero acaba aceptando instalarse, durante algún tiempo, en la casa de Gérard.
Fill 'er Up with Super
When a young auto salesman is forced to give up a vacation with his wife in order to drive a big American car to its new owner who lives on the Riviera, he makes the best of things. First, he gets and old friend to ride along with him. Then, the two of them are joined by another pair of men who want to ride south.
Esquisse d'une jeune femme sens dessus dessous
The Slap
Christine Abeillé
A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.
La boca abierta
Este drama se centra en una mujer en la última etapa de una enfermedad terminal y en las repercusiones de su enfermedad en sus familiares más cercanos.
The descent into hell begins for Edouard, a disillusioned marginal, when he loses his job, and his wife leaves with his son. His meeting with a mysterious stranger, who claims to work for the secret services, leads him to commit the irreparable. Was it a trap or just a symptom of his madness? There is doubt...
La noche americana
El rodaje de una película tropieza con una serie de dificultades que afectan tanto a los miembros del equipo como a la propia película.
Faustine and the Beautiful Summer
De vacaciones en el verano que cumple dieciséis años, en la casa de campo de su abuelo, Faustine, además de pasear y soñar, espía a sus vecinos, dos hermanos, Jean y Julien, sus hijos respectivos y la joven esposa de Julien. Observándolos, se familiariza con la vida y los ritos del amor. Soñando con Joachim, el hijo de Julien, comienza el despertar de su sensualidad. Antes de finalizar sus vacaciones, Faustine entra en la vida adulta, confrontando sus sueños y la realidad.