Associate Producer
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
When an elderly priest died, the people in charge of his diocese discovered that it was a woman. Without anyone suspecting it, she had been practicing her vocation for years. Dismayed, the bishop decided to launch an investigation and asked the chancellor of the diocese to find out how, why and with what complicity such a deception was possible.
After failing the medical entrance exam, Léopold enters midwifery school by default, hiding the truth from those around him. While he is unconvinced of his commitment to this exclusively female environment, his meeting with Nathalie, an experienced midwife with a passionate character, will change his view of this fascinating world and upset his certainties.
Cuando María consigue un trabajo en el equipo de limpieza de la prestigiosa Academia de Bellas Artes de París, su vida da un vuelco. Inmediatamente se lleva bien con Hubert, el excéntrico conserje de la escuela, obsesionado con dominar los icónicos movimientos de baile de Elvis Presley. El vínculo que crece entre ellos rompe la soledad de María, que se redescubre a sí misma y a un mundo nuevo de emociones. ¿Se atreverá a dejarlo todo para disfrutar al máximo de la vida y el amor?
Aline nunca ha conseguido hacer el duelo de su hijo, muerto con 17 años en una pelea callejera. Cuando, de casualidad, se cruza con su agresor, que acaba de salir de la cárcel, Aline decide montar un plan para vengarse. A pesar de su determinación, Aline empieza a dudar a medida que va conociendo al joven agresor.
La femme qui vient récupérer l'appareil à raclette
Twig, Cap y Rusty viven como pueden en el Bois de Vincennes, al este de París. Esto puede cambiar por completo el día en que se enteran de que son los ganadores de la lotería nacional, ¡aunque es menos de lo esperado! Sin embargo, aún necesitan recolectar el dinero y compartirlo en partes iguales. Lo más difícil de todo será retomar una vida “normal”, llena de sorpresas y contradicciones.
From a Siberian nomads’ camp buried under snow to the remote bush of Burkina Faso, passing by the flooded lands of Bangladesh, Émilie Thérond follows teachers inspired by their sole and common vocation. They are the heroes who will help nurture the adults of tomorrow. They know an educated child can change the world... This film is the story of magical encounters that have transformed the lives of children and their teachers alike.
Miranda Bloomberg
Parody of the acclaimed Australian series of the 80s, Return to Eden. Wealthy heiress Stephanie Harper marries athlete Craig Danners, without suspecting that he only wants her money and is having an affair with her best friend, Crystal. Craig and Crystal have a plan to get rid of Stephanie and steal her fortune by making her suffer a terrible accident, which leaves her face disfigured. She is saved by the handsome Doctor Danley, who performed a plastic surgery on Stephanie that turned her into a completely different and beautiful woman. Stephanie starts plotting her revenge against Craig and Crystal, who believe that she died in the accident.
Lili Michel (sketch 'Antagonistophilie')
Enfrentadas a sus fantasías más ocultas, seis parejas intentan explorar las facetas más oscuras de su vida íntima. Seis puestas en cuestión sobre el acceso al placer. Desde los juegos de rol a la abstinencia, pasando por el exhibicionismo, seis historias distintas alrededor del mismo cuestionamiento sobre lo que es el deseo hoy en día.
Alexandra Pacquart
11 de marzo de 2011. El mayor terremoto que ha experimentado Tokio desencadena el desastre de Fukushima. Alexandra acaba de llegar al país procedente de Francia para trabajar en un banco y tiene que afrontar esta crisis nuclear.
Un día, Jean-Louis descubre que su corazón se ha detenido. No está muerto, puede caminar y hablar, pero su corazón ya no late. Con la ayuda de su esposa y un amigo, intenta comprender el origen de este misterio.
Eve y Henri son un matrimonio francés viviendo en Viena. Eve, tras descubrir que su marido le es infiel, buscará venganza al tiempo que intentará mantener las apariencias en su entorno burgués de expatriados donde reinan la hipocresía y las mentiras.
Cuando Myriam, la madre de dos niños pequeños, decide, a pesar de la renuencia de su esposo a reanudar su actividad en un bufete de abogados, la pareja está buscando una niñera. Después de un reparto severo, se enfrentan a Louise, quien rápidamente conquista el afecto de los niños y gradualmente ocupa un lugar central en el hogar. Poco a poco la trampa de la dependencia mutua se cerrará, hasta la tragedia.
Mado Le Nadant
Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past.
Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Marquise de Grand-Air
Born to a poor farming family in Brittany, Bécassine finds work as a nanny with the Marquise de Grand-Air who has recently adopted a lovely baby named Loulotte. A strong bond develops between Becassine and Loulotte, and life is sweet, until the Grand-Airs are threatened with financial ruin… Can Bécassine save the day? Naïve, funny, dreamy, optimistic, loving, Bécassine is also inventive, courageous and always ready to handle any situation in her own unique way – a superheroine like no other. César-winner Bruno Podalydès returns with a family movie adapted from the beloved French comic book Bécassine.
Nathalie Pécheux
Nathalie Pêcheux (Karim Viard) es una maestra que acaba de divorciase y que experimentará una enorme transformación. De ser una mujer equilibrada y una madre cuidadosa, se convertirá en una persona locamente celosa y maniática. Su hija Mathilde de 18 años acaba de comenzar una relación amorosa, y será la primera en padecer las consecuencias del cambio repentino de su madre. La nueva y disparatada Nathalie pondrá patas arriba la vida de sus amigos, de su ex marido y hasta incluso del vecindario.
There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…
Adélaïde de Montmirail
Godofredo de Miramonte y su fiel sirviente Delcojón se ven proyectados en una época de profundas convulsiones políticas y sociales: la revolución francesa, concretamente en el período de terror. En ese momento de grandes peligros, los descendientes de Delcojón, revolucionarios convencidos, confiscan el castillo y todos los bienes a los descendientes de Godofredo, aristócratas arrogantes huidos cuya vida pende de un hilo.
Christine Dubreuil
Un invierno excepcionalmente frío obliga al gobierno francés para empujar las personas alojadas mejor para dar cabida a algunos conciudadanos pobres. El decreto llamado "Le Grand Partage" crea algunos problemas entre los vecinos de un bloque de apartamentos de lujo París.
During the height of summer, Caroline, a forty-year-old Parisian and mother, arrives in a small village in the south of France. She must hastily organize the funeral of her mother, a flighty lawyer, whom she barely used to see. Caroline is welcomed by Pattie, who likes to talk about her love affairs with the local men to anyone who'll listen. Then, while the whole valley gets ready for the traditional mid-summer dance, Caroline's mother's corpse mysteriously disappears...
Forence Deffe
Jerome Varenne (Mathieu Amalric) es un financiero francés que vive en Shanghái con su compañera sentimental y profesional Chen-Li (Gemma Chan). En un breve viaje de negocios a París, se entera por su madre y su hermano de que la casa de su infancia se va a vender. Para impedirlo y saber de primera mano qué es lo que realmente está ocurriendo decide ir al pueblo. Lo que no sabe es que ese viaje cambiará para siempre el curso de su vida.
Durante sus vacaciones en el sur de Francia, Violette, una sofisticada parisina, conoce a Jean-René, un geek informático, y contra todo pronóstico se enamoran. Pero los problemas empiezan cuando Jean-René se traslada a París y conoce a Lolo, el muy posesivo hijo de 19 años de Violette, que está decidido a librarse de él cueste lo que cueste.
Gigi Bélier
Todos los miembros de la familia Bélier son sordomudos, excepto Paula, de 16 años. Ella hace de intérprete para sus padres, especialmente en lo que respecta al funcionamiento de la granja de la familia. Un día, alentada por su profesor de música, que ha descubierto su talento para el canto, decide prepararse para la audición del Coro de Radio France, pero se trata de una elección que la obligará a distanciarse de su familia.
Marithé Bressy
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
It sometimes takes little to spoil a weekend in the country. A simple misunderstanding in a supermarket parking lot, a bad reaction, and there you go, everything is awry. Nothing is going well for Christine. Jean leaves her. Her oldest friends, Sylvette and Ulrich, are no longer such good friends. Everything is falling apart at the seams. But life is always full of surprises.
Various Characters
After a job interview gone wrong, Lulu sets sail leaving her husband and three children behind. But being an adventurer is easier said than done.
La acción transcurre en una región de montañas y lagos, en algún lugar entre Suiza y Francia. Marc, de cuarenta años de edad, es profesor de Literatura en la Universidad de Lausana. Tiene un idilio detrás de otro con sus estudiantes. Aún soltero, vive con su hermana Marianne. El invierno casi ha terminado cuando una de sus más brillantes alumnas, Barbara, desaparece. Dos días más tarde conoce a Anna, la madre de Barbara, que quiere saber más acerca de su hija desaparecida.
Une people à Cannes soirée Melko
La historia comienza con dos hechos: el entierro de la mujer de Zef y las nupcias de la hija de Roni. Esta situación imprevista agrava los conflictos entre los dos hermanos, alejados el uno del otro en cualquier ámbito posible: oficio, mujeres, austeridad religiosa en contraposición con la alegría de vivir... Todo los separa, salvo su padre, que ha perdido la cabeza, y sus dis hijas, que se adoran. Entre Londres, París, Saint-Tropez y Nueva York, surgirán enfrentamientos, malentendidos y traiciones que oscurecerán el panorama familiar; sin embargo, gracias a estas disputas y a sus caóticas reconciliaciones, nacerá una gran historia de amor... o quizá dos.
Yann Piat
February 25, 1994, Yann Piat is executed at point blank range by two gunmen on a motorcycle. Its first victories for the FN in 1986 to his ambition in 1994 to take the town hall of Hyères under the banner of the UDF, Yann Piat methods and a speech that upset both policies, businessmen, and middle.
Claire Martin / Mélina
A sus 40 años, Mélina es la voz más famosa de Francia. Es animadora de radio y todas las noches por la antena se dedica a resolver los problemas afectivos y sexuales de los oyentes con descaro, humorismo y sin tapujos. Todo el mundo conoce su voz pero nunca se le vio la cara. En la vida, evita todo contacto con la gente y vive como una solterona de barrio elegante. Se propone buscar a una madre que nunca conoció y al descubrir que ésta viviendo con su familia numerosa a las afueras de París, decide acercarse a ella de incognito… (FILMAFFINITY)
París, Francia. Fred y sus colegas, miembros de la BPM, la Unidad de Protección de Menores de la Policía, dedicada a perseguir todo tipo de delitos cometidos contra los más débiles, deben soportar el escrutinio de Melissa, una fotógrafa encargada de documentar gráficamente la rutina diaria del equipo.
Albertine adulte
Durante un viaje con su marido y sus hijos, Albertine recuerda el viaje que hizo a Bretaña, cuando tenía diez años, para asistir a la celebración del cumpleaños de su abuela en casa de su tía Suzette. El skylab, la primera estación espacial americana, fuente de fantasía para los más jóvenes de la familia, se convierte en una obsesión para Anna, la madre de Albertine, una mujer neurótica que se siente aterrorizada ante la posibilidad de que el satélite se estrelle en la costa oeste de Francia.
France, a factory worker, lives with her three daughters in Dunkirk. The factory where she worked has been closed, leaving France and all of her workmates without a job. She decides to go to Paris to look for work. There she finds a cleaning job at the home of a rich man, Steve, whose world is radically different from her own. As their paths keep crossing, she discovers that her employer played a part in closing the factory in Dunkirk...
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Irène Janus
Día 1 de enero de 1993: fecha de la creación de la Eurozona. Dos agentes de aduanas -un belga y un francés- se enteran de que sus puestos en la frontera de sus respectivos países están a punto de desaparecer. Para Ruben Vandervoorde (Benoît Poelvoorde), el agente de aduanas belga, la francofobia es una tradición familiar. El agente francés Mathias Ducatel (Dany Boon) es enemigo declarado de Ruben y está secretamente enamorado de su hermana. Para sorpresa de todos, Mathias y Ruben olvidan sus antiguas rencillas y deciden trabajar juntos, peinando las carreteras rurales fronterizas con un vehículo especial de las aduanas internacionales: un Renault 4L a punto de ir al desguace.
En los años setenta, una rica burguesa, después de una huelga, se tiene que hacer cargo de la fábrica familiar. Robert Pujol, su marido, dirigía su fábrica de paraguas con mano de hierro; trataba a sus empleados del mismo modo despótico que a su esposa Suzanne y a sus hijos
A human-rights activist takes in an illegal immigrant and her daughter, then shocks his family when they learn that he has married the sexy 28-year-old.
Aunque el fin del mundo se acerca, Robinson Laborde, se recupera poco a poco del fracaso de una aventura amorosa por la que se había decidido a dejar a su mujer. A pesar de la inminencia del desastre, y quizás para enfrentarse mejor a él, se embarca en una verdadera odisea que le lleva por las carreteras de Francia y España.
Una noche de verano varios amigos se reúnen para cenar. Cada uno de ellos trata de enmascarar sus problemas personales y pasar una agradable noche de comida, vino y amistad. Sin embargo, las parejas empiezan muy pronto a mostrar su verdadero estado de ánimo, su insatisfacción mutua, y queda de manifiesto que lo que realmente pretenden es vivir una aventura amorosa.
Karin Viard
Una realizadora quiere rodar una película documental que sirva como homenaje a actrices de todo tipo. Le da igual si se trata de artistas populares, estrellas, cómicas, intelectuales, desconocidas o, incluso, olvidadas. La directora lo filmará todo de cada una de ellas, con o sin su permiso, hasta que ella misma se deja atrapar por estas mujeres que acaban resultando tan quebradizas como manipuladoras.
Ten years after their disastrous walking holiday in Corsica, four friends – Cora, Nadine, Mathieu and Louis – decide to spend the summer together on the Côte d’Azur. To their surprise, who should they meet in St-Tropez but Eric, the guide-from-Hell who transformed their last holiday into a nightmare and whom they swore never to see again...
La Boulangère
Un hombre enfermo que ve que la muerte se acerca, empieza a considerar y a valorar de manera distinta la vida de los que lo rodean: unos verduleros, una panadera, una asistente social, un bailarín, un arquitecto, un sin-techo, un profesor de universidad, una modelo, un inmigrante ilegal de Camerún. Todos ellos tienen problemas que pueden parecer insignificantes, pero que para ellos son los problemas más importantes del mundo.
Dos personas, muy lejanas la una de la otra, acaban acercándose por el trabajo y porque la situación acaba provocándolo. Ella es una mujer casada, productora de un programa de televisión, llena de dudas sentimentales y profesionales. Él es un hombre, homosexual, autor de biografías de artistas más o menos olvidados, deprimido por el resultado de su última obra.
Juliette "Juju" Gotchac
Lulu's mother is depressed and has been as far back as she can remember, Lulu is determined to discover the truth behind her listlessness.
Judith Zahn
On the one hand you have Judith Zahn, an arrogant, snobbish, bitchy Parisian editor. On the other hand meet Julien Demarsay: an insecure, timid, young bookseller from the East of France who has just written his first autobiographic novel, with what it takes of navel-contemplating and soul-searching. What do they have in common? Nothing much, except that sex will unite them, ambition part them before true love is born between them at last.
París, años 80. Un hombre que acaba de salir de prisión es rechazado por su mujer. En presencia de sus tres hijas, se inicia una violenta disputa que se salda con el suicidio del padre. Con el paso del tiempo las relaciones familiares entre las hermanas se rompen. Sophie, la mayor, casada con un fotógrafo con el que tiene dos hijos, está atravesando un momento difícil. Anne, la más pequeña, estudia arquitectura y mantiene una relación pasional con Frédéric, uno de sus profesores. Céline, que es la única que visita a su madre, que está recluida en una residencia, conoce a un tipo encantador llamado Sébastien, pero no puede ni siquiera imaginar que le revelará un sorprendente secreto que facilitará el acercamiento entre las hermanas y les permitirá superar su pasado.
Jeanne Lancry
Pierre Esteban is a middle-aged technology teacher, divorced from Hélène, who has two children. Jeanne Lancry is a lively estate agent in the same situation : a divorcée with two children. They discover they love visiting empty apartments together and...more than just that! Life would be just wonderful if they were fifteen years earlier. But there are the children. It would be fine to live altogether in the same place. The question is : will the kids get on well with each other?
Marlène Davert
Bruno Davert es un alto ejecutivo que trabaja desde hace quince años en una fábrica de papel. Debido a la reestructuración económica de la empresa, él y cientos de empleados son despedidos de la noche a la mañana. En principio la medida no le preocupa; es joven (ronda los cuarenta), tiene una preparación excelente y confía en encontrar pronto un puesto de trabajo similar. Tres años después, aún sin trabajo, sólo piensa en sobrevivir y garantizar el futuro de su familia. Por ello, decide, con la ayuda de un arma, pasar a la acción y aniquilar a la competencia de una forma ordenada y lógica. Al mismo tiempo prepara el asalto a la Corporación Arcadia, el último obstáculo entre él y el puesto laboral que ansía.
Six years after their split, a woman attempts to get her ex-husband back by unusual means.
Suzy Castelano
A writer of novels in need of an editor accepts the contract offered to him by a famous writer: to eliminate his ex-wife against a large sum of money.
Claire Rocher
A humble copy editor becomes a personal assistant to her favorite actress and eventually loses herself both in the actress' demands and her own ego.
Francois Cluzet and Karin Viard are the couple behind a French shopping channel whose business and marriage are both drifting towards the rocks, with Nathalie Baye as a smiling Rottweiller out to steal their business by conning them into offering a duff product, the 'Fear Eliminator,' and picking up the network for pennies in the ensuing financial fallout.
Anne is thirty six ears old, her friends decide to organize a surprise birthday party where boys are excluded.
Un grupo de amigos se van juntos de vacaciones. Elizabeth, una glamourosa ama de casa, se ofrece a compartir habitación con Julie, una chica soltera, y su bebé. El marido de Elizabeth aprovecha la ocasión para quedarse en la ciudad y pasar una semana con su amante. Vero y Jerôme, viajan con su hijo Loic, aunque no se alojan en el mismo hotel. Muy pronto, Vero se ofrece para cuidar a la hija de Julie, con el fin de convencerla para que ayude a Loic a perder la virginidad. Mientras tanto, Lulu y Jean-Pierre, tienen problemas debido a los obsesivos celos de éste.
Hortense Lassalle
Some days turn out to be simply unforgettable. For Marie, it all starts with a pregnancy test… that proves positive, a car accident and being fired from her job... For Hortense, mobile phone in hand, the frantic quest for sexual satisfaction begins in a traffic jam... For both Luis and Maurice, the unexpected appearance of a loved one pitches them into a world of dreams and nightmares. While some of the characters know each other, others come into contact by chance. One woman profits from all this, the other is shattered. One will have gone looking for trouble, the other will have asked for nothing. There'll be no fatalities.
Vincent se queda sin empleo, pero no tiene valor para contárselo a su familia y amigos, por lo que decide inventarse un trabajo en las Naciones Unidas, un trabajo ficticio que le obliga a vagar sin rumbo día tras día.
Marianne Fauvel
Marianne y Jacques llevan una existencia aparentemente tranquila junto a sus dos hijos en un gran apartamento parisino, sin conocer la tragedia que allí tuvo lugar. Un día en que Marianne se encuentra sola, recibe la visita de una siniestra pareja de ancianos, que dicen haber vivido en el apartamento cuando eran niños. Desde ese momento, empiezan a suceder extraños acontecimientos: los hijos de Marianne comienzan a comportarse de forma diferente, las puertas se cierran solas, la niñera sufre un accidente, y Jacques experimenta violentos accesos de cólera que dan paso a crisis de angustia. Por si fuera poco, Marianne experimenta fantasías y miedos que la llevan al borde de la locura...
Summer 1969 on the Mediterranean coast. Paul and Vincent are childhood buddies. On a beach one day, they meet Alice and her friend Eve. After a series of memorable adventures, couples fall into place but not quite in the right order. Alice blossoms elsewhere, Paul marries Eve and Vincent weds Marie. The 70s are in full swing. Thanks to the pill, women's lives change radically, sexology is in, feminists's voices can be heard loud and clear but unrestricted and free access to abortion has yet to be attained. Against the backtop of a decade marked by sexual liberation, these three girls and two boys will cross each other's paths, love one another, split up and reunite.
A woman in the fourth month of her first pregnancy fights to save the baby while being treated for breast cancer.
Marie Dorval
París, 1832. Dos palabras, "romanticismo" y "revolución" están en boca de todo el mundo. El 3 de junio, una sublevación estudiantil provoca una revuelta, y las calles se llenan de sangre. Ese mismo día, la baronesa Dudevant llega de provincias para emprender su carrera literaria bajo el seudónimo de George Sand. A los 23 años, Alfred de Musset, "el poeta y escritor de mayor relieve de su generación", es el cabecilla de una pandilla de vividores que malbaratan su juventud en una disipación absurda, sin esperanza ni ideal alguno.
In the morning, two friends, a producer and an actor, discover the corpse of a young woman who accompanied them the previous night. The shooting of the day is not going to go as planned at all.
Camille is an emancipated 30-something woman who has no desire to settle down and have a family, preferring to coast along on a succession of ephemeral relationships and one-night stands. However, her lifestyle fails to satisfy her fully, and in a moment of depression she runs into a complete stranger, Alexis, whom she instantly falls in love with. Alexis, alas, is married, with two children, and works for the Socialist Party. None of this is going to deter Camille though…
24 hours in a man's life who became famous. He returns in his childhood's city after 30 years of absence
On a sunday, Marguerite and Mario meet while waiting for the train.
Fired from his work and left by his girlfriend, Jean falls into despair
A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.
Carole sees her parents twice a year in Paris.
Paris, 1996. Parisian editor Pierre Duval has an affair with Claire, wife of wealthy architect Bernard Jaillac. The latter has to supervise a large-scale operation in Morocco, he asks Pierre to join them in the desert. Bernard is obssessed by another woman, but who is she really?
Six years before this story begins, Rosemonde killed a would-be rapist. She was acquitted and returned to working part-time in a Geneva bar. Back in the present, a brand new television station seeks to create a television film about Rosemonde's life. The project is helmed by independent producer Kevin assigns his screen-writing pal Paul to interview Rosemonde and use it for the basis of a fictionalized teleplay. Unfortuantely for him, the taciturn and cynical barmaid wants nothing to do with project and refuses to speak to Paul. This satirical French-Swiss drama follows Paul as he simultaneously attempts to get her story and into her bed. Since Rosemonde refuses to speak to him, Paul decides to pay his ex-lover Marie, a serious stage actress, become the bar maid's friend.
A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teacher Hugo. And this is mixed up with Sebastien's attempts to seduce Claire then her mother Anne. And also Claire's psychiatrist.
Vincent and Claire are in their thirty's. They meet at Vincent's flat where he starts playing a perverse game.
La fille aux cheveux jaunes (comme des frites)
Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.
Art Gallery Girl #2
Tras una caótica noche de disturbios en un suburbio marginal de París, tres jóvenes amigos, Vinz, Hubert y Saïd, deambulan desocupados esperando noticias sobre el estado de salud de un amigo común que ha resultado gravemente herido al enfrentarse a la policía.
This French farce chronicles one special day in the lives of a married pair of Parisian architects, Fabienne and Bruno, as they anxiously await the results of an important architectual contest they have entered. Unable to handle the stress of waiting, both turn to sexual liason's to ease their tension. Bruno ends up enacting a dark sexual fantasy with a stranger while Fabienne eventually succumbs to the advances of Bruno's friend Simon, a fortyish Lebanese businessman and part-time drug dealer. The comedy takes on overtones of psycho-drama when the contest winner announced and the couple discovers the truth of each other's actions. A cache of drugs, discovered in an apartment only adds to their troubles.
Authentically painful study of an ill-matched couple's forlorn attempts to revive their relationship after a two-year break.
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
In Paris, Pierre and Anne have been living together for a couple of years and they have the eighteen months son Loulou, who stays with the nanny Laurence during the day while they work. Their best friends are the couple Victor and Claire, who also is not married but live together. Out of the blue, Pierre feels Anne estranged with him and sooner she discloses that she is in love with another man. Pierre seems to accept her affair but their relationship rapidly deteriorates, and Pierre becomes violent with her.
Clara (Karin Viard) is a stripper with a high-strung, jealous boyfriend with the curious name of Loockeed (Antoine Chappey). The couple are friends with the even-temperred, almost saintly Max (Gerald Laroche), an auto mechanic. The three of them set out from their home in the north to journey to the Alpine mountains near Switzerland and Italy, where they will help a fourth friend take care of his pleasure boat business at Lake Annecy while he is in military service. As the trio attempt to establish some sort of equilibrium in their new lives, Max must constantly deal with Loockeed's testy, jealous barbs. Despite this, the three of them remain friends.
Cécile is twenty. She is expecting a child from Pierre, who is thirty-five. She goes through her pregnancy with peace of mind. Quite unlike Pierre, who dreads the prospect of fatherhood... That is when Isabelle, an ex of Pierre's, turns up. Like Pierre, she is thirty-five and like Cécile, she dreams of becoming a mother. She wouldn't mind making up with her former lover. Wouldn't he be the perfect choice to sire her child?
In a neighborhood threatened of destruction and where a majority of marginalized people live, Violette, a painter finds her friend Pierre.
Three girls are stopped on the side of the road. A man drives by and stops to meet them.
Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.
La fille
Even among bombers and murderers, there is a social ladder, a hierarchy to climb. Jeremie is a mere bomber who blows up people and places for mobsters in Paris. He may not look it, scruffy lad that he is, but he is a sensitive fellow, and he feels his lowly status keenly. If only he could graduate to the ranks of hitmen, who are honored in his world, perhaps then he would feel more like somebody. He finally gets his chance when he receives instructions to kill the eminent hitman Max, who knows too much to be left alive. Instead of planning a cool and distant hit, Jeremie gets to know his quarry personally and thereby gets entangled in a mass of conflicting allegiances. Max has one more assignment and has asked Jeremie to help him with it. The hero-worshipping boy can't bring himself to knock of this classy guy. However, just having such an inept apprentice as Jeremie around is enormously dangerous for the soon-to-be-retired killer.
Joëlle, a simple and energetic young woman, works as a hairdresser for Mrs. Delbarre. When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks her to donate her bone marrow for a transplant, on the condition that she does not seek to know the recipient, she accepts without hesitation. But the temptation is too strong and she investigates in order to discover the person who benefited from her generous gesture. It is a handsome young man with whom she immediately falls in love.
When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks Joëlle, a simple young girl, to donate her bone marrow in view of a transplant, she agrees without hesitation. Despite the pain and the risks, she only thinks of saving a human life. Just one condition is imposed : the giver is not allowed to meet the transplanted in any case. However it is more than she can take, so Joëlle sifts through the medical network until she meets Arnaud. The more she advances, the more she becomes attached to her transplanted, to the point where she believes that her marrow influences his dreams and desires. Ambiguity will reign throughout this love comedy.
Noëlle Faucher
A fight happens during a a big party organized by a couple for their housewarming
Story about Elise and Helene, two sisters who do everything alike.
Mademoiselle Plusse
Esta comedia negra y surrealista nos cuenta acerca de un pequeño pueblo postapocalíptico, donde Clapet, el carnicero, alimenta a sus clientes con carne humana. Cuando su hija se enamora de su siguiente víctima, las cosas se empiezan a torcer.
Cesar 1992 of the best short movie
Tatie Danielle es una comedia negra sobre una viuda que intenta arruinar la vida de su sobrino nieto y su esposa. Tsilla Chelton interpreta al personaje principal, que llora la muerte de su esposo atormentando a todos los que conoce. Finalmente, ella se muda con su sobrino y su vanidosa esposa. Pronto, su familia está en guerra con Tatie, y se va a Grecia, dejándola al cuidado de Sandrine (Isabelle Nanty), una au pair que es tan amarga como Tatie. Al principio, los dos no se llevan bien, pero finalmente se hacen amigos. Sin embargo, Sandrine está invitada a acompañar a un estudiante estadounidense para pasar la noche en la playa, lo que dejaría a Tatie sola por una noche. Enfurecida, Tatie despide a Sandrine, y mientras está sola, entra en una profunda depresión, y finalmente incendia el departamento de la familia. El incendio se convierte en una historia nacional, con Tatie elegida como una anciana pobre y la familia etiquetada como villanos crueles y despiadados
La bouchère
No available plot
Madame de Sévigné
In the middle of the 17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné wanted to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter then experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion. A major work of French literature is born from this devastation.