A teenage boy who finds himself being stalked by the mythical being 'Slender Man' over a period of days. Heavily inspired by the game 'Slender' by Parsec Productions.
Camera Operator
A teenage boy who finds himself being stalked by the mythical being 'Slender Man' over a period of days. Heavily inspired by the game 'Slender' by Parsec Productions.
A teenage boy who finds himself being stalked by the mythical being 'Slender Man' over a period of days. Heavily inspired by the game 'Slender' by Parsec Productions.
Cine negro. Estuvo nominada al Óscar a la mejor película, en la primera edición de los premios de la Academia. El protagonista es el capitán McQuigg (Thomas Meighan), un honrado policía irlandés de Chicago.